Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 582 Robbery Detective

Kidd went through the scene just now in his mind and felt that Jiang Xia's side was not a big problem.

He then conveyed the location to Grandpa Terai and asked the assistant to pick up Jiang Xia later.

At the same time, he told Terai tactfully that besides Jiang Xia, there was an old friend here, and I hope he will not be scared by then...

After Kidd sent the message, he was about to ask Kiritengu to help look at the person to prevent Jiang Xia from being captured by Amuro Tohru's associates before Terai Huangnosuke arrived.

However, when he looked up from the phone screen, he saw that when he was sending a message, Wutian Dog also squatted down like he did just now, stretched out his hand, and turned over the items carried by the detective.

Soon, Wu Tiangu picked up a box of cigarettes and looked at it with interest. He seemed to be very satisfied with the taste and confidently put the cigarettes into his arms.

"..." Kidd suddenly remembered the fresh air in the mountains and forests, as well as the propaganda about the dangers of tobacco and alcohol that he often saw, and blurted out, "This thing is not good for the lungs."

...The foggy dog ​​should have lungs. Except for an extra pair of wings and a special diet, he seems to be just like humans.

Speaking of which, Jiang Xia, a famous detective who looks very positive, actually carries a cigarette with him... Kidd fell into deep thought for a moment: Could it be that this detective is usually under a lot of pressure? Is this related to the mysterious and weird boss Amuro who is highly suspected of being a bad guy?

Next to him, Jiang Xia ignored Kidd's advice.

The foggy dog ​​is a puppet, where does it have lungs, and this is not smoke...

——When the main body is not around, the puppet and the ghosts in the puppet need to replenish energy directly through ghost mint.

In the past, when Jiang Xia was driving the Wutiangu puppet and guarding Kidd, he would occasionally light a stick of ghost mint to recharge the puppet.

But at that time, we often had to pay attention to the smell to prevent Kidd from discovering that Wutiangu actually smoked the same "cigarette" as Jiang Xia.

But after today, this problem will no longer be a problem.

——The Kiriten Dog can guard the Phantom Thief and steal his gems. Naturally, it can also guard the Detective and steal the Detective’s cigarettes.

After Kidd finished his persuasion in a low voice, he found that the foggy dog ​​had no intention of throwing away the cigarette, but turned a deaf ear and looked up into the distance. I could only sigh helplessly.

...Otherwise, what else can we do? We can’t rob it, and we can’t beat it.

Even now, there are still things that need Wutiangu's help.

Kidd leaned Jiang Xia's body against the tree and looked at Wutian Dog: "I sent a message to Grandpa Terai. He will come to pick up the detective later. If you are tired from flying, you can take his car back then - —The place I’m going to go to today is not a pre-selected treasure-stealing destination, but a passive party where I may not be able to get the right treasure.”

...Speaking of this, Kidd suddenly felt a little confused.

This is Tottori Prefecture, which is far away from Tokyo. The foggy dog ​​actually appeared here... I don't know if it accidentally saw someone else's invitation or discovered that the thief had gone out, so it followed him all the way like before.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is because foggy dogs are not only active in Tokyo on weekdays, but also in other places.

After all, there is always a gap in time between when I see the foggy dog. Maybe Kiritengu, apart from occasionally returning to Tokyo to rob him, spends the rest of his time wandering around in the mountains and forests of various places...

In any case, foggy dogs can really fly over such a long distance. The wings that come with it are easier to use than hang gliders. Not only can they travel long distances quickly, they can also be used to capture detectives at critical moments...

Kidd was vaguely envious, and once again thought of the plan of "replacing hang gliders with artificial wings" that was rejected by Grandpa Terai.

However, after looking at the watch, I saw that time was already a little tight, and now was not the time to covet other people's wings.

After seeing him finish speaking, Wutian Dog nodded. Kidd felt a little more relieved and didn't stay any longer.

He hurried towards the direction he came from, quickly disguising himself as Jiang Xia as he ran.

Behind Kidd.

Jiang Xia drove the puppet of Wutian Dog and stood quietly, watching Kidd go away.

After "his" figure completely disappeared from sight, he walked to the tree beside him, picked up his body, and flew away quickly. There is no intention to hand over the main body to Terai Kinosuke.

Being closer to the puppet can effectively reduce the consumption of murderous energy.

On the other hand, if the old man was frightened by the foggy dog ​​and fled back to Tokyo overnight with Jiang Xia's body, the puppet would probably dissipate due to too much murderous energy consumption as soon as it showed its face...

Anyway, he didn't say just now that he wouldn't take away the main body.

Jiang Xia flapped her wings feeling a little guilty, and took advantage of the night to fly away quietly against the woods, rushing to her destination.

Kidd knew nothing about the foggy dog ​​theft incident that happened behind the scenes.

He concentrated on following the original route and returned to where the vehicle was.

While in the woods, Kidd had thrown away the clothes he used to dress up as Toru Amuro.

Although the spare tire he brought just now was left at the scene of the sneak attack on Jiangxia, it was made of black technology materials. By now it should have deflated and turned into a thin film, blown away by the mountain wind. In short, if I go back now, I won't be exposed.

At the same time, Kidd recalled Jiang Xia's reaction when he faced "Toru Amuro" just now.

Then it was discovered that although Jiang Xia was secretly wary of this boss, before "Toru Amuro" attacked him, Jiang Xia had been sitting quietly in the car, waiting for him to come back. And when "Toru Amuro" asked Jiang Xia to help change the spare tire, Jiang Xia did get out of the car to get tools...

Generally speaking, it is still the attitude of employees towards their bosses.

Probably Jiang Xia has discovered Toru Amuro's problem, but has not revealed it yet.

"..." In this case, let's get along in the normal way first.

Kidd made one last adjustment to his disguise and clothes before running out of the woods.

He then climbed back onto the road along the sloping embankment on one side of the road.

Then he saw Toru Amuro standing next to the car at a glance, and the two spare tires next to Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro was pressing his cell phone, not knowing who he was sending a message to, with a slightly solemn look on his face.

He noticed the movement on the roadside and looked up to see "Jiang Xia". He was startled and put away his phone: "Where were you just now?"

"Jiang Xia" took a few breaths and looked like he had been running for a long time: "I felt that the broken tire seemed to be punctured by a triangular nail. Then I saw someone poking their head in the woods, so I caught up and took a look... …But it got darker and darker as we went deeper, and I couldn’t catch up, so I had to come back again.”

Toru Amuro thought of the sharp claw marks on his spare tire last night and the terrible bite marks in the past, and frowned: "If you see it again in the future, don't chase it alone, take pictures..."

He originally wanted to just take a photo, which would also mean he had important clues and was safe.

But mid-sentence, he suddenly remembered that Jiang Xia's cell phone was with him, and he stopped talking a little awkwardly.

I thought that when I got to the city, I would have to get Jiang Xia a camera—according to Jiang Xia’s condition during the incident, he might really be able to draw out the mysterious force that scratches tires...

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