Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 616 The cadres are by my side

Not long after, the police received a related call.

——The gas station near Dusk Villa, after receiving their inquiry, began to search around its own station and nearby convenience stores.

Then in an old warehouse, Jiang Xia was found abandoned by an unscrupulous thief.

Toru Amuro and a group of policemen rushed there in a car.

When they arrived at the place, they found Jiang Xia wearing someone else's coat and eating oden provided by the convenience store girl. The elderly store manager passed by with a teapot and asked him kindly if he wanted some hot tea.


Toru Amuro was silent for a moment. Compared to him, a kidnapping suspect, Jiang Xia lived a very comfortable life...

However, it was thanks to Kidd's conscience that he only took away his coat but not all his clothes. Otherwise, if the clerk here suddenly sees a young man without clothes in the warehouse, he will probably panic and shout, thinking that a pervert has entered the store. How can he get such excellent treatment...

Toru Amuro yawned and compared the current situation between the two parties, feeling a little bit resentful.

When the police asked Jiang Xia and people at the gas station about the situation.

A "staff member" seemed to have noticed the commotion here and ran to watch the excitement. After taking a few glances and confirming the situation, he quietly slipped away.

——This "staff member" is none other than Kidd in disguise.

Half an hour ago, Kidd heard that Terai Huangnosuke had not received Jiang Xia, and Kiritengu could not be contacted. So I changed my voice, called the police station and asked about the situation.

After discovering that Wutiangu didn't send Jiang Xia to the police, Kidd fell into silence with sweat on his forehead, and began to talk about "Go to the deep forest to look for any food reserves hung on the trees" and "Go to the nearby gas station to check situation".

Then decisively chose the latter.

After all, the woods were so big that he didn't know where to look.

Moreover, Brother Youkai should be very trustworthy, otherwise Kiritengo would not have handed over the detective he caught with his own ability to him at that time.

Now, at the gas station.

Facts have proved that regardless of the process, Kidd finally came to the right conclusion.

——As expected, he saw Jiang Xia at the gas station.

So... maybe Kiritengu got bored waiting for Grandpa Terai and went shopping elsewhere alone. Then Jiang Xia woke up on the way and found that she had fainted in the woods, so she ran hard to the gas station warehouse.

After that, because it was temporarily safe and I relaxed a little, the effects of the anesthetic took over again, so I slept until now?

"..." It feels quite reasonable.

Let's just take it as such.

As for the specific situation, it will probably be clear when you encounter the foggy dog ​​next time you are robbed.

Thinking of this, Kidd glanced at Jiang Xia, who was surrounded by police and enthusiastic citizens, and then at his scumbag boss who was surrounded by police. He was very satisfied with the situation.

He pressed the brim of his hat while hiding his merit and fame, and left in a low profile.

Faced with the police's inquiry about "Is Toru Amuro a human trafficker"...

Of course Jiang Xia didn't cheat his boss.

After all, he just wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible and get on the road.

So he just said that he lost his cell phone in the middle. As for why Kidd thought he was kidnapped, he didn't know.

Although the police were still a little suspicious, they thought about the frequency of Jiang Xia's crime solving in the past few days in the news and the speed with which he contacted the police. They felt that if Jiang Xia wanted to ask for help, there would be tons of opportunities.

In addition, although Kidd has a good reputation, he is after all a mysterious thief with a lot of illegal records.

Therefore, it seems that Kid’s words cannot be fully believed—perhaps Kid secretly stuffed the note “There is a problem with Amuro Toru” into the other detectives just now, just to make the detectives focus more on Toru Amuro. So that he can escape in time.

After asking a few more questions, they could only let the two of them leave.

When the police left, no one was staring at him eagerly.

Toru Amuro took out his phone and took a fair look at it.

I saw an unread email on my phone.

After clicking on it, judging from the email address, it was a message from Rum, the second-in-command of the organization.

Toru Amuro was not surprised by this.

Previously, in order to maintain the behavior that "Bourbon" should have, he had reported the news in the Dusk Villa to Rum.

Toru Amuro clicked on the email.

I thought it was just a cliche like "well done".

However, when his eyes fell on it, his pupils suddenly shrank.

It was completely different from what he thought, what was written there was actually.

——[The adult already knows].


Toru Amuro subconsciously glanced at the receiving time.

He found out that Rum had written him back just a minute after he had sent the email. Rum and the boss check emails quite frequently... However, this is obviously not the current focus.

Toru Amuro looked at the few words on the email and was shocked by the overwhelming amount of information, and was silent for a moment.

Already know...

This means that before him, someone had already informed that gentleman about the Dusk Villa?

The mystery of the treasure was just solved today, and only a few people have seen the gold...

The faces of the detectives, the maid who looked like a stranger no matter how she looked, and "Matsuda" flashed through Toru Amuro's mind, and she felt like the hairs on her back were about to stand up.

... This feeling of "organization cadres are by my side", for normal organization members, will only lead to the unhappiness of being robbed of the first credit and the secret annoyance of being played by colleagues.

But for this fake bottle of bourbon, there is only horror and deep fear.

And among this group of people, who is the most suspicious...

The faces that flashed through his mind finally settled on "Kurosawa".

Amuro Toru's eyes darkened slightly.

Although he had doubts about "Kurosawa" for a long time, it was just a polite suspicion based on the principle of "If you can't confirm that there is no problem, treat it as a problem first."

I didn’t expect that now, things might actually come true.

For a moment, Toru Amuro's mood was subtly synchronized with those unlucky people who "worried that the ceiling fan above their heads would fall down, and then one day found that the ceiling fan actually fell down while rotating."

But after a while, he luckily thought that this night, he actually didn't stare at the "Jiang Xia" disguised as Kidd. Instead, he kept staring at Matsuda.

——There was no signal in the dusk annex, and Toru Amuro remembered that when the helicopter that picked up the detectives arrived at a place with signal, and until Toru Amuro sent a message to Rum, Matsuda had not used his mobile phone. The detectives stayed up all night together, catching up on sleep...

Did Matsuda use some means to avoid his eyes while pretending to be asleep and send a message to that gentleman?

Or was it someone else who informed the boss of the news, such as other detectives that he had not paid much attention to, or even the police who came to rescue people?

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