Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 596 Don’t hold other people’s heads. Please vote for me (`)


In short, I hope the acting skills of the famous detectives pass the test.

...It would be better if there was some special flavor of murderous aura. For example, Detective Hakuba looks like he has great potential. After all, he is Kid's lifelong enemy, and he has even speculated that Kid is Kuroba Kaito...

Across the table, the white-horse detective suddenly felt a chill in his back. He raised his head keenly and, together with his eagle, looked at the young man in black opposite him.

He didn't panic when he saw the other person was caught peeping. He just looked at him for a moment and showed a meaningful smile.

The mermaid noticed the interaction between the two sides, thought for a moment, suddenly grew in size, and swooped towards the eagle in the hand of the white horse explorer - she is currently the only large ghost among the ghosts that can expand into a normal human size.

The naive eagle didn't expect that the strange "kind" around him suddenly became so huge. His whole body froze and his hair exploded into a ball. He looked like he was frightened by Jiang Xia's smile.

The mermaid looked at the hair ball in front of her and was satisfied.

She reached out and touched the eagle's head, and then it returned to the size of a mini pillow and slowly floated back to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia: "..." Don't use murderous intent for strange things!

...But the effect is pretty good.

So he pretended not to see anything, looked away, and drank tea gracefully.

The other detectives were not familiar with Detective White Horse's eagle. They were always startled when they saw it, but they didn't realize anything was wrong.

Their attention was focused more on the organizer.

Regarding the organizer's proposal to "play a massacre game in which the winner survives to the end," no one planned to cooperate with him.

Although the "host" is a plastic model, considering that there are cameras in the restaurant, the real host may be peeking behind the camera and hearing their voices.

So the detectives still said what they wanted to say to the plastic case.

Gunda Ikumi leaned back in his chair and laughed: "Are you kidding? The prerequisite for killing each other is 'mutual' - we don't have time to play this boring survival game with you."

The plastic "organizer" seemed to have guessed their attitude and snorted coldly:

"None of you can even think about quitting this survival game, because you have long been confused by the bloody smell that remains here and can't escape - come on, this game will start when someone among you lets out the first scream. ,begin.

"Also, listen carefully - whoever finds the treasure should immediately come to the room on the 4th floor of the central tower and enter the location of the treasure into the computer. At that time, I will naturally follow the agreement and leave half of the treasure and leave here I’ll tell you the method.”

The cowboy detective's voice was colder than ever: "I won't accompany you anymore. I'm not interested in the treasure hunt game." Besides, you blew up my car... He looked at the flames outside the window, full of anger, and strode towards the door of the restaurant.

Senjian Yushiro looked at his friend and reminded: "According to what the organizer said, the bridge and the road have been blown up."

The cowboy detective had already thought of this: "This is a deep mountain, not an isolated island. No matter how exaggerated his description is, if we want to leave, we can definitely get out. At most, we can survive in the wild for a few days..."


Next to him, there was suddenly the sound of a stool falling to the ground.

The cowboy detective was startled and followed the sound with the others.

He saw the gourmet detective looking ferocious, pinching his neck and standing up. He stumbled on his feet and opened his mouth wide as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't spit out the words and fell to the ground.

The place where the food detective fell to the ground was not far from Jiangxia.

In the silence, Jiang Xia walked around Qianjian's mother-in-law's seat and walked next to him, looking down at him meaningfully.

Then he said calmly: "It's hopeless."

On the opposite side, Bai Ma Tan heard these words, instinctively clicked his pocket watch, and whispered the time: "Death time 22:34:51..."

After saying that, I remembered Watson's attitude towards the young man in black and felt uneasy, so I ran over to check it out again.

Then he sighed: "He is indeed dead."

Gunda Ikumi also took a closer look: "There are currently no signs of blueness or purpleness on the lips. In smells like bitter almonds."

Jiang Xia: "..." It's you again, potassium cyanide.

Considering the time of onset of potassium cyanide, a group of detectives ruled out the problem of dinner and looked at the post-dinner black tea on the table.

Senjian Yushiro took out a coin with patina and dipped it into the gourmet detective's tea.

Seeing that the coin still had its original dull color, she shook her head: "There is no redox reaction, so it shouldn't be a problem with the tea."

The organizer’s voice came just right:

"Okay, the game has officially begun. Even if you are not looking for treasures, you should focus on the game for your own lives. In addition, I have put a lot of poisonous snakes around here, you'd better not pick them easily...%¥\u0026am;* "

The sound behind became a little blurry.

The detectives observing the corpse were startled and followed the voice to the plastic organizer.

I saw the young man who called himself Kurosawa Zuo and walked up to the organizer at some point. He observed for a moment, stretched out his hand, and naturally pulled out the head of the "host".

Detectives: "..."

They were slightly stunned by this sudden behavior.

Immediately afterwards, something was wrong - as the head was pulled out, two wires were exposed under the organizer's head, which were connected to two palm-sized machines.

Jiang Xia politely supported the organizer's head with one hand, picked up the machine with the other hand, looked at it, and secretly pulled up the progress bar: "It's a timer and a tape. Everything he said was recorded in advance."

Toru Amuro turned to the maid and confirmed: "Did the host set the time for you to serve food in advance?"

The maid nodded: "The time is written on the process sheet, accurate to the minute."


What he said was recorded in advance, and the serving time was also stipulated in advance...

It can be seen that it is different from what they thought just now: the organizer is not hiding somewhere, observing the situation while using a dummy to talk to the detectives.

Instead, everything is prepared in advance.

That is to say...

"The murderer is probably among us." White Horse Detective frowned, "In addition, he was probably convinced from the very beginning that he could successfully kill someone. That's why he said the 'first scream' It’s like a prophecy.”

The other detectives nodded and had the same idea.

The cowboy detective was still thinking about his car.

He suggested: "We can't just listen to the 'organizer''s nonsense. Let's go out and check the situation first - maybe the heavy rain will affect those timing devices or bombs, causing some cars to fail to be blown up on time... If That way, we can drive and find our way through the mountains, so we don't have to worry about those 'venomous snakes that are released into the mountains' as he said."


Thanks to the big guys for the rewards and [monthly tickets]()

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