Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 621 The mysterious hostage

When Yuan Shan and Ye heard these words, they shuddered as they remembered the scene where they went to see the stars with Jiang Xia in the wilderness, but instead of seeing the stars, they stepped on a skull.

However, this time, she understood what Hattori Heiji meant.

Heiji wanted to say that there was something wrong with Toru Amuro - the boss of the firm where Jiang Xia worked had probably ruthlessly cut off Jiang Xia's external communications and was trying to find a place to silence his employees.

"But..." Yuanshan and Ye thought of the many reports they had seen recently about Jiang Xia and felt that something was wrong. "Every time they solved a case along the way, they would encounter the police. If there is really a situation, Jiang Xia should I have already thought of a way to tell the police, he is so smart..."

"Oh, what's the use of Jiang Xia being smart? As long as the policemen who come into contact with him are stupid enough and can't understand the hint, the news won't be able to spread."

After Hattori Heiji finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that Jiang Xia never seemed to have given him any hints from the time they met until now.

So he was silent for a moment, and then added: "Also, think about it, what if there are hostages? For example, if someone takes you away, and then threatens me not to call the police, and pretends nothing happened in front of the police, can I When you encounter the police, you yell, 'There's something wrong with the person next to you!', and then you are saved and watch you being silenced."

Yuan Shan and Ye Yi were stunned and blushed for a moment because of this example.

Then he couldn't help but let his gossipy nature take over and miss the point: "Jiang Xia has a girlfriend? Why haven't you heard from Xiaolan? Who is it?"... Could it be that Xiaolan's nymphomaniac friend finally succeeded? Come on.

But when I asked last time, didn't Yuanzi shyly say that she didn't mean that and just simply appreciated the beauty? However, Yuanzi's words are so deceptive, I can't believe such words... But Yuanzi's blog was recently updated. She was not missing and was taken hostage... Toyama and Ye fell into deep thought for a moment.

Hattori Heiji was confused by her question and couldn't follow her thinking: "I'm just giving an example, what does this have to do with Jiang Xia's girlfriend..."

However, when it came to this, he did have some doubts.

——After Hattori Heiji and Conan discussed Jiang Xia’s missing contact, Conan also said that he didn’t find anyone around him missing suddenly or acting abnormally.

But the two agreed that this did not mean that Amuro Toru had no hostages.

Because the social circles of Conan and Jiang Xia don't overlap too much - Jiang Xia doesn't go to school all day long. Maybe he has a sweet social lover outside, and then the scumbag boss caught his weakness and took advantage of it. .

In fact, maybe the little lover and Toru Amuro are simply colluding. After all, according to Conan, for some reason, Jiang Xia is easily deceived by scum, and scum especially likes to bump into him. Even when he meets Ginjiu outside, Ginjiu will look at Jiang Xia appreciatively... …It’s really worrying.

In addition, it is also possible that Amuro Toru and his accomplices installed bombs and other things in the home of someone who could threaten Jiang Xia. This way, there is no need to kidnap the hostages, but the target can still function as a hostage...

Hattori Heiji thought of this and touched his chin, feeling that the situation was very complicated.

But no matter what, the specific situation will be clear after asking Jiang Xia after taking control of Toru Amuro.

While he was deep in thought.

Yuan Shan and Ye also gradually recovered from the gossip.

She looked at Toru Amuro and felt that the boss didn't look like a bad person, so she asked Hattori Heiji in a low voice: "But this is just a conjecture between you and Kudo. If there is a mistake..."

"If I'm not mistaken, if we don't take measures now, we will miss a rare opportunity."

Hattori Heiji, as a tough-minded high school detective, naturally possesses the characteristics of detectives who are "very capable of action" and is very decisive when making decisions:

"And it's not to sentence the black-skinned boss, it's just to temporarily block his signal and trap him for a while - if Jiang Xia has scruples because of the hostages in Amuro Toru's hands, then Amuro Toru can't communicate with the outside world. In this case, Jiang Xia will definitely give us some useful tips."

From Hattori Heiji's point of view, Jiangxia was by no means the kind of person who would only fear to obey and not call the police if his weakness was taken advantage of and asked to "not call the police."

On the contrary, as long as an opportunity passes by, even if it is only for a moment, he will definitely seize it immediately and respond effectively enough.

And he is the hero who is about to bring opportunities to Jiang Xia.

...Although he couldn't beat Jiang Xia in solving crimes, he actually had the opportunity to be his savior... Hattori Heiji felt secretly happy. I feel like I will have something to brag about to my dad after I get home. Otherwise, hearing Hattori Heizou talk about how to learn from Jiang Xia every now and then, his ears are almost getting calloused, and he doesn’t know where to start to refute...

"It just so happens that my dad was transferred here before. I should be able to borrow a few reliable people this time."

When Hattori Heiji said this, he remembered the consistent character of the police and felt that the matter was of great importance.

So I sent another email, specifically reminding them that they must bring a signal jammer.

When Yuan Shan and Ye heard what he said, they nodded doubtfully and were temporarily convinced.

However, women seem to be more sensitive to emotions. She recalled that when she checked her phone, she saw Jiang Xia's recent cases in the push notification. She always felt that judging from the accompanying photos, Jiang Xia was in a good mood.

And now, taking a closer look...

Jiang Xia's mood was actually better than reported.

On the contrary, it was the boss who seemed to be in a bad mood.

Hmm... maybe it's like what Heiji said, Toru Amuro tried to attack Jiangxia many times, but missed the opportunity many times, so his mood kept getting -1 and became what he is now?

And now, Jiang Xia became happy after seeing them, because she felt that she could pass on the news about the hostages after meeting Heiji?

Thinking of this, Yuan Shan and Ye nodded secretly.

——Heiji's intuition and judgment are generally quite accurate. In this case, just listen to him first.

After Hattori Heiji sent the confirmation email, he recalled the situation at the surrounding campus cultural festival, and quickly came up with an idea for the next "capture location."

He whispered a few words to Yuan Shan and Ye, whispering some precautions and the parts that needed her help.

Yuan Shan and Ye glanced at Jiang Xia, who was quietly listening to the director telling the script, and felt a burning sense of responsibility in their hearts. She nodded enthusiastically and slipped out of the side door silently.

The supporting role that Jiang Xia received really had very few scenes.

He is not the murderer, just a tool responsible for providing clues about the murderer.

——To be more specific, they are the kind of confused people who, after discovering a body, are determined not to report the crime or run away immediately. Instead, they walk to the body and take a curious and fearful look, and then pick up the murder weapon to take a look.

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