Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 558 The origin of the hatred between Bourbon and Bourbon

Although Toru Amuro doesn't believe in souls, he is worried that something will happen here.

Moreover, to be honest, as a senior intelligence officer who wanted to get involved in any information, he was a little curious about this so-called spirit seance ceremony.

Therefore, facing Hirasaka Reiki's invitation, Toru Amuro did not hesitate for too long and decided to go see the mysterious "spiritual seance ceremony": "Okay."

Of course Jiang Xia would not object.

He followed slowly with a slightly skeptical expression.

A group of nine people walked through the dark corridor, stepped on the luxurious shag carpet covering the corridor, and arrived in front of the meditation room.

The meditation room has a double door, which is made of solid wood and the upper part is inlaid with opaque colored glass. A huge padlock hung on the door.

Hirasaka Reiki found the key from his body, opened the door, and walked into the eerie and cool octagonal room.

In addition to the door, this room has only one window more than four meters above the ground.

The ethereal moonlight slanted in from the window, seeming to cast a psychedelic veil over the room.

Hirasaka Reiki did not turn on the lights, but walked around the wall and lit several candlesticks.

In the dim flickering candlelight, magic arrays of different colors were painted on the floor of the room.

There is a round table in the middle, and the table is also engraved with magic circles - the patterns are much more complex than those on the floor, and there are also some obscure and alien characters mixed into it.

There is a circle of chairs next to the round table. Between the wall and the table, there are several huge high-definition posters showing different appearances of Miss Kira.

Vodka glanced over these posters, looking at the beautiful idol, his eyes brightened slightly, and he felt that the pressure brought by Uzo was relieved a lot.

During the brief period when he was admiring the poster, a group of people sat down at the table one after another.

Hirasaka Reiki looked at the people in the room and said in a solemn tone:

"At the beginning of the ceremony, remember to cross your hands in front of you and hold the hand of your neighbor - never let go until the seance ceremony is over, otherwise when the ceremony is over, you will find that you are holding a hand that 'should not exist' hands'."

With these words, the female college student with a low sense of presence at the table didn't know what to think of. Her face turned pale, her fingers clenched her skirt tightly, and she trembled slightly.

Vodka also recovered from admiring the poster and found a seat casually.

After sitting firmly, he suddenly felt something was not right.

Turning his head warily, he saw Uzo sitting just to his left.

At this time, the young organization member was looking at him with slight surprise, as if he did not expect that Vodka would take the initiative to choose the one closest to him among the two empty stools on the right and sit down.

The surprise in Jiang Xia's eyes only lasted for a short moment, as fast as a phantom.

A few tenths of a second later, Vodka discovered that after Uzo looked at him, he lowered his head evasively, and moved a little away from him in a less obvious direction, as if he was not used to being with unfamiliar organizational cadres. At the same time, I was very stressed about Vodka approaching him.

Vodka: "..."

...That is obviously the expression he should have! Who would want to take the initiative to sit next to Uzo! He just forgot to look at his position when he sat down.

However, Vodka gradually thought again: Speaking of which, being looked at by Uzo with slight awe like this made him feel strangely happy that he had become the boss...

Thinking about it this way, in fact, a few months ago, when Wuzuo was just "Jiang Xia" and did not reveal his terrifying nature under his innocent appearance, he did seem to be just a peripheral member who was easy to get along with.

...Hey, I miss those days a little bit. It would be great if such obedient and useful subordinates really existed. He actually wanted to do it a little bit. Brother Gin was busy with work, so he was always busy and was in urgent need of reliable colleagues.

But soon, Vodka realized that if a few months ago, when he failed to see through Uzo's true nature, he really classified this peripheral member under his command, contacted him without any defense, and showed off from time to time. A cadre's pedigree, establish authority, bully the newcomers...

Vodka replaced my former self.

Then Mo Mo broke into a cold sweat.

...A few months ago, he was still too young - before Brother Gin exposed Jiang Xia's true face, he didn't even think that those murder cases were related to Jiang Xia's plan, he only thought that they were accidental. Ordinary homicide.

Fortunately, he was lucky and had a reliable Gin brother to help guide him and avoid risks.

It’s definitely not too late to remain vigilant about Uzo…

Vodka quickly restrained the dangerous thoughts he had just had.

And began to think, if he suddenly stood up now and chose the empty seat next to him far away from Uzo, would it be interpreted by Uzo as deliberately picking off his vest, which would lead to unreasonable revenge.

Fortunately, at this moment, someone suddenly approached.

Immediately afterwards, Vodka heard a slightly threatening whisper:

"You took the opportunity to sit in this position because you were targeting my subordinates?"

Vodka was startled, then raised his head and saw Bourbon's politely smiling face.

Placed in this dark room illuminated only by candlelight, that smile seemed inexplicably ghostly, full of the dark temperament of "Bourbon".

However, at this time, in Vodka's eyes, Bourbon and his words were extremely thoughtful.

...found a valid reason to change seats!

Vodka was happy in his heart, but he snorted coldly on his face, and then he stood up with a certain dignity that a cadre should have, moved one space to the right, left Jiangxia, and sat down next to the photographer named Mifune Ryuichi.

In an instant, the air in the room seemed to become lighter.

At the same time, Vodka thought to himself that it was indeed the same as what his elder brother said - Bourbon seemed to be quite concerned about Jiang Xia, a good young man who had quickly become a famous detective. He did not want Jiang Xia to have too much contact with other organizational cadres and become a public tool, but wanted to Collect him as a unique intelligence point. And so far, Bourbon has not discovered that Jiang Xia is actually a codename member who has been promoted...

Speaking of which, even though "Wu Zuo" was only regarded as "Jiang Xia", until today, Bourbon has not died unexpectedly...

Is it because although he has the title of "Jiangxia Boss", he actually doesn't have much contact with Wu Zuo because he is busy?

Or is it because Bobon accidentally reduced Uzo's available props because he didn't want Uzo to be exposed to other capable cadres?

After all, with Bourbon's skills, ordinary murderers alone may not be able to easily achieve the result of "let Bourbon die in a homicide" - maybe the prisoner was knocked down by Bourbon just as he was trying to do something. , and then packed up and sank into Tokyo Bay. Well, maybe it was the cement that Uzo helped pour.

——The carefully written artistic script was forcibly rewritten by Bourbon using force, and he was also forced to become a tool for rewriting...

Vodka pictured Uzo pouring cement in tears in his mind, and he suddenly understood - it doesn’t take too much for this kind of thing, just one or two times can explain why Uzo takes Bourbon as his number one target, and why he takes Bourbon as his number one target. So determined to kill him.

...The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I write it down and tell my elder brother this important discovery when I go back.

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