Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 592 Ke Xue’s anti-corrosion update to the leader [Drummer]

The Phantom Thief, who had his eye on someone else's wings, thought about it for a moment, and was too embarrassed to ask for a free prostitute.

So I started to find a topic tactfully: "Is that detective okay?"

Jiang Xia drove the Kiritengu puppet, thought for a moment, and nodded - although he didn't hand over the main body to Terai Kinosuke like Kid thought, but in his own hands, he would definitely be fine.

Kidd couldn't find anything wrong from the calm look on Kiriten Dog's face.

He pointed to the bridge with some sparks from a distance: "The mastermind behind calling us just blew up the bridge. Although after a while, if the detectives never returned, their friends or assistants would probably call the police for help. People...but you know, I often take gems and works of art from the police, so they are not very friendly to me, if I am surrounded by them..."

As he said this, he glanced at the flying foggy dog ​​and gave a secret hint.

"..." Jiang Xia accepted his hint and moved her wings reluctantly, "If you can't run away by yourself, I can send you out."

Kidd was relieved.

At the same time, he couldn't help but raise his hand and pinched the hard frame of the wings with envy: Oh, so cool. After all, hang gliders are still incomparable to real wings.

Jiang Xia glanced at him, ruthlessly took the wings out of his hand, and said casually: "You can grow it if you want."

Kidd was startled and a little moved: "You mean using magic?"

"No, magic can't make you grow wings." As Jiang Xia spoke, he skillfully formed a pair of vampire-like fangs, opened his mouth slightly, and let a frightening cold light flash from the tips of his teeth, "But you can become a monster. , then it will naturally have wings.”

Kidd: "?!"

He instinctively covered his neck and took a few steps back.

But he couldn't suppress his curiosity: "You monsters are like vampires? If you bite them, they will become the same kind..." Huh? etc.

Kidd suddenly remembered something serious: " bit that detective just now!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

It's just a joke, but Kidd is actually quite serious...Does he think the foggy dog ​​can't lie?

So he became more rigorous and said calmly: "Not all people who have been bitten can become the same kind. They must be distinguished according to the situation."

"...That's it." Kidd actually believed it, and seemed to be seriously debating whether to turn into a monster and grow wings that were more majestic and flexible than hang gliders.

Opposite him, Jiang Xia silently looked at his expression.

When I found out that he was serious, I was a little shocked: "..."

...Kidd is also a sophomore in high school, and his junior high school syndrome has not been cured yet.

Or is it that the previous encounter with the witch caused cracks in Kidd's worldview, so he is now in a state where he can fit all kinds of messy worldviews into his brain?

...The wings are actually not that good. Apart from being convenient for flying and being able to hold Rua for a few times instead of the wives' cats when they are free, they are very troublesome and difficult to close up at other times, which makes it difficult to get a job in a winery.

Speaking of which, what if Kidd really nods later?

"..." Well, let's just say he failed the assessment. Not everyone can be a monster. Moreover, Wutian Dog has a Z-shaped mark on his body, so he is considered a member of the Anonymous Organization. It is normal for the threshold to be higher...

Jiang Xia looked out into the dark forest as if nothing had happened, pushing back the occasional conscience.

Fortunately, although the Kaito thief occasionally falls short, he still has reason and understands the inconvenience of monsters.

Although he was very tempted by the invitation of "turning into a monster and growing a pair of wings", which he had rarely heard in his life, he still planned to refuse in the end.

——Kid thought about it and realized that he was stealing gems with a purpose, rather than stealing randomly. At present, it seems that with the collections he has obtained, it is difficult for Wutian Dog to supply even one monster. If he were to add himself to it, wouldn't it be even more difficult? What if it ends up being two monsters hooking up and going out to hunt humans...

"..." Kidd didn't think it was possible.

And judging from the foggy dog's past behavior, it seems that the pair of wings cannot be completely hidden. In other words, if he becomes a monster and grows wings, he may not be able to mix naturally with human society in the future...

Kidd finally shook his head regretfully.

Then he counted the time and said goodbye to the foggy dog ​​a little timidly: "I have to go back. Be careful when you act, those detectives are all very observant, and there is a gun hidden under the pillow in my room... People like me who come to stay temporarily can get guns, and other people may also have them in their houses. Tsk, the owner of this villa has really sinister intentions."

Jiang Xia nodded, indicating that he understood.

After confirming that Kidd would not wander around and destroy the situation in the annex, he watched the Phantom Thief leave, and then lit a piece of ghost mint harvested from the main body to replenish energy.

Then let the puppet slowly dissipate. His consciousness also returned to the puppet where Matsuda Jinpei was.

Jiang Xia opened her eyes in the living room and looked around.

I saw that Matsuda Jinpei did not stand in a daze all the time, but started playing billiards.

The opponent was the not-so-serious Toru Amuro, a boss who liked to use his brain to solve problems. At this time, he seemed to be secretly letting loose. He naturally missed the ball, as if he wanted Matsuda Jinpei to move a few more times and observe him. status.

"..." It would be boring to fight if the opponent lets it go... Jiang Xia picked up the cue stick on the ground and was about to finish the round and play something else.

At this time, over at the card table, Gunda Ikumi suddenly said "Huh?" in confusion.

She looked at the cards in her hand, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with emotion: "It seems to be really restored."

Although the detectives in the living room are all playing their own games, they are not really immersed in these casual games, but are concentrating on thinking about the things in this annex.

At this time, after hearing Gunda Ikumi's words, a group of people realized that this seemed to be related to tonight's puzzle, and gathered around to check it out.

I saw Gunda Ikumi holding two playing cards in her hand - the Jack of Spades and the Four of Clubs stuck together. After being separated, you can see a dark stain in the middle of the card, which at first glance looks like a blood stain.

"There was even blood spattered in the living room...Whether it was real blood or a replica, the scene back then seemed very tragic." The cowboy detective took the playing cards and looked at them, "I am getting more and more curious about Kidd's search. That’s why we came here.”

"Jiang Xia" glanced at him: Regarding this issue, Kidd himself also wants to know...

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a few knocks on the door of the living room.

A group of detectives gathered around the card table turned around.

The maid opened the door gently and bowed: "I've been waiting for a long time. Dinner has been prepared and the master is waiting for you in the restaurant."

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