Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 623 Boss, hold on!

Toyama Kazuha held a similarly simple flyer and explained to Jiang Xia and Amuro Tohru: "The appearance is indeed a bit crude, but this is because I participated in the campus festival and used a temporary venue, which was inconvenient to set up - I heard that the equipment inside It’s no different from a normal haunted house, even more sophisticated.”

A faint voice came from the door of the haunted house: "The word 'fine' is used to praise the manufacturer. To praise us, we should use the word 'professional'."

The four people were startled, and looked out, and saw that the curtain at the door had been lifted open.

The woman inside heard their conversation and poked her head out of the curtain.

Wei Jian An Nai seemed to want to say something else.

But her eyes stopped on Jiang Xia, paused, and suddenly said, "You look familiar..." After two seconds, "Oh, I remembered, it's the high school detective from Tokyo."

"..." Hattori Heiji cleared his throat beside him, "Ahem."

Wei Jian An Nai felt a little deliberate when she heard the noise.

So he turned around and looked at Hattori Heiji.

At the same time, based on his reaction, I vaguely realized something: "Are you a detective too?"

After saying that, he stared at Hattori Heiji's eyes and touched his chin: "The outline of the eyes seems familiar, and the pattern of the baseball cap on the head is also very familiar. At this age, coupled with the characteristics... huh? You can't be that one A high school detective from Osaka whose photos are always blurred in black and white newspapers."

Toru Amuro chuckled, choked on the candy apple, and coughed twice.

Jiang Xia raised her hand like a considerate employee and patted him on the back.

Yuan Shan and Ye were torn between "wanting to laugh" and "wanting to refute", and were temporarily stuck.

Only Hattori Heiji stood very firm, and the veins on his forehead twitched: "Are you polite?!"

"The reaction is so big, it seems I guessed it right?"

I saw Anna looking up and down Hattori Heiji and Jiangxia, and suddenly showed a cold smile: "Great, since you are a detective, you must have seen a lot of corpses - in this case, why not come and see my acting skills ?”

"Acting skills?" Jiang Xia looked at her and then at the haunted house, "You want to act like a corpse in a haunted house?"

"It's not a haunted house. An Nai is planning to act like a corpse in a horror movie."

The black curtain next to him was also lifted, and another girl with short hair came out.

Compared with the hoarse and inexplicably scary Yumi Anana, this new person appears to be much kinder. He also has a soft voice when he speaks and has a good temper.

Katorimu pushed up his very light glasses and smiled at Jiang Xia and others:

"We are students from the Art Department of the Faculty of Arts, majoring in video art. The graduation project we are currently working on is a horror film - there are many scenes of dead people in it.

"Although I think everyone has performed very well, An Nai has higher requirements for these... Well, since she is a detective who has seen many corpses, you can take a look at the 'corpse' she plays and help give some suggestions. ?"

"..." If you have any good advice on acting as a corpse, you can just learn from the photos in the newspaper.

Toru Amuro felt that he had been away from campus for so long that he was a little confused about the brain circuits of these students.

But then I thought about it, it’s normal for people who are involved in artistic creation to have weird ideas...

So, when Jiang Xia looked over as usual and wanted to ask for advice, Toru Amuro didn't say anything, looked into the distance, and gnawed the last bit of candy apple in his hand indifferently.

Jiang Xia looked at Toru Amuro's expression and was silent for a moment, a little worried about his boss's mental state.

However, after thinking about Tohru Amuro's recent average stay up late, he felt relieved.

——It’s probably not a mental problem, it’s just that I haven’t had enough sleep recently, so I look a little strange. Once you've had enough sleep, it probably won't matter anymore and you can continue traveling...

No one stopped him, so Jiang Xia looked away, looking at the haunted house in front of him that looked like something was about to happen, and nodded logically.

Hattori Heiji felt that it sounded a bit strange to be invited to watch "acts that look like corpses" and originally wanted to refuse.

But then I thought about it, and I was planning to use someone else's haunted house to cause trouble. Although it is said that one should obey the right in urgent matters, helping the victim can somewhat alleviate the pain of one's own conscience...

So he nodded in the same way, indicating that there was no problem.

"Then it's settled." Seeing an unchanging cold smile on An Cai's lips, Wei stood up and walked back to the haunted house.

The hanging black cloth isolated her figure.

Katori glanced at the swaying black cloth, then turned around and explained to the rest of the people: "Anai went to put on makeup. She is very demanding in this aspect, and the makeup takes a long time. Everyone, just wait a moment and wait and see. When this little light turns on..."

She pointed to a simple light bulb with a length of wire pulled out from the wooden signboard: "It means the project is ready and you can start experiencing it."

While they were talking, two more people approached.

However, those who come are not the audience who want to experience the haunted house, but the staff here.

The two male college students carried lunch boxes and some drinks. While handing the meals to Katori Mutsuki, they looked at Jiang Xia and others gathered at the door: "Are there guests? Where's An Na?"

Katorimu took the lunch box and drink and pointed to the haunted house: "Anai went in to put on makeup."

"Make up?" One of the young men was startled, "Didn't she say she wasn't feeling well today and wouldn't participate in the performance?"

Katorimu glanced at Jiang Xia and lowered his voice: "However, it is rare to meet a few guests who have seen corpses. You also know how enthusiastic she is about this..."


Tsuji Eijun and Minetani Takashi were silent for a moment, indeed.

"Speaking of which, since Anuna has already joined the battle, let's join in the fun." Minetani Takaichi whispered, "The appearance of the haunted house this time is too simple, and Anuna thinks that we are not inferior to the haunted houses outside. The charges were set so high that I was almost bored to death all morning, and few customers came..."

The other two people probably felt bored as well and did not object.

They discussed it in whispers for a while.

Then, Katori Mutsuki bowed to the four guests who should be very intimidated: "Then, I'll go in and prepare. Although my acting skills are still far behind Anna, I should try my best... Please give me more in the future. care."

She also quickly returned to the haunted house.

The other two male college students stayed and looked at Jiang Xia and the others:

"Let us lead the way for you this time - there are actually many branching roads in the haunted house. Although it is to allow repeat guests to have different experiences, since you are here to help give advice, of course it is best to visit them all. Once again, with us taking you, it won’t be easy to get lost.”

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