Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 583 It’s not easy for Jiang Xia to survive till now. Please vote for me.

Kidd waited for a while, but did not wait for the second half of the sentence, and Toru Amuro seemed to have no intention of continuing.

So he nodded. It is a response to the reminder in the first half of the sentence.

At the same time, he secretly murmured in his heart: According to Jiang Xia's skills, it would be easy to deal with one or two fetus puncturers. But when Toru Amuro heard what he just said, his face turned very ugly...

Are you worried that Jiang Xia will take the opportunity to run away?

Perhaps Jiang Xia was not allowed to go to the gas station together because he did not want Jiang Xia to come into contact with the staff there and convey the news.

…The influence of first impressions cannot be underestimated.

"Jiang Xia" remained calm on his face, but in his heart he was always wary of Toru Amuro.

Kidd's expression control has always been very good. In addition, there are only a few people in this world who can disguise themselves to this extent.

So Toru Amuro didn't expect that when he went to buy some spare tires, when he came back, the person in front of him who looked exactly like Jiang Xia had already changed the tire.

Although he felt that Jiang Xia was a little impulsive this time, judging from some rumors in the police station, Jiang Xia had been chasing criminals with a swinging stick before. This kind of behavior is not unexpected for him...

Toru Amuro couldn't see through the disguise right away.

Just like when facing Jiang Xia: "Let's put the spare tire on first."

"Jiang Xia" nodded and went to find the jack in the trunk.

The moment he opened the lid of the box, Kidd's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the corner of the trunk, there are some inconspicuous line marks and interfaces, which are traces of the installation of surveillance equipment.

"..." Is this, is this a device used to check the situation when tying people up and locking them in, to prevent the hostages from suffocating to death or escaping?

...There is indeed something wrong with this boss.

And the problem is huge!

Kidd became more alert. He pretended that he didn't find anything, found the jack, adjusted the luggage and put the extra spare tire in it.

When the two of them were setting up spare tires together, their movements would inevitably be too big.

Kidd, who is extremely observant, keenly discovered the gun hidden on Toru Amuro's body. Suddenly there was a feeling of "rightness".

——No wonder just now, after the sneak attack on Jiang Xia, he just pulled out a tranquilizer gun, but when Jiang Xia made the action of pulling out the gun, he decisively rushed into the trees with many obstacles.

Now it seems that in Jiang Xia's eyes, that was probably not a tranquilizer gun at all, but a real gun that could kill people. No wonder he is so cautious...

Install the spare tire and get in the car again.

Kidd glanced at Toru Amuro driving the car from the corner of his eye, and secretly sighed for Jiang Xia.

...It’s not easy to be a detective these days. You have to guard against fire and theft, and you also have to guard against your boss. I heard that private detectives usually have to come into contact with many secrets. Maybe Jiang Xia accidentally broke into the secret of some big shot while working. That big shot went to the boss of the detective agency whom he knew well and asked to silence the employees. So now, Amuro Tetsu Looking for opportunities to meet customer requirements as naturally as possible.

Toru Amuro always takes Jiang Xia to remote places when he has nothing to do, maybe he is secretly looking for opportunities to strike. It's just that Jiangxia has a cautious personality, strong observation skills, and has been prepared for it, so Toru Amuro has never been able to succeed.

...Fortunately, now, Jiang Xia no longer has to battle wits and courage with this scumbag boss because he has a monster thief to help him overcome the disaster.

Kidd felt that he had done a good thing. Looking at the dull sky outside the window, his mood improved.

On the way to Tottori City.

Amuro Toru occasionally glanced to the side and found that Jiang Xia didn't catch up on his sleep. He lowered his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

"..." Maybe you are thinking about tires?

——Now that Jiang Xia saw the figure in the woods, he might be able to get some key inspiration from it. Then, just like when solving crimes in the past, he would quickly sort out the cause and effect and find out the unknown creature that was chewing on the tire.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro felt vaguely expectant.

However, before he could see the scene he was expecting, something suddenly happened to him again on the road.

——Dark night, suburban road, two cars one behind the other.

Toru Amuro was planning to overtake. But at this moment, through the car window, he suddenly heard a familiar "bang" sound coming from the car in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, one side of the tire in front of the car went flat, and the body became shaky. Soon, the compact Felt pulled over and stopped.

Toru Amuro followed suit and stepped on the brakes: "..."

In the wilderness, there seems to be no signal on this stretch of road. There are very few vehicles coming and going here.

If you just leave the people in the car in front of you here. In the worst case scenario, in two days, you might see reports of the tragic death of someone in the car.

…All in all, it’s hard to leave it alone.

Toru Amuro originally just instinctively slowed down to avoid hitting the car in front of him.

After judging the situation, he sighed inwardly and had to stop the whole car.

At the same time, considering that there was an organization member sitting in the co-pilot who did not know his undercover identity, Toru Amuro found an excuse to do good things as usual.

He clicked his tongue as if he was impatient, and whispered: "It happened that the tire burst in front of us. We can't pretend not to see it. It would be better if they died in the mountains. If they are lucky, they get out alive. I found out that the license plate number of the car behind you is the same as the car you were in when you solved the previous crimes, I'm afraid we will have an extra reputation of being 'willing to die without saving'."

Kidd: "..."

...He actually hopes that others will be killed for the sake of reputation. This boss is indeed not a good person.

Kidd speculated on Jiang Xia's possible reaction at this time, nodded silently, and said nothing.

The distance between the two cars quickly closed.

Toru Amuro instantly changed from a gloomy expression to a sunny and friendly part-time job boy.

Under "Jiang Xia's" complicated gaze, he pulled down the window and looked at the unfortunate car with a flat tire: "Are you okay? Do you have a spare tire on the car?"

Through the car lights, I could vaguely see two people sitting in the car.

Toru Amuro's voice sounded a bit friendly and sympathetic.

Kidd glanced at him from behind and thought that this guy's acting skills were quite good.

Just as he was muttering, the door of the car in front opened, and a stooped old woman opened the door and stepped out of the driver's seat.

She looked down at the broken tire and sighed: "My baby Felt probably won't be able to leave. After putting away the luggage before, I forgot to put the spare tire back..." As she said that, she looked up at Toru Amuro. , "Young man, can you take me to the nearby Dusk Villa? I have to go there to attend a dinner party."

"...Twilight Annex?" Toru Amuro had a vague impression of the name of this place, but the impression was not deep.

However, there was one thing he knew.

——This place, from its name, sounds like some foreign mansion far away from the city.

And along the way, the mansions in the mountains he encountered...


Thanks to the big guys for your monthly votes (σ≧▽≦)σ.

It seems that we will be able to release a monthly ticket extra this month.

But I can’t think of anything to write right now (=口`=)

What do you guys want to see?

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