Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 624 Is it really suicide?

"..." Hattori Heiji planned to cause trouble in the haunted house, and originally wanted to refuse to let them lead the way.

But when he thought about it, the two tall and thin male college students were no match for the police officers he borrowed.

If the two sides met, the two college students in front of them would be carried away by the police like chickens in an instant. Won't cause much disruption to their "rescue plan."

In addition, Hattori Heiji felt that it was already suspicious that he insisted on taking Eka and Toru Amuro to visit the haunted house before. If Toru Amuro really has a problem, it seems that he should not increase his suspicion level now.

So after failing to politely refuse, he nodded reluctantly.

Minetani Takaichi and Tsuji Eijun looked at each other, showing a tacitly evil smile.

——They took the initiative to lead the way, not only to let the customers visit all the facilities, but also to scare these customers who finally came to the door, making today's stall valuable.

Considering that people who often see dead bodies should be braver than the average person.

Eijun Tsuji and Takaichi Minetani decided to step up their efforts.

——First, he walks with the guests as a guide; then he suddenly transforms into a "ghost" that should exist in a haunted house.

This kind of plot of "the companions I thought were actually ghosts" and "evil ghosts are among us" will definitely bring the frightening effect they want.

Yui saw Anna and Katori Mutsuki entering the haunted house.

After a while, the simple little light on the sign at the door finally turned on.

——This means that the two female college students in the haunted house are ready at this time, and the guests can start experiencing it at any time.

Let's go. Minetani Takaichi opened the door curtain and walked in with Tsuji Eijun.

Jiang Xia and others quickly followed.

As everyone entered the haunted house, the black cloth behind them was lifted and put down again and again, and finally it was completely covered.

The surrounding vision was completely darkened. Like many haunted houses on the market, the light here was weak, the roads were complicated, and the eerie soundtrack was loud.

As soon as Jiang Xia entered the house, he habitually borrowed his night vision ability from the ghosts.

After that, he looked around with slight curiosity and suddenly felt that it was boring.

——Without the cover of darkness, all the mechanisms in the corners were exposed to his sight. Although the faces of those ready-to-move dummies and their severed limbs are horrifying, once the wires trailing behind them and the various sliding mechanisms under their bodies and at their joints are added... the level of terror suddenly decreases.

"..." There is indeed a reason why haunted houses like to dim the lights...

The other ghosts have more or less seen the market and have a general understanding of the situation in the haunted house.

Only Xiaobai looked around, sighed in disappointment, and muttered dissatisfied: It was called a haunted house, but there were no ghosts or monsters in it... Fraud, this is fraud.

Although Jiang Xia had long known the style of these haunted houses, he could not help but nodded in sympathy.

Although it has received bad reviews from Ghosts and Psychics.

However, for ordinary people whose vision is greatly affected by light, this haunted house can be called professional. The various dummies are carefully made, and the surprising wires and mechanism bearings are hidden in the shadows that are difficult to detect.

Yuan Shan and Ye are occasionally frightened by the "zombie" that jumps out from various strange angles; the roar of zombies that come and go from far away is also heart-breaking.

But in general, everything is okay: strangeness will bring more fear to people, but Yuanshan and Ye are not actually unfamiliar with this place.

——When Jiang Xia was playing a supporting role just now, she and Hattori Heiji sneaked in. This haunted house is built in a corner of the campus and borrows a stage. The three "walls" are actually made of solid fabric. As long as you are thick-skinned, you can enter without disturbing the owner of the haunted house.

So now, she just screamed reflexively when she was shocked, but she still kept in mind what she should do later. She looked at Jiang Xia with eyes full of expectation and eagerness, and a pair of beautiful The illusory flames of struggle seemed to be burning in Xing's eyes.

Minetani Takaichi and Tsuji Eijun led the way.

Hearing the screams coming from behind from time to time, the two of them looked back and said, "How is it? It's not bad."

Jiang Xia nodded politely.

When the two male college students saw that the guests didn't give much evaluation, they turned back and started chatting by themselves: "Speaking of which, it would be great if Hashiguchi could see these finished products."

"Yes. The haunted house, the mechanisms and facilities used, the graduation project... were all his suggestions. That guy is really a genius."

Hattori Heiji was thinking about other things.

But at this time, after hearing this sentence, he still instinctively became confused and interjected: "Why can't he see it? That Hashiguchi dropped out of school?"

Jiang Xia, Yuan Shan and Ye also looked over in confusion.

"..." Toru Amuro has been exposed to a lot of cases these days. Thinking of the regretful words of the two male college students, "It would be nice if Hashiguchi could take a look at it", he suddenly had a vague guess in his heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, Minetani Takashi's tone became deeper.

He sighed: "It's not that he dropped out of school - Hashiguchi committed suicide. He committed suicide by taking poison, just a month ago."

Toru Amuro: "..."

He was silent for a moment and couldn't help but ask: "Is it really suicide, not homicide?"


The two male college students thought his question was a bit strange. After hearing about suicide, no one's first reaction is "actually it was a homicide"... Even the detectives usually only say such unreadable words after discovering obvious doubts.

However, as one of the first people to discover the body, the two students subconsciously began to defend themselves.

Minetani Takashi said: "It must be so. There is no doubt about it. Hashiguchi was terminally ill and his condition deteriorated rapidly. He only had half a year to live. After his death, the police also found a suicide note in his house - it was that A suicide note that is handwritten and dated, not the machine-printed stuff in suspense novels.”

Tsuji Eijun also nodded: "The ones who found the body and the suicide note happened to be the four of us - me, him, and the two girls you saw at the door just now.

"It was after that that An Na suddenly became very enthusiastic about film production, saying that she wanted to dedicate the supreme art to Hashiguchi who had passed away - this time she insisted on you seeing whether her corpse acted like it, too. The same reason, right, Fenggu... hmm? Fenggu?"

Tsuji Eijun looked around doubtfully and stopped.

Realizing that someone was suddenly missing, his tone became confused: "Where is the person?"

Jiang Xia was startled, and looked around with him, pretending not to see someone walking away quickly along the small fork in the road.

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