Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 594 Karasuma Renye, please vote for me ()

The white-horse detective was faced with an eagle that failed to take off, and his wings were smudged and his hair was stained all over his body.

After being startled for a moment, he hurriedly hugged Watson, who had failed to take off and was currently flopping around trying to find a foothold.

Then he looked at the eagle in surprise, then followed the eagle's gaze to Jiang Xia, and frowned in confusion: Why is Watson so excited today? Could it be that after hearing the word "Kid" in his own words, Watson thought it was some kind of attack command, so he pounced on Kidd?

...However, Baima Tan thought that when he arrested Kidd, he rarely took Watson with him. I have never done this type of training. It's impossible for Watson to have awakened his own skills against the Phantom Thieves.

...Or is there something else hidden in that young man in black that attracts eagles, such as a unique smell like the smell of blood?

Jiang Xia glanced at the flapping eagle indifferently, and then looked back indifferently.

Then he secretly glanced at the foggy dog ​​quietly holding on to his hand, living like a plush glove.

And he looked at the lively mermaid who, after discovering that the eagle was tied up, was swimming left and right and began to amuse the eagle.

"..." Why are you bullying others? He's a fluffy eagle, he's quite cute. If the mermaid makes him bald, he will never find a chance to become bald in the future...

The eagle opposite suddenly trembled.

Baima Tan stroked it and smoothed its fur.

At the same time, looking at Watson's head moving around, I found that it was no longer just staring at Kurosawa, but occasionally looked elsewhere, with its eyes wandering.

"?" After a moment of confusion, Baima Tan began to think about other reasons.

——For example, Watson's strange behavior today has nothing to do with Kurosawa. It's just because he got sick and his mental state became strange, or... there is something hidden in this annex that will excite the eagle. thing?

While Baima Tan was busy treating the eagle.

Others are also thinking about what happened to the organizer just now.

——Based on Kidd's usual behavior, it is indeed difficult to imagine that he would do such a thing today.

Although the "Phantom Son Abandoned by God" on the invitation letter can indeed be related to "Kid", but now it seems that someone may have sent the invitation letter pretending to be this sought-after Phantom Thief in order to recruit detectives.

Therefore, now everyone is more curious about the hidden host than the treasure - not only does this person use a "dummy" to represent himself at the dinner, but he has never had any contact with the maid and attaches great importance to hiding his identity.

... As soon as I thought about the maid, the door of the restaurant was knocked twice by the person involved.

The maid gently opened the door, then returned to the dining cart she had pushed, and began to serve the guests.

Jiang Xia looked at the fragrant food in front of her and sniffed it quietly, but couldn't smell it. Although puppets look and feel the same as humans, their internal structures are different. Food and water will be kept intact in the body. In other words, eating is not only tasteless, but also tends to leave traces when the puppet disappears.

"..." Facing a table of sumptuous meals, Jiang Xia sighed inwardly.

Then he silently moved the soup closer to himself.

Although you can explain your hunger strike behavior by saying "you have no appetite after coming to the haunted house". But on this occasion, not eating anything will look very strange, and it is easy to be immediately targeted as the mastermind behind the scenes... Just pretend to drink some soup. You can put the soup bowl to your mouth and pretend to drink it. I didn’t actually drink it, so the food didn’t have such a perfunctory effect.

Next to him, Toru Amuro looked at his hands playing with the soup bowl and questioned directly:

"The organizer just said that this is the 'Last Supper'... It feels very unlucky to say this just at the beginning of the game. The food cannot be poisoned."

Opposite me, the fat food detective laughed:

"What are you afraid of? I made all these meals myself, and of course the ingredients have been washed carefully."

Baima Tan held the eagle that was looking into the air with one hand, and with the other hand he took off the eagle feathers that were stained by fluttering on his face. He looked a little confused.

However, he still has the temperament of a young master, and he is also listening to what others are saying attentively: "Even if the food is prepared by yourself, the tableware is placed here in advance. It is better to wipe it first before eating, which is safer."

Granny Qianjian doesn't seem to care much about these, and her whole person exudes a Buddhist aura that can live as long as she wants.

She turned her head and glanced at Jiang Xia's movement of slowly moving the soup bowl, and pushed her own bowl over. She felt an inexplicable sense of compassion for someone who was about to die: "If you don't have an appetite for other meals, I will I’ll give you the bowl too.”

Jiang Xia: "..." No. Don't add any more weight to the puppet.

However, he nodded first, took it politely, and put it next to him... Anyway, no one saw whether he had finished the drink.

The puppet cannot feel hungry, but the human next to it cannot.

They had traveled all the way here, and by now, they were all very hungry.

Considering that they would only have the strength to reason after they were full, and since the organizer wanted them to hunt for treasures, they should not be poisonous from the start, so a group of people wiped the tableware at hand and started to eat.

The meal was finished quickly.

Until the end, no one fell to the ground due to poisoning. Everyone gradually felt relieved.

After a while, Granny Qianjian, the slowest eater, also finished her meal and wiped her mouth.

At this time, the organizer's gloomy voice sounded again:

"Are you satisfied with the dinner? So, let's get back to the topic - you will definitely be curious as to why I want to use this expensive annex as a stage for games.

"On that note...first of all, please take a closer look at the cutlery you have placed in your hands."

Jiang Xia put down the almost untouched soup bowl and picked up the table knife on the side.

I saw a circular family emblem printed on the handle of the knife. Above it is a stupid crow with a big head and belly and a twisted shape. It looks funny but also a bit gloomy.


If I remember correctly, this should be the boss's family emblem.

It's so tasteless, but something like the family emblem, which has been around for a long time, should have been designed by the ancestors of the Karasuma family. I hope the current boss's aesthetics can improve...

After thinking about it, Jiang Xia glanced at Toru Amuro. I don’t know if the police have found out that the boss is a member of the Karasuma family...

There was nothing unusual about Toru Amuro's expression, and there was no murderous look on his body. He was holding the teacup at hand and looking at the bottom - the clan emblem engraved there was the largest and clearest.

Suddenly aware of the gaze from the side, he put down the cup and looked back in confusion.

Jiang Xia calmly withdrew his gaze: It seems that not yet...

The smooth-headed plastic "host" paused for a moment to give the guests time to look at the family emblem.

Then he said: "This is the emblem of the Karasuma family. You must have heard of Karasuma Renye - the rich man who died mysteriously half a century ago."


Thanks to the big guys for the rewards and [monthly tickets]

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