Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 581 Kidd: There is a problem with Toru Amuro. Please vote for me ()

Chapter 581 Kidd: Toru Amuro has a problem. Please give me your monthly vote ( )

Kidd: "...?"

Wait, this familiar action...

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he suddenly felt that the indescribable mysterious power in his body seemed to be sucked away by something, and gradually gathered in the place where the foggy dog ​​touched him. Finally, they followed Wutian Dog's fingertips and completely left his body.

...the magic power that has been accumulated for a long time. Snap, gone.

The process of draining away magic power is not much slower than drawing blood.

When the foggy dog ​​retracted his hand, Kidd felt his feet fluttering, and there was a feeling of a gap from the full state to the state after running four or five laps.

He slowed down for a moment and quickly adapted to this weakened version of the state.

After all, this is not the first time that my magic power has been robbed...

Moreover, compared to the previous times when he was robbed in vain, this time, he actually got an extra famous detective who was extremely difficult to catch. Hiss, I actually feel like I've earned something...

Facts have proved that the foggy dog ​​is indeed a civilized and polite monster.

After taking away the magic power, although he seemed a little reluctant, he still reluctantly handed over the famous detective who was in an "anesthetized" state.

Kidd raised his hand and took it, checking it quickly.

After discovering that Jiang Xia's breathing was stable and there was no messy allergic reaction, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Wutiangou's self-produced anesthetic seems to be quite safe and harmless...

After confirming that the replacement target's life was not in danger, Kidd thought of what he had just said.

He looked at Kiritengu: "I haven't seen you for a while. Did those witches come to trouble you later? If they brought any advanced weapons or equipment, you can contact me for help - the mobile phone Grandpa Terai gave you is still there Well. If the battery runs out, you can come to me to charge it."

——A while ago, Terai Huangnosuke went to Kidd's place to visit his young master. As soon as the old man sat down and took a leisurely sip of tea, he saw a foggy dog ​​that usually came to gather magic power fell on the balcony.

Terai immediately sprayed a sip of tea on the coffee table. After panicking, he bought a mobile phone overnight, saying that if anything happened to Wutian Gou, he could call him instead of visiting in person.

Terai Huangnosuke has not had much contact with Kiritengu. But he still remembers that the monster's recipe contains "human". And because of this, I always feel that foggy dogs visiting residential areas are like sweet-addicted children entering a free candy house. I was worried that when the foggy dog ​​left, like those humans who love to bring souvenirs, they would grab a girl with thin skin and tender flesh from nearby and hang it on a tree as food.

Jiang Xia knew very well Grandpa Terai's intention of giving the mobile phone, and had no intention of frightening this innocent old man who did not risk murder.

But after all, magic cannot be extracted through the phone. So he still counted the time for the magic power to grow and went to harvest it. The best thing to do is take a sneak peek before landing and let the ghosts see if Kinosuke Terai is at Kid's house. If he is, he will come back later...

I haven't been there recently because Jiang Xia was suddenly targeted by Toru Amuro, and because he stayed away from Tokyo after going out. It was only a few days late.

...I didn’t expect Kidd to still remember it.

How can I put it this way? This thief has a very strong sense of time and self-management...

Jiang Xia glanced at Kidd with some emotion, and answered his question with a half-truth: "The witches haven't come yet, I don't know where they went. I've been busy looking for them recently."

Kidd: "...That's it."

Suddenly I feel sympathy for the witch. Even with modern high technology, it can’t deal with the foggy dog...

After simply solving the question of "The foggy dog ​​hasn't visited recently", Kidd looked at his watch and didn't waste any more time.

He took off Jiang Xia's coat and took inventory of the replacement target's belongings.

After a moment, he suddenly frowned: "He didn't have a mobile phone with him."

A young man of this age, especially a part-time detective who needs to be in contact with clients at all times, doesn’t go out without a mobile phone?

...It’s not normal no matter how you think about it.

Moreover, Kidd recalled carefully and found that just now, when he had disguised himself as Toru Amuro and asked Jiang Xia to help install the tire, Jiang Xia opened the door and got out of the car without the action of "throwing the phone into the car and freeing his hands." And there was no charging cell phone in the car.

In other words, Jiang Xia didn't forget to bring it in a hurry, but he didn't have it in the first place.

Wait, let’s put it this way…

Kidd suddenly remembered all the doubts that had arisen before.

Just now he was busy dodging Jiang Xia's stick swing, and after dodging, he was busy chasing Jiang Xia who ran into the deep forest, without having time to think about it.

Looking back now, I found that when Jiang Xia avoided the electric shock device from behind, his movements were unusually sharp. And from dodging to counterattacking, he looked calm throughout the whole process, without any emotions such as "accident".

...It's as if "being sneak attacked by Toru Amuro" is very likely to happen.

"..." Even if this is because Jiang Xia found out in advance that the person coming was not "Amuro Toru" through some loopholes, but Kaitou Kidd.

But later, after Jiang Xia ran into the woods, she did not wind her way to the gas station to ask for help from Toru Amuro or the staff. Instead, she ran all the way into the deep forest... This kind of action was not like what she did at the gas station. With his companions, it seems like there are some dangerous gangsters over there.

"..." The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong.

Kidd looked at Jiang Xia's body with a slightly serious look in his eyes: This detective must have encountered some kidnapping incident.

Speaking of which, the boss who went out with Jiang Xia did not have much information. He looked mysterious and mysterious, and was very sensitive to the sight of people during tracking, making it difficult to investigate...

Kidd sighed as he thought about it.

Originally, he planned to tie up the replaced target and hide it as usual, throwing it somewhere where people would visit regularly, and wait for local staff to find and rescue it.

but now……

Let Grandpa Terai help look after people for a while, and after he retreats from the Dusk Villa, he can send Jiang Xia to the police station.

Otherwise, if you throw it away like before. After that, Jiang Xia was captured and killed by the evil party's associates, which didn't look good.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, even if Jiang Xia wakes up, he will probably give priority to dealing with Toru Amuro, this strange boss. After all, in Jiang Xia's impression, the one who attacked and chased him with a stun device should not be Kidd, but "Toru Amuro".

In addition, although Jiang Xia encountered Wutian Dog head-on.

But Kidd thought carefully about the scene just now——

It was already getting late, and the woods were dense with leaves, so the light was unusually dim.

It only took a moment for the foggy dog ​​to stretch out its wings from behind the tree and catch people. Even Kidd, who knew the foggy dog ​​and was separated from him for a while, reacted first and then understood what happened.

So from Jiang Xia's perspective, I'm afraid he can only feel that he ran into something furry while running, and then his vision dimmed, his neck was stabbed, and he lost consciousness...

Besides, he is a detective who values ​​physical evidence after all. Even if he saw it, Jiang Xia would probably give priority to what kind of trap was set here instead of "there is a monster plotting against me."

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