Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 589 The Dying Man


Both wings were caught, and its neck was also held together. The heroic eagle suddenly looked like a captured chicken stew reserve. It flapped vigorously and screamed with anger, but it could not turn around.

Toru Amuro grabbed the flapping eagle, turned it over and looked at its talons and beak, and found that they were not sharp.

Then he handed it to the white horse detective who came in a hurry: "If you haven't trained the eagle well, don't let it go around."

"Sorry." Bai Ma Tan hugged the eagle in his hand, also a little surprised, "Watson is usually very obedient, but for some reason today he suddenly became so excited..."

Mother-in-law Qianjian is not interested in young people's pets.

She pushed up the reading glasses on the bridge of her nose and looked at Jiang Xia's hand that was pressing on her chest and catching Wutian Dog: "What's wrong? Is your heart feeling uncomfortable?"

She remembered that when this young man named Kurosawa was bumped into by her at the corner, he seemed to have said that he was terminally ill and was looking for a suitable place to commit suicide.

It was precisely because of this that Qianjian Jiedai invited people to the villa.

...Out of respect for the dying person, she saw that Kurosawa did not specifically mention what the disease was, so she politely did not ask.

At this time, when I saw this young man who was about to die being pounced by an eagle, he suddenly raised his hand and pressed his heart, thinking that he was sick.

However, Jiang Xia did not fall to the ground suddenly as she thought.

He just shook his head and put down his hand: "It's okay."

Then he turned his wrist slightly awkwardly.

...The foggy dog ​​is still hanging on his hand, and its wings are tightly folded, hugging it, as if it will live here today and never leave.

This ghost seems a little timid...

But it never delayed business. Moreover, a quasi-similar creature with a wingspan several times its wingspan and stronger claws and beak rushed towards it, which looked a bit scary.

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment and decided to let this honest guy lie down quietly for a while.

Diligent and sensible employees, of course, can also have privileges...


Although the white horse detective didn't know what happened, he knew that his eagle seemed to be in trouble.

At this time, he heard the words of Granny Qianjian with his ears. He also remembered that when he was looking out the window on the second floor just now, he saw Qianjian Yoyo and this young man with a weak heart getting out of a car. Granny Qianjian should be closer. Understand him.

So Baima Tan reached into his arms and felt around, took out a small bottle of quick-acting Jiuxin Pills, and handed it to Jiang Xia: "Do you want to take medicine? Of course, if you have brought medicine yourself, it is best to use the medicine you usually use."

"...No need. I just raised my hand to tidy up my clothes." Jiang Xia brushed off what he had just done and glanced at the medicine bottle, slightly confused, "Why do you carry this medicine with you?"

Could it be that your heart is not good at a young age?

It will be very dangerous if this continues. If one day you are frightened by a criminal and turn into a ghost...

"My housekeeper is not in good health, and sometimes he forgets to bring medicine when he is too busy. So I am used to carrying a bottle with me." Hakuba noticed Kurosawa's refusal and put the medicine bottle away.

Then he adjusted his coat and wrapped himself a little tighter: I don't know why, but it suddenly felt a little cold just now... Well, maybe it's because the annex is too old and there is a draft somewhere.

The white horse detective put away the medicine, wrapped his coat, and touched the eagle on his hand.

Finding that it was still staring at Kurosawa with glaring eyes, he could only put a chain on the eagle first and move it farther away from Jiang Xia to prevent his pet from sneaking up on others.

At the same time, Baima Tan inevitably had some doubts in his heart.

He didn't lie. Watson usually obeyed orders and rarely showed aggression towards others.

And just now, when Baima was probing to hand over the medicine, he took the opportunity to get closer to "Kurosawa" and sniffed it carefully, but he didn't feel that there was any special smell on him.

However, the eagle's sense of smell is more sensitive than humans, and Watson seems to be quite sensitive to the smell of blood... Is there blood on the young man in black?

...or other reasons?

While White Horse Detective was smoothing the eagle's feathers, he thought of the host of this dinner - "the phantom child abandoned by God".

As Kidd's mortal enemy, according to White Horse Detective's understanding of him, at this stage, Kidd must have disguised himself as someone and infiltrated among them.

...Perhaps Watson discovered something was wrong just now, so he rushed towards Kurosawa - or Kidd -?

Thinking of this, Detective Baima secretly looked at Jiang Xia, who was wearing Matsuda skin, and decided to observe him more.

...If necessary, you can find an opportunity to try to pull your face. Although Kidd's disguise skills are superb, he is very impatient. Face pinching is the quickest and most convenient way to judge.

The maid was a little afraid of the flying eagle. At this time, seeing the eagle being punished, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and remembered her responsibilities.

She hurriedly walked in and said to several guests according to the hospitality manual left by the owner of the villa:

"The owner said that some events did happen here forty years ago. But now everything in the annex is still as it was before - the time reserved for this party is two days, and there is still a lot of time to explore. Everyone is tired from the journey, so please go to the living room to rest for a while. When dinner is ready, I will go and treat you to dinner."

The other detectives had no problem with that.

The newly arrived people first went to their respective guest rooms to put down their luggage, and then followed the maid to the second floor and entered the living room that was said to have maintained its "original appearance forty years ago."

The living room occupies a large area and has a warmer tone than the hall. There are entertainment facilities such as billiards, chess, card tables, etc. The atmosphere is relaxing.

A group of people each found projects they were interested in. Kidd wore Jiang Xia's disguise and played table football with himself for a while.

Afterwards, he secretly looked around and found that no one seemed to be paying attention to him, so he pretended to go to the bathroom and left the living room silently.

It's true that no one paid attention to Kidd.

But when he stepped out with his front foot, the ghosts poked Jiang Xia with his back foot.

Jiang Xia glanced at "Jiang Xia" who slipped away.

Thinking of Kidd's reasoning ability and restraint on murder, he hesitated for a moment, silently separated some shikigami from Matsuda's puppets, let them float outside, and slowly gathered and formed. By the way, he also threw the foggy dog ​​out and made him a puppet of the foggy dog.

Then, Kurosawa Satoshi, who was posing against the window in the living room, was handed over to Matsuda Jinhei.

Jiang Xia himself moved his consciousness into Wutian Dog's puppet, intending to see the situation on "Jiang Xia's" side.

Compared with the other ghosts, Matsuda Jinpei looks more mature and reliable, and he shouldn't cause any trouble if he activates the puppet.

And it doesn't matter if he provokes him, after all, he is now the "Uzo" of the organization, and it is normal to have strange habits - there are many weird guys in the organization.

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