Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 615: Catch Tohru Amuro first and update to the leader of the alliance [Isn’t it in line with

Chapter 615: Catch Tohru Amuro first and update to the leader of the alliance [Do not change the name if it is inappropriate]

Kidd was slightly surprised when he heard Qianjian's words.

——I didn’t expect that this old woman, who was not very good at solving puzzles and finding treasures, actually saw Toru Amuro’s disguise. I have to say that that scumbag boss is actually very good at acting.

Kidd recalled the scene in the annex and found that if he hadn't known in advance that Toru Amuro was a criminal with a dark heart, and only looked at the scumbag boss's behavior in the annex, he really wouldn't have been able to tell his attitude towards his employees. what is the problem.

And at that time, Toru Amuro was not staring at Jiang Xia urgently. His attention was more focused on the dangerous "Kurosawa". Unexpectedly, Mother-in-law Qianjian actually felt that there was something wrong with Toru Amuro... Well, maybe as people live longer, they become better at recognizing people?

While Kid was thinking, he suddenly let go of his hand and dropped Senjian Yoyo. He turned slightly to one side and flew away in a completely different direction from the helicopter.

Senjian Yoyo let out a brief exclamation, but soon stopped falling again.

——A rope was firmly tied around her waist at some point, and the other end was connected to the helicopter above.

Her life is not in danger. But there was no chance of taking Kid's ride and escaping from the detectives and police.

Kidd adjusted the hang glider behind him.

While following the topic just now, I couldn't help but think of Grandpa Terai next to me, who was almost as old as Qianjian's mother-in-law.

When it comes to Terai, Kidd inevitably thinks of the agreement between himself and Kiritengu - after he brought down Jiang Xia, time was tight, and Kidd was worried that Amuro Toru, the human trafficker, might have accomplices, so he didn't dare to do it. Treating other people who were replaced, Jiangxia was thrown away on the spot, and Kiritengu was asked to help take a look at it. When Terai came over, Jiangxia was handed over to Terai Huangnosuke.

"..." Now, I don't know if Grandpa Terai has succeeded in watching people.

If he caught it, now that he had successfully escaped from the Dusk Villa, it was time to send Jiang Xia directly to the police station and let him identify the scumbag boss.

The height of the top of the Dusk Villa does not allow hang gliders to glide out of this deep forest.

But the height on the helicopter is quite sufficient.

Kidd managed to escape and was slightly disappointed that he didn't catch the foggy dog's coattails...but now was obviously not the time to think about such things.

He took out his cell phone and looked at it.

After there is a signal, Kidd plans to call Terai Huangnosuke and ask him to release him.

But at this time, as the phone connected to the signal, several messages that had been accumulated before flooded out.

They were all sent by Terai Huangnosuke.

Several text messages all had the same theme - he could not find Jiang Xia at the location where Kidd sent them. Later, he searched around and found nothing.

Kidd: "...?"

...where are the people?

The helicopter carrying the detectives soon entered the city.

Toru Amuro pushed open the door and jumped onto the tarmac, planning to fool the transcript as usual and then look for Jiang Xia.

Unexpectedly, when he wanted to leave, he was stopped by the police and detectives.

"Mr. Amuro." Gunda Ikumi twirled an unfolded letter and looked at him with a slightly wary look. "Can you explain this message? Kidd secretly put it on us before he left."

Toru Amuro looked over doubtfully.

I saw my Q-version avatar drawn on the paper, with a line of big words next to it.

——[Kidnapper. There are suspected accomplices and instigators, please cooperate with Jiang Xia to testify later]

Toru Amuro: "...?"

The other detectives all looked at him warily, including the police.

——Although Kidd is a criminal, he is unexpectedly believable in some aspects.

In contrast, although Toru Amuro is a detective and their colleague, he does not communicate much with his colleagues and rarely appears in newspapers. In addition, a group of people have just come into contact with two detective murderers. Therefore, before finding Jiangxia, Toru Amuro undoubtedly became the center of their suspicion.

Toru Amuro was silent for a moment and began to subconsciously guess how Kidd came to such a strange conclusion.

…First of all, rule out Jiangxia’s rumors.

——Jiang Xia has no reason to do that, and he doesn’t look like someone who likes to speak out.

Also, Kidd seems to like to knock people down unexpectedly; and according to some rumors among the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Jiang Xia also likes to hold down and knock dangerous people on the road. In short, these two people suddenly met, There should be no chance for peaceful talk.

...So, could it be that after Kidd replaced Jiang Xia's identity, he concluded that "Toru Amuro is not a good person" for some reasons?

——For example, Jiang Xia does not have a mobile phone with her, and there are some monitoring facilities in her car...

In addition, Amuro Toru thought that he had been keeping an eye on Jiang Xia all the way. If Jiang Xia could be replaced by Kidd, the only chance would be when they had a flat tire near a gas station.

after that……

Toru Amuro recalled his comment to the person who had a flat tire that "it would be nice if he died" in order not to fall off the horse in front of Jiang Xia.

Suddenly it felt like Kidd was right...

——After all, although Jiang Xia himself had no objections to this kind of completely closed trip, and even felt quite calm along the way, in a sense, this was indeed not much different from kidnapping.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro sighed as he faced the wary eyes of a group of peers.’s not a big problem.

Once Jiang Xia is found, he should be cleared of suspicion.

Jiang Xia will not follow him and call him a kidnapper, unless Kidd wears Jiang Xia's skin and scores twice...

If that's the case, take advantage of this opportunity and capture this overthinking Phantom Thief on the spot... Thinking of this, Toru Amuro's eyes became sharper.

Although at this time, most of the people present were doubting Amuro Toru's identity.

But it was impossible to detain the Phantom Thief as a prisoner just based on his message.

Therefore, although a group of people were wary of Amuro Tohru, in addition to surrounding him to prevent him from escaping, the police first followed the procedure and asked Amuro Toru to enter the police station and take notes, which was polite on the surface.

And Toru Amuro also acted very cooperatively.

Not only did he provide the police with the information that "Jiang Xia may have been replaced near the gas station," he also said something when making the transcript.

While waiting for others to take notes.

Toru Amuro glanced at "Kurosawa" who was leaning on the bench next to him to catch up on his sleep. He put his hands in his pockets and, using the cover of the cloth, blindly typed a message and sent it to Yuya Kazami.

Let the subordinates find an excuse to detain Matsuda and take him for a physical examination first, and at the same time inquire about all relevant information about him.

Originally, Toru Amuro planned to take action himself to avoid exposing his subordinates.

But now, when he is closely watched by the police and other detectives are relatively free, he might lose him... He can only leave it to Feng Jian and the others. I hope his subordinates will not lose track this time.

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