Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 595 Bloody Night


The organizer paused for a moment and continued:

"Except for the tableware, every door, floor, handrail, and even the chess patterns and pictures on the playing cards are out-of-print treasures customized by Renya Karasuma. Forty years ago, in this exquisite building A tragic massacre occurred in the custom-made villa - I believe you have discovered that this villa is stained with blood everywhere. These are the traces left by that bloody night 40 years ago.

"At that time, someone summoned celebrities from all political and economic circles. Everyone gathered in this annex and held a memorial service for Renya Karasuma, who passed away at the age of 99.

"But in fact, this was a secret auction, and the auction items were all precious works of art collected by Renye Karasuma during his lifetime. There were more than 300 items auctioned at that time, and the entire auction was scheduled to last three days.

"However, the next night, a stormy night, two men who were soaked by the rain suddenly came to the villa. They claimed to be lost in the mountains and asked to stay overnight. The organizer originally wanted to refuse, But after smoking something that looked like a cigarette that they had stuffed in, he changed his mind and allowed them in."

Toru Amuro: "..."...something like cigarettes?

Although I haven't heard the follow-up yet, the host's sudden change of attitude and the context of his words seem to imply that this thing is not simple... could it be a drug?

Toru Amuro suddenly remembered those strange "cigarette-like things" on Jiang Xia's body and glanced at "Jiang Xia".

However, according to his previous tests, Jiang Xia's cigarettes seemed to be mixed with ordinary plant powders, which were not addictive. The technician who helped him test it said that it might be something like essential oil used to refresh himself.

"Jiangxia" failed to notice the gaze from Toru Amuro.

Because at this time, he heard "something like a cigarette" and thought of something. He looked out the window and felt a little confused.

——Speaking of which, why does Wutian Gou like the pack of cigarettes on Jiang Xia’s body so much? In the woods before, before he had time to take a closer look, the cigarette was taken away by the foggy dog... Kid thought carefully and found that he had met Jiang Xia who had just smoked at the crime scene. At that time, The smell on Jiang Xia's body was indeed different from ordinary cigarettes.

...Tsk, Jiang Xia must be forced to help the scumbag boss sell drugs. Or are you too stressed and have taken the wrong path of using these things to relieve stress?

Thinking of this, "Jiang Xia" couldn't help but glance at Toru Amuro.

Next to him, Zhen Jiangxia held his head and watched the reactions of these two people: "..."

...I feel like there are strange pots flying around in the air.

However, what does the matter between Bourbon and "Kid the Phantom Thief dressed as Jiang Xia" have to do with Uzo...

While silently watching the meal, Toru Amuro seemed to notice some kind of gaze, as if watching a play, and suddenly glanced at Zhen Jiangxia.

Then as if he remembered something, he lowered his gaze slightly and looked at the pocket where Jiang Xia was putting his cigarette.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...This undercover agent is also too sensitive to sight.

He pretended nothing happened and picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea.

At the same time, I thought boredly that it was time to drive up the vest of "Uzo" and go buy some real cigarettes openly.

At that time, if the clerk asks him to show his ID again, he will be able to flick his adult ID on the table and pass through the smoking and drinking establishment unimpeded... When he buys the cigarettes, he will add a little bit of unnoticeable substance into them. Thin ghost mint. This can not only satisfy Matsuda's little hobby of smoking, but also add a mysterious and mature filter to himself with smoke effects. It will not waste too much ghost mint, and the taste will not be the same as the cigarettes on Jiang Xia's body...

Unfortunately, time was tight this time and I didn’t have time to prepare cigarettes. And in this case, it’s not very convenient to smoke...

Next time you go on stage, be sure to bring props with you.

Jiang Xia nodded secretly in her heart.

The "host" who tells the story is, after all, just a machine and cannot see the small movements of the guests.

He continued to tell the bloody story: "Other guests also got the traveler's 'cigarettes' one after another, and the venue began to be filled with thick smoke. After a while, some people began to scream like ghosts, and finally abandoned themselves. The target art works were running wildly outward; some people burst into tears as if begging for someone's forgiveness, and could not stop no matter what; some people were holding a pen with excitement on their faces and stabbing their wrists repeatedly...

"At the end, all the guests started to grab the art pieces frantically, and even picked up the famous knives and swords from the auction, and hacked each other. The whole annex became a hell.

"After this nightmare night, there were eight dead people and more than a dozen comatose guests at the auction.

"But the two travelers who got lost on the stormy night took a large amount of art with them and disappeared without a trace."

After the "organizer" finished speaking, he temporarily stopped talking.

The hall fell into silence as the detectives digested this untrue or false story.

The maid looked at the timetable and started serving tea according to the meal time.

Amidst the gurgling sound of tea liquid filling the porcelain cup, the host's malicious voice sounded again:

"If you have no clue, you can try to reenact the tragic tragedy 40 years ago - tonight, only one guest can leave the castle. Let me see the ugly way you kill each other.

"However, searching for treasure in such a large villa is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Here is a tip I give you -

"'Two travelers looked up at the sky at night, and the devil descended on the castle; the king fled with his treasure, the princess shed tears on the Holy Grail, begging for forgiveness, and the soldiers killed themselves with swords, staining the ground with blood.'

"...Haha, although it is just a reminder, I think it can also be used to predict what will happen in this annex."

Jiang Xia took a sip of tea and was a little distracted: If the "prophecy" comes true and a massacre starts here tonight, then the detectives will definitely risk a lot of murderous intent, and maybe a few ghost fetuses will be lost... However, from a rational point of view, the detectives probably There is no such idea of ​​"mutual killing" at all.

...However, based on Conan, the detectives in this world seem to have the potential to be dramatic actors. If they follow the wishes of the "organizer" and seriously stage a massacre, maybe they can actually generate some murderous intent?

Jiang Xia remembered that when she was invited to the set to watch, she had felt some murderous intent from the senior actors - when they entered the scene, those veteran actors really wanted to kill the target.

It's a pity that similar scenes are not always available. There are only a few famous actors who can be realistic enough to produce murderous intent. Most of them are one-offs - either they are killed suddenly, or they kill someone suddenly and then get caught. On the set Quickly change the scene...

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