Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 593 Your wife is gone

"Huh? He actually showed up on his own initiative?"

Granny Qianjian pushed up her glasses in confusion.

The maid responded, then remembered what she had just speculated about "the master probably doesn't intend to show up", and lowered her head in embarrassment.

Her face turned slightly red, and she quietly turned sideways, opened the door, and led the way for the guests.

A group of people walked through the corridor and came to the restaurant.

Pushing open the double doors, you can see three tables arranged in a ∏ shape in the restaurant - two long tables facing each other, and a person is sitting on the short table facing the door and farthest from the door.

The "owner" was sitting at the main seat, with a set of tableware printed with exquisite patterns placed in front of him.

He was wearing a black robe and a purple pointed hood. His face was tightly covered, only two faint eye holes were exposed. He looked like a villain in some game who had not closed the door properly and accidentally slipped into reality.

Jiang Xia: "..." Good, good second grade.

Next to him, the cowboy detective apparently had the same idea.

And he said it loudly: "Haha, have you watched too much TV? Legend has it that Kidd is an uncle in his forties, but you look like a fourteen-year-old sophomore in junior high school."

The chuunibyou in the restaurant ignored him.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, the organizer said solemnly: "Famous detectives present. I sincerely welcome you to this dusk villa - please take your seats first."

"..." Kidd stared at the owner of the house who looked different from him, secretly condemning this man's lack of professionalism.

However, when I thought about it, the mastermind behind the scenes had blown up the bridge. Now, no matter whether the organizer is really Kidd or not, the detectives can't escape for a while... It seems that there is really no need to continue the show.

Kidd sighed inwardly and found a seat to sit down, wanting to see what tricks this "organizer" planned to play in his name.

There are several sets of tableware placed on the long dining table.

A group of people each found a place to sit and looked at the table at the end.

Under the gaze of everyone, the organizer spoke slowly: "I invite you all to come here. I hope you can help me find the treasure hidden in this annex. In order to allow you to accept this commission with peace of mind... "


As he finished speaking, a vague explosion suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, through the window of the restaurant, I could see that the outside seemed to get a little brighter - there was a blur of light dancing, like a burning flame.

From where Jiang Xia was, he could just see a corner of the parking lot outside the window.

I saw a car parked there, which had been blown out of shape.

Considering that the organizer wants to retain people, he will not just blow up one car. Although the other vehicles in the parking lot were out of his sight, it was not difficult to imagine their miserable state at this time.

"..." Jiang Xia lit a candle for a luxury car and someone's wife.

Everyone else also heard the explosion, and the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became tense.

The organizer seemed to have anticipated their reaction, and said with a low smile: "No need to panic, this is just to prevent you from leaving without permission."

As he spoke, he said in the tone of Kaitou Kidd: "You have always been chasing me in the past. I think that in line with the principle of fairness, we should occasionally exchange positions.

“This time, it’s up to me to enjoy the pleasure of driving you into a desperate situation.

"By the way, the suspension bridge leading here is now broken, and you should have discovered it a long time ago. There is no phone here, let alone signal... You can't leave.

"——Unless you help me find the treasure."

At this point, the organizer's voice suddenly dropped, with a hint of threat and murderous intent: "It took me many years to get this wealth. Even if I risk my life, I have to get it. I hope you won't let me disappointment."

Kidd touched the goosebumps on his arms.

...Zhong Er was nothing, but when he thought that this person was speaking under his identity, he felt extremely embarrassed. The real Kid wouldn't say such a thing.

Jiang Xia leaned back leisurely on his chair, looked at the organizer who was not showing any murderous intent, and smiled: "When you say 'you must risk your life to find the treasure', do you mean risking our lives?"

Next to him, Toru Amuro glanced at him, thinking that he seemed to be able to talk again. Speaking of which, almost as soon as he left the living room, the familiarity in "Kurosawa's" movements disappeared again.

...There is indeed some connection between "cannot speak" and "familiar body shape".

Could it be that after staying in the living room for a while, he has calmed down and has the energy to continue disguising himself?

Or is there actually some allergen in the living room that interferes with Matsuda's state... Well, let's observe again later to see if Matsuda deliberately avoids the living room.

At the same time, Toru Amuro speculated while instinctively touching his phone. I really want to send an email to Kazami Yuya and the others immediately, asking them to thoroughly investigate this "Kurosawa Zuo" and the Senjian Yudai who came with him... Unfortunately, there is no signal here.

In front of the dining table.

The Second Form organizer still ignored any questions or complaints.

He followed what he just said attentively and continued: "For the person who finds the treasure, I will not only give him half of the wealth, but also tell him the way to leave here - the above are the general rules. I hope everyone here can take good care of it. Enjoy this tense game where your life is at stake."

"Enjoy it?" The cowboy detective pushed open the dining chair and stood up with a sneer.

He thought of his wife in a luxury car who had been blasted on the parking lot outside and whose life and death were unknown. When he looked at the organizer, his words were inevitably thorny: "For a game organized by a timid person like you who dare not even show his face, I I’m not interested in participating.”

With that said, he strode up to the organizer, grabbed the sharp corners of the hood, and pulled it off hard.

The other detectives looked at this scene and secretly breathed out a sigh of relief.

However, everyone's eyes quickly froze.

——What is revealed under the organizer’s hood is not the “true face of the Phantom Thief”.

Instead, it has a rounded plastic head.

...The cunning, cunning, and inconsiderate "host" turned out to be just a humanoid plastic mannequin with a speaker on its head.

The model is just an ordinary model without emotions. When the hood was taken off and the head was forced to be exposed, it didn't feel social.

Under the complicated eyes of a group of people, it continued to say in that eerie tone:

"Okay, you can't solve the puzzle when you're hungry. Please enjoy this last supper."


The restaurant was quiet for a moment.

After a moment, Detective Bai Ma put his hands on his chin and sighed gracefully: "Asking the detective to help solve a mystery that he can't solve is not something Kid would do. He is the one who solves the puzzle... …”

Plop la la——

At the moment when he was posing with his hands, the hawk he was holding suddenly had a sharp look in his eyes and suddenly flew towards Jiang Xia.

Then he was grabbed by the anklets attached to the back of the chair and started flopping on the spot.

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