Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 590 did Matsuda survive?

As a shadow flew against the wall, he flew to the balcony on the other side of the annex.

In the living room, Matsuda Jinpei opened his eyes from behind his sunglasses and moved inconspicuously, adapting to the cumbersome feeling after having a physical body.

... After being a ghost for a long time, I suddenly had a physical body. The first thing I felt was that my body was very heavy, and I couldn't float around, and I couldn't continue to cling to the medium's body and use it as a means of transportation.

Just as he was thinking about it, a figure came over beside him.

——Toru Amuro pulled out a cue from the billiard cue rack next to him, weighed it in his hand, smiled with a cheerful conversational intelligence smile, and invited: "Want to play a game?"

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

Previously, Toru Amuro seemed to be keeping an eye on people to prevent Jiang Xia from contacting the outside world, passing on information, or summoning possible accomplices.

But I don’t know since when, as he met acquaintances and cases one after another, Toru Amuro seemed to have accepted his fate.

Now, instead of observing "Jiang Xia", he was obviously paying more attention to "Kurosawa Zuo" who suddenly appeared.

Matsuda Jinpei looked at Toru Amuro, and then at the club next to him.

It first instinctively recalled Jiang Xia's explanation.

...Then I discovered that this big-hearted master didn’t seem to explain anything.

I have been a ghost for a long time, and I have not seen female ghosts engage in entertainment activities other than playing tricks... To be honest, Matsuda Jinpei is very interested in all the games in the living room.

And although half of the shikigami have been divided, the puppet is now not at full status and is a little weaker than normal.

But Matsuda Jinpei clenched his fist, felt the strength, and felt that there was nothing wrong with playing billiards. He could even hit the table until it cracked if he wanted to.

So he also picked a cue, turned it around twice, and walked to the table.

Toru Amuro looked at his movements and was startled.

...There is an eerie feeling of familiarity.

"..." Is the man in black that he saw in the mountains before, who was highly suspicious of Matsuda Jinpei, really the Kurosawa in front of him?

...If this is the case, is this "accidental encounter" really just a chance encounter?

And the last time I was in the mountains...

Um? etc.

Let’s not talk about the possibility of humans surviving the explosion. Just the subsequent landslide... He saw with his own eyes that "Matsuda" was submerged by a massive amount of mud and rocks. How on earth did this man survive?

Toru Amuro's heart was full of doubts, expectations, vigilance and inquiry.

The expression on his face remained unchanged.

He moved the ball and tripod to the table, and while arranging them, he asked casually: "Have I seen you somewhere before?"

When Matsuda Jinpei heard this universal pick-up phrase, he glanced at him but said nothing.

Ghosts are born unable to speak. Although they can occasionally mutter some sounds, it is fine when they are in the ghost form, but if they mutter in the human form now, they are really weak and look very strange.

Although Jiang Xia didn't say it directly, after such a long time, Matsuda Jinpei also noticed that this young psychic seems to be very concerned about Ma Jia's daily behavior, and especially likes to move closer to the "mysterious and mature behind-the-scenes villain". Maybe I think that’s more handsome...

If at this time, it uses this vest that Jiang Xia likes very much and whispers to Toru Amuro...

Matsuda Jinpei thought for a moment, and the scene of his ghost colleagues and Jiang Xia happily having a murderous party slowly emerged in his mind, with only one ghost being shut up next to him, silently watching the feast in front of him...


It shuddered silently and extinguished the idea of ​​"reminiscing with old classmates".

Then he folded his hands in front of his body, with the club standing in his arms, leaning against the wall, like a talkative and cold-blooded villain, waiting for Toru Amuro to swing the ball.

Amuro Toru failed to talk to him for the Nth time and sighed inwardly.

However, when I remembered that the man who called himself Kurosawa spoke very little along the way, I felt that this was normal.

He walked over and closed the window next to him, and began to think about other sources of intelligence.

——When he met Matsu...Kurosawa, Matsuda was with Senma Yoyo.

Judging from Senjian Fangdai's attitude towards him, it seemed that the old man and the young man knew each other, and the old woman even had a vague feeling of caring for him... In addition, when the eagle pounced on him just now, Matsuda seemed to cover his heart.

In fact, when Toru Amuro saw the action of covering his chest just now, he thought it was an eagle that had dropped a feather when it was swooping. Matsuda saw it, so he grabbed it conveniently...

But Granny Qianjian, an acquaintance, immediately asked Matsuda if he felt sick about his heart. And later, when Matsuda took his hand away, he did not have anything like feathers in his hand... In other words, Granny Qianjian must be right. The Matsuda in front of him seems to be in poor health?

...If you are seriously injured in an explosion and then rescued, or if you accidentally fall from a high place in order to escape from a ferris wheel equipped with an explosion, it will indeed leave a lot of sequelae.

"..." Tsk, what are you thinking about?

It’s not like the police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department are all trash. Moreover, the scene where Matsuda died was at the Ferris wheel in the commercial district. There should be many citizens watching below, trying to perform a serious escape attempt there, but it hasn’t been reported yet. Why? It’s impossible to even think about it.

And even if it is really rescued, it is impossible for a person to grow in reverse and become younger than before - the current Matsu...Kurosawa looks about twenty years old, even with sunglasses and mature suits, He looked at most as old as Matsuda Jinpei when he just graduated from the police academy.

Toru Amuro quickly eliminated some unrealistic assumptions.

But after playing billiards for a while, the man in black next to him looked more and more familiar.

In fact, if you didn't stare at the face and compare the details, Tohru Amuro would almost think that Jinpei Matsuda had escaped from the cemetery and was standing next to him playing billiards as if nothing had happened.

...But on the way here just now, why didn’t I feel this familiar?

Amuro Toru was thinking about it and suddenly frowned and noticed something unusual.

——Although Matsuda had always been quiet before this, if he talked to him and no one else interrupted him, Matsuda would at least be willing to respond.

But now, Matsuda has no intention of answering...

...there's something weird about it.

Is there some connection between the "sudden silence" and the change in his body shape?

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro ignored the embarrassment of "asking questions but no one responded", spoke as if naturally, and asked a few more questions persistently.

Then I found that Matsuda nodded or shook his head to some questions that could be answered with "yes" or "no".

But when asked a question that requires speaking in order to answer, he pretends not to hear.

"..." It wasn't like he was ignoring people on purpose, but more like he couldn't speak for some reason.

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