Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 551 The Disappearing Police and “Qu0026A in Heaven” Please give me your monthly ticket-(

Chapter 551 The Disappearing Police and “Q\u0026A in Heaven” Please give me your monthly ticket-(¬¬)σ

If all three questions are asked and the target gives a positive answer to the last question, then he will get lost to a place where no one can find him in the next 1 to 72 hours. The specific time is random.

If the target gives a negative answer at the end of the question, then from the time of his refusal, within 1-72 minutes, the person who activates the skill will have eight freely controllable spider legs growing on his back.

The third situation is a little more troublesome - if the target keeps ignoring people, or gets irritated and leaves on the way without waiting for the third question, then in the next 1 to 72 minutes, the person who activated the skill will You will fall into some extreme lack of confidence and try to engage in dangerous self-destructive behaviors.

...According to Jiang Xia's previous experiments, this skill sounds a bit mysterious, but it is relatively safe for both others and oneself when used. Especially for him, the third situation is still controllable.

Moreover, Jiang Xia felt that Feng Jianyu didn't look like the cold and silent type.

This time using "Heaven Question" on him, it is best to achieve the first situation - sending Fengmi Yuya to get lost safely.

When the time comes, Toru Amuro will not insist on leaving even for the sake of this inexplicably lost subordinate. As long as she stays in this area, Jiang Xia can pick up what she wants.

If Yuya Kazami is too sensible and refuses to accompany Miss Spider to heaven, then he will have no choice but to pretend to be a late-night fraud gang, knock Kazami unconscious, take away his wallet, and then find a safe place to hide him. , until the ghost is picked up...

Nearly ten kilometers away.

Kazami Yuya checked the equipment to be brought, put away the spare tire, and explained the work to his colleagues who were not as reliable as him.

Then drive off.

The fog filled the air, and it quickly became difficult to see the road ahead and behind him. It seemed like he was the only one in the whole forest, which was eerie.

Kazami Yu also pushed up his glasses, worried that he would go the wrong way due to the visibility. At the same time, he did not want to follow in the footsteps of his boss - a sudden tire puncture, so he drove with extra caution.

He lowered his head from time to time to confirm the location of his boss from the locator - Toru Amuro brought a transmitter to prevent his subordinates from losing track.

Just like that, I looked down from time to time to confirm my position and walked out safely.

Later, in front of a fork, Yuya Kazami slowed down the car as usual and carefully identified the location of the transmitter.

When he started again, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly felt that something was not right.

Immediately afterwards, the car body suddenly shook.

- He hit something.

Everything happened too fast and too abruptly. In the thick fog, Yuya Kazami stepped on the brakes instinctively.

After that, he stayed for half a second, and then his mind slowly replayed the image that had just flashed across his retina - a man in white clothes, almost dissolved in the mist, walked lightly in front of the car, and happened to be caught by him. run down.

...He hit someone? !

...Why are there people in such deep mountains in the middle of the night? Could it be that he was also an unlucky passerby who got lost due to a flat tire?

While Feng Jian Yuya was worried, he vaguely smelled a hint of conspiracy. He adjusted the position of the gun, then carefully opened the door and got out.

Under the illumination of the car lights, a person can be seen lying in front of the car.

When Kazami Yuya walked around to the front of the car, it was slowly sitting up.

"...I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Kazami Yuya came closer and reached out to help the "unlucky passer-by" while looking at him carefully.

I saw this seemed to be a thin woman, wearing a pure white kimono and a white bamboo hat to keep out the rain. The clothes on the back were torn for some reason, and the whole person was mixed in the mist, giving people an inexplicable sense of erratic death. . short, kind of like a ghost.

Kazami Yuya instinctively got goosebumps.

Then he quickly realized that when he bumped into the man in white, he really felt that he bumped into an entity, not some fantasy thing.

...It should be a human being.

He reluctantly suppressed the fuzzy feeling in his heart, hesitated for a moment, took off his coat and put it on the injured citizen.

At the same time, he professionally guessed the identity of the man in white.

...Why are you wandering in the mountains in the middle of the night? I encountered a robber and my car was robbed. Or was it like Mr. Furitani who suffered a puncture and his cellphone ran out of battery, forcing him to abandon the car and leave?

Speaking of which, there is another strange thing.

——Why is this man wearing a kimono?

It doesn't look like there is any kind of banquet in this deep mountain and old forest. If it is not used as a dress for formal occasions, it is more or less rich to wear a kimono as everyday clothes... Could it be that the eldest daughter of some family escaped from marriage or ran away from home and ran away to the mountains?

While Feng Jian Yuya was worried, he was also full of doubts about this sudden appearance of the person.

But no matter what, since he hit someone, he definitely can't do something like a hit-and-run... It's better to get someone in the car first and take the person to the hospital for a check-up. There are only two people, Mr. Fangtani and Jiang Xia, plus Even a passerby can sit comfortably.

After sending the person to the passenger seat with mixed emotions, Kazami Yuya walked back to the driver's seat and continued driving.

At the same time, he tried to talk to this unusually silent passerby, get his identity, and ask about his injury:

"What happened to you? Where is the car parked? I can help call the police or take you home."

It is not convenient for his police identity to be revealed. In addition, Mr. Furitani said that there might be a dangerous person around who likes to target other people's tires...

Thinking of this, Feng Jianyu couldn't help but glance to the side.

The silent passerby was seen leaning on the back of the chair, with his hands casually placed in front of him. The hands exposed in the wide sleeves had slender fingers, and the nails were pale and round, and they did not have any "claws" or any other ferocious appearance.

Kazami Yuya breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Then I felt that I was too suspicious - with the strength of human hands, even if someone really had sharp nails, it would be impossible to scratch the tire... Alas, Mr. Furitani must be too concerned about this matter, which affected his judgment...

Although no useful information could be obtained by observing the nails.

However, Kazami Yuya soon discovered that the citizens in distress would occasionally tilt their heads in his direction, as if they wanted to say something, but could not find the right words and could not say it.

After a few seconds, it seemed to give up on the wording, and suddenly asked softly and directly: "Do you think there is a paradise in this world?"

Kazami Yuya: "...?"

What the hell is this problem...



...or someone who wants to commit suicide and return to heaven?

If it was the latter, this person couldn't have hit his car on purpose just now... No, with the speed he was driving at just now, a little common sense would have made it clear that he couldn't have killed anyone.

Feng Jian Yu also secretly became vigilant and turned his head to observe the other party's expression.

But the face of the man in white was covered by the hanging bamboo hat and could not be seen clearly.

Feng Jian Yuya was silent for a moment, and decided to follow what the other party said first, so as to formulate more words, and secretly observe the other party's true purpose: "...maybe there is."


Thank you guys for your [monthly votes]ヽ(〃〃)

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