Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 620 The whole world is the enemy

Because he knocked out the crew members, Toru Amuro was suddenly stopped by the director to talk, and Toru Amuro was too embarrassed to turn around and leave.

Fortunately, in this world, being stabbed one by one is not a big deal. At most, you will just faint for a while, and you don't even need an ambulance.

When the director saw Jiangxia and Toru Amuro stopping, he took the opportunity to promote the drama he was filming.

——This is a short play set in Nagasaki at the end of the Bakumatsu period. A murder occurred in the Greif mansion, and the protagonist Ryoma Sakamoto was unfortunately regarded as a suspect because he was hiding in the mansion. In order to clear his grievances, he set out to solve the case with the help of a female doctor who had studied Dutch medical skills.

"Sakamoto Ryoma? Ran Gaku?" Hattori Heiji heard these familiar words and interjected doubtfully, "This story should be set in Nagasaki, right? Why was it filmed in Tottori?"

"To be honest, our funds are limited. It would be too expensive to rent a qualified Bakumatsu mansion in Nagasaki... There happened to be a cultural festival in the area and Chiho University opened a foreign mansion, so I borrowed it for filming." The director said. As he spoke, his eyes drifted to Jiang Xia again.

——Although Jiang Xia rarely films, and at most only makes friendly guest appearances in some scenes where veteran actors appear, in the director's impression, Jiang Xia has appeared in some detective variety shows, and is frequently in the newspapers because she often solves crimes, and is quite popular. high.

It just so happens that they are filming a suspense drama. If they can trick Jiang Xia into making a guest appearance as a publicity stunt, the effect should be very good.

The director briefly introduced what he was filming, laid the groundwork, and finally began to reveal his true purpose.

He looked at Jiang Xia and began to express clearly: "So, can I ask you to do a small favor? - Look, our actor was knocked unconscious by you..."

Jiang Xia glanced at the staff in the corner and was about to nod.

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered that Toru Amuro was standing next to him - the man who was nominally in charge of this business trip.

So Jiang Xia turned his head again, glanced at the organization superior, and politely asked for advice.

Just as he looked over, Hattori Heiji suddenly grabbed him and moved him forward, shoulder to shoulder, separating the line of sight between Jiang Xia and Amuro Toru.

At the same time, he urged like an enthusiastic classmate:

"Let's act, act. Suspense dramas are very suitable for detectives! Anyway, you'll be fine, right? Besides, the bitch lady was indeed knocked unconscious by you."

As he said that, he pushed Jiang Xia from behind.

The director on the opposite side stepped forward to greet Jiang Xia, took hold of Jiang Xia's hand, and shook it vigorously: "Then I'll leave it to you!"

"..." Toru Amuro always felt that another trouble was about to happen, and tried to nip the crisis in the bud, "Wait, if I remember correctly, the young lady I knocked unconscious is a female character."

"Haha, it's not important." The director was very happy when he heard that there was a play. "This role should be just a sidekick - the real murderer can't be seen on the scene so early. As a sidekick, change the tone of the lines, male or female It’s all the same! Just be responsible for providing a clue to the protagonist.”

"Should it?" Yuan Shan and Ye were a little confused about his choice of words, "Aren't you the director? You don't know how many scenes the character has?"


The director hesitated for a moment and whispered: "To be honest, our screenwriter suddenly ran away, leaving only the beginning of the script. But he is a very talented person. Although he has not finished writing yet, I believe in the quality of his script. "

"So," he looked at Jiang Xia, his eyes brightening a little, "if you find out who the murderer is while you are acting, please tell us. If the screenwriter never comes back, we will film it as you said. "

Jiang Xia: "..."

Toru Amuro: "..."

...You dare to take pictures like this?

This crew is too casual.

Tohru Amuro wanted to refuse.

But thinking about such a difficult crew and one person being knocked unconscious by him, I felt a little bit sorry. In addition, if he can reasonably use up his time on filming, then after that, he can rush on the road and take Jiang Xia directly to the mission point... This seems to be a good choice.

...It just so happens that the atmosphere around here seems to be harmonious and nothing will happen. I hope I can take the opportunity to take a good rest.

In the end, Toru Amuro didn't stop him.

Jiang Xia became the crew's temporary extra.

The original cast member was a young woman from the Tokugawa period, wearing a dress that was very fashionable at the time.

But now, the script has succumbed to the enthusiastic director, and the gender of the costume has been reversed - Jiang Xia's costume has been transformed into a suit.

Toru Amuro went to check on the condition of the person who was unfortunately knocked unconscious by him.

Yuan Shan and Ye stood on the other side, holding their mobile phones to watch and take a picture: "Jiang Xia looks pretty good in a suit. Before, I thought he didn't go well with such mature clothes. Haha, send it to Xiaolan, take a look."

After pressing send, I suddenly felt a little quiet next to me.

Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly thought of something and turned around to look.

Off to the side, Hattori Heiji was staring at his phone, his fingertips pressing rapidly on the keyboard, with a solemn expression and a hint of excitement.

Toyama Kazuye: "...?"

When she first noticed the strange silence around her, she thought Hattori Heiji was jealous. Vaguely happy.

However, now, after seeing Hattori Heiji's expression clearly, Toyama and Ye fell into a daze for a moment - the solemnity was understandable, what was that excitement about? ?

A lot of weird speculations flashed through her mind, and they finally ended with one clear word - pervert.

...However, after seeing Hattori Heiji's mobile phone, Toyama Kazuha gradually calmed down again.

...Maybe Heiji didn't notice what she was doing at all, but was obsessed with something else.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shan and Ye walked over to confirm, peeked at his mobile phone screen, and asked in a low voice in confusion: "What are you doing?"

The moment her eyes fell on it, the screen refreshed, showing the message that the email was sent successfully.

Hattori Heiji put his phone back in his pocket, showed a sneer that was determined to win, and whispered back to her: "Get ready to arrest people."

"Arrest someone?" Yuan Shan and Ye didn't understand, "Arrest who?"

"I heard from Kudo that Jiang Xia has not used his mobile phone for so many days. Not only did he not reply to messages, but the status of all social accounts remained the same as before the business trip and had never been online - isn't this abnormal? Even if it is necessary A confidential commission will not restrict the detective to this extent."

As he said that, Hattori Heiji glanced at Tohru Amuro, "In addition, their route is also very strange. They always go into the deep mountains and old forests... Those are good places to kill people. Kill them and throw them in." , when rediscovered, many useful evidences will have decayed like dead branches and leaves buried in the mud.

"Every year, a batch of corpses are found in the mountains. It is not known whether they were suicides or homicides. If Jiang Xia and the others hadn't happened to encounter a case on the way, which would always attract the attention of other citizens or the police, Jiang Xia might be gone now."

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