Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 552 Why don’t you look at the road while driving?

, Ke Xue Corpse Picker

After Kazami Yuya answered.

The woman in white seemed to have extended his "no denial" to "affirmation" without authorization, so she then asked: "What kind of place will that be?"

Feng Jian Yuya: "..."

...Well, we can first rule out that this is a preacher, otherwise we should not ask this kind of question to the person being preached.

As for the remaining two options, suicide and fraud...

Speaking of which, people who go to the mountains to commit suicide usually consciously avoid others.

While Feng Jian Yuya was thinking, he did not remain silent for too long, lest the other party notice his complicated thoughts.

He said perfunctorily: "I don't know, I haven't been there."

"Really..." The woman in white nodded with unknown meaning.

Then she turned her face reservedly and extended an invitation: "In that case, do you want to go and see it with me?"

Feng Jian Yu also noticed this movement and turned his head subconsciously.

Without the cover of the bamboo hat, he suddenly met a pair of deep eyes. The fog reflects back the blurry car lights, and the dim light shines on the face of the woman in white. With the 45° angle that is the most suitable for viewing, her facial features are like carefully proportioned sculptures... as beautiful as a monster.

Feng Jian Yuya was stunned.

Then suddenly alert.

...As a police officer who has come into contact with countless fraudsters, Yu Kazami will instinctively remain suspicious when encountering such things.

I picked up a beautiful rich woman in the mountains and was invited by her to "go to such and such a place together." When the time comes, there may be another intimate act such as throwing herself into her arms, and finally a story-like romantic life begins...

This kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing would never happen to an ordinary social beast like him!

After becoming completely vigilant, Feng Jian Yuya thought about it carefully and suddenly became aware of more doubts.

The clothes on the back of the woman in white were torn. At first glance, it looked like it had been scratched by a branch. But when he put the coat on the woman just now, he didn't see any dust on the clothes.

Even if you look closely, you can see that even the shoes and socks of the mysterious woman in white are almost spotless. This is not like "trudging to find someone for help after the car breaks down", which shows that she is probably squatting! If you had searched carefully near the "car accident" just now, you might have been able to find her car parked nearby, or her accomplices.

...To come here deliberately to try to get porcelain, it must not be suicide.

After completely ruling out other possibilities, several bold characters appeared in Yuya Kazami's mind.


Suspicious, really suspicious...

Kazami Yuya is eager to catch criminals, but now, he has other tasks.

...In this case, we have to stabilize the other party first, and then focus on handling this matter after receiving Mr. Fangtani, or find a colleague to take over.

Thinking of this, facing the sudden invitation of "Let's go and see" from the beautiful rich woman, Yuya Fengmi forced out a smile:

"Okay. But I have something else to do and I have to go with you later."

Jiang Xia driving the puppet: "..."

...are you so cooperative?

When he was testing this skill before, he would switch back and forth with the puppet, asking and answering questions, and accidentally ignored the difficulty of "asking three secondary questions to others in a row as if nothing had happened"...

When he wanted to speak to Kazami Yuya just now, he suddenly found that he could not find a suitable entry point. He thought that Plan A, which "uses skills to make the target disappear safely", would fail.

Unexpectedly, Kazami Yuya not only answered, but also gave a positive answer in the end, perfectly triggering the disappearance condition.

...This police officer is indeed very useful. No wonder the boss likes to leave everything to him.

From this point of view, Plan B, which pretended to be a robbery, knocked out Yu Kazami and hid him, was completely useless.

Just as he was thinking about it, the car suddenly shook violently.

Then it suddenly fell diagonally downward.

The road suddenly collapsed, leaving a large crater.

Kazami Yuya and his car bounced down the steep slope, letting out a series of screams, accompanied by the sound of slamming on the brakes.

But the brakes had no effect, and the entire road collapsed.

Jiang Xia, who was in the co-pilot, did not expect that this "disappearance" would be so extravagant. He immediately weakened the puppet's strength, released some shikigami, and prepared to use the extra puppet clay to buffer the emergency to prevent Kazami Yuya from really dying in a car accident... However, this preparation was not used.

The vehicle bumped all the way down. Although the shaking was not small, it would not injure the person tightly held by the seat belt. Finally, it bounced to the bottom and crashed into a piece of fluffy soil.

The airbag deployed quickly and hit Yuya Kazami's face. The car lights went out due to a malfunction, and the surroundings instantly became dark and fell into relative silence.

Ghosts can also see clearly at night. And the ghost fetus is the main raw material that makes up the puppet.

Therefore, at this time, Jiang Xia, who was among the puppets, also had night vision, and his vision was not affected by the dim light.

He straightened his bamboo hat and looked around.

It was soon discovered that one of the reasons why the surroundings became quiet was that Yuya Kazami lay on the airbag and passed out, no longer continuing to howl in terror.


Jiang Xia came closer and stretched out her hand guiltily. She found that the policeman who liked to buy fancy clothes was not injured. He just fainted as if he had been hit by Ke Xue's knife.

Then he took back his hand and nodded secretly. The results are not much different from the previous test results. For the target, the security of Paradise Questions and Answers is actually just okay... just a bit of a waste.

Seeing that the person was fine, Jiang Xia began to look for the positioning device and communication equipment in the car.

Then it was discovered that they had been serviced by a train of skills, and all of them crashed "by chance".

...The triggering conditions for this skill, "getting lost in a place where no one can find it," are complex and average. But once triggered successfully, the effect is quite worry-free.

Also, at first glance, there isn’t much trace of metaphysics.

It had just rained in this forest a while ago, and it was normal for a small area of ​​collapse to occur.

And just now, Feng Jianyu didn't drive properly. Instead, he turned his head and stared at his puppet on a foggy night, and was distracted while watching... In the end, the two of them deviated from the road and drove into a pit. Isn't it very reasonable? .

It's quite cold in the forest.

Jiang Xia reached out and turned off the car, then found the extra clothes in the car and wrapped the boss's number one tool tightly several times. Keep warm.

Then he turned and looked out the car window.

The car door is difficult to push open easily.

When the ground collapsed just now, some trees with dense leaves also fell down, and a few of them rolled right next to the car, covering it tightly. While blocking the vehicle, it also blocks the road away from the vehicle.

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