Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 557 Please don’t invite him

Toru Amuro made a habitual conspiracy theory.

...In fact, I have seen too many similar things since I went on the road with Jiang Xia.

He looked at the group of men in black robes and said tentatively: "You don't seem to be ordinary fans?"

"Of course." Reiki Hirasaka raised his chin and said seriously, "The faith of ordinary fans is not enough to support the spiritual seance ceremony we are about to perform - this is a matter of life and death, and we must be cautious."

Jiang Xia glanced at his calf and showed a serious expression: "Is life at stake?"

"That's right." Reiki Hirasaka nodded, "Recently, a strange rumor has been circulating among movie fans——

"Kira fans always get accidentally injured or suddenly fall ill after falling in love with someone else. Even my editor Zenan was killed half a month ago, and the murderer has not been found yet. Before Zenan died, With his own blood, he wrote the word 'キラ' on his side."

——Kira’s katakana is exactly “キラ”.

The direction of this death message is so clear that it makes people feel hairy behind their backs. After all, Kira died in a car accident a year ago.

After Hirasaka Reiki finished telling this ghost story about an unsolved case, he touched his chin and whispered:

"Kira died unexpectedly on the eve of becoming famous, and her body has not been found yet. She must be unwilling to accept it. It is obsession that makes her linger in this world and do these hurtful things...

"Although I will not change my love for her, if this continues, there will be too many innocent victims... We must use the spirit séance ritual to find her and find a way to relieve her obsession. Otherwise, the number of victims will only increase. .”

Jiang Xia also touched his chin, feeling that a detective shouldn't believe these statements, so he tried his best to ignore the mermaid and foggy dog ​​floating in front of him, and said seriously: "But there is nothing in the world..."

Toru Amuro secretly nudged him with her elbow.

Remind him not to say such things in the middle of a group of suspicious bastards.

A mature detective must learn to read the atmosphere...

Jiang Xia stopped talking, her conscience no longer hurt.

Although he didn't finish what he said, but combined with the preface, everyone understood what he wanted to express.

Yachawa Koji actually believes in ghosts and gods, otherwise he wouldn't be here today.

He smiled and patted Jiang Xia's shoulder and advised:

"Sometimes, the world is not as scientific as we think - Mr. Hirasaka has strong psychic abilities and extensive supernatural knowledge. He can summon Kira's soul with a high success rate. If you don't believe it, you You’ll know after a while.”

When the mermaid heard this, she swam to Hirasaka Reiki in disbelief and swam in an S-shape in front of his face.

No one paid any attention to her.

Hirasaka Reiki looked forward, with a mysterious smile of "believe it or not" hanging on the corner of his mouth, with the aura of an expert hermit.


The mermaid felt cheated.

She unhappily twirled her tail and nudged the master, who was not working at all, and drifted back to Jiang Xia.

Hirasaka Reiki felt vaguely itchy on his face.

He raised his hand and wiped it nonchalantly, took out a golden pocket watch from his chest, glanced at it, and clicked it shut: "Let's go to the meditation room - it's almost time."

After speaking, he hesitated for a moment and looked at Jiang Xia and Toru Amuro.

Hirasaka Reiki remembered that the two people in front of him were both detectives.

...If he invites them together, he might be able to achieve his goal by accident.

Thinking like this, Hirasaka Reiki pretended not to hear Jiang Xia's question just now.

He showed a friendly smile:

"Can you two come and help? In fact, the best effect is for nine people to perform the séance. I originally gathered nine fans, but unfortunately two of them let us go today."

Next to him, Vodka moved his lips when he heard these words, wanting to say that it would actually be okay to have two people missing...,

——When he came here before, he had visited Hirasaka Reiki’s meditation room.

The decoration of the meditation room is simple and mysterious, the light is quiet, and there are many nooks and crannies for laying traps... No matter how you look at it, it looks like a perfect stage that Uzo would like very much and can use it efficiently.

...Thinking about the worst case scenario, maybe Uzo was just passing by this mansion and had no other thoughts except murdering Bourbon.

As a result, I went to the meditation room later and felt that it would be a pity not to use such a beautiful room for anything, so I suddenly expanded the script and included a few unlucky passers-by, such as his vodka...

However, at the same time, Vodka knew that it was too abrupt to say "it is recommended not to go" at this time.

——Bourbon is also a very perceptive person. If he says that, Bourbon will find out from his words that something is wrong with his attitude towards Wuzuo, and then see through "Jiang Xia = Wuzuo"...

For Uzo, the most that this incident would mean is being alerted by Bourbon and losing an interesting toy named Bourbon.

But for him, if Uzo takes revenge, he may lose his life...

Vodka eventually remained silent.

Come to think of it, there are a full nine here, plus one Uzo's main target, Bourbon. And among them, he is a cadre of the organization after all. He has experienced hundreds of battles, and he has long seen through Uzo's terrifying heart under his gentle appearance... As long as he is careful, even if there are new victims, It must not be him who died.

And with fewer people, he will definitely get more out-of-print posters...

Vodka secretly thought about some dark things, but he didn't dare to think about "just snatching away all the posters" in his mind.

——It’s not about obeying the law. Rather, he was well aware that any illegal behavior would likely attract the police, leading to possible scrutiny. However, Vodka's original identity cannot withstand investigation, and the fake identity used to chase stars is relatively crude. If a smart police officer encounters him and discovers the problem...

Vodka thought of Gin's long list of clean-ups, and felt that his elder brother's gun had been pointed at his forehead.

...Moreover, it’s not just the eldest brother, there’s also Uzo who is staring at the list every day. Although the elder brother has stopped sending lists to Usa since he came back from Tottori Prefecture last time, recently, Gin's attitude seems to have relaxed...

In short, vodka always abides by the law when there is no gin to back it up.

Especially after discovering Uzo's seemingly oblivious observation of him, if there is no gin next to the vodka, he will have to look at the traffic lights when crossing the road, and will not rush in blindly, so as not to be inexplicably arrested when the police talk to him. The organization's snipers attacked.

Without Vodka to stop him, others looked at the polite Bourbon and Jiang Xia next to him who was even more polite than him, and they would not raise any objections such as "Don't go".

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