Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 643 Destined Encounter

Toru Amuro nodded and felt the same way.

——This stone statue is not flat and cylindrical, but has edges and corners. Regardless of its shape or the inclination of its location, Ksitigarbha should not be lying face down on the ground.

However, when I saw it just now, it was facing straight down.

It didn't look like he accidentally fell down, but more like someone had deliberately fixed him in that position.

"..." Thinking of this, Amuro Toru's eyes suddenly glanced to the side and landed on the weeds and bushes half a person's height on both sides of the road.

He had a vague premonition in his heart: "Is this a distress message left by someone, or a message before death?"

In that case, wouldn't it be necessary to look for corpses nearby...

"Probably not." Jiang Xia's voice came from the side.

His expression was not as serious as Toru Amuro's.

Jiang Xia looked closely at Ksitigarbha for a while, then straightened up indifferently.

He continued walking towards the hotel: "I seem to have seen similar legends somewhere recently... and the name of the forest you just mentioned is also familiar."


Toru Amuro thought of Jiang Xia's keenness on crime and criminals, and saw that he looked like "it's not a big problem" at this time, and unconsciously relaxed a little.

Then Toru Amuro walked towards the hotel, typing "Toujin Forest", "Falling Jizo", and what the staff said "Ghost Crying Cliff" into his mobile phone, and pressed search.

Although there is signal here, it is average.

The interface slowly rotated in circles, and it took a long time for several news items to refresh.

Toru Amuro glanced twice and remembered.

——There was some relevant news a while ago.

At that time, he happened to be working in an izakaya where the mission target occasionally hung out. He caught a glimpse of the TV in the corner. Not long after that, he was called to check out and he didn't watch it carefully.

He thought as he casually clicked on the details.

Then it was discovered that recently, a mysterious case with no conclusion had appeared in this area, and the place of the crime happened to be in this forest.

Some writers have the habit of leaving things behind when writing reports. The same is true for this news.

At the beginning, it did not mention the mystery, but instead introduced a legend about the place where the crime occurred.

——This "Tou Shen Forest" turned out to be a well-known suicide holy place in the area.

The origin of its name, "head", refers to people with headaches - according to legend, once you walk into this forest, you will gradually lose your mind and desire to live, and eventually commit suicide here, never being able to leave. Therefore, in the forest of the head god, there is a Ksitigarbha lying down, which is used to suppress evil spirits. If you lift it up, the person holding it will be haunted by evil spirits.


When Toru Amuro saw this, his steps froze, and he thought guiltily of the Jizo he had kindly helped up just now.

By now, he and Jiang Xia had gone quite a distance, and they had long been hidden out of sight.

After hesitating for a moment, he didn't turn back.

——The theory of ghosts and gods cannot be trusted. And judging from the actual situation, the Ksitigarbha has been lying upside down, and this place has still become a "suicide holy place", which shows that it has no effect. On the contrary, if you continue to let it fall on the roadside, scratch passersby's vehicles, or trip over pedestrians, if a passerby's mentality reaches the critical point of collapse and is unlucky enough to be tripped again, he may feel even worse. Okay, then run away and commit suicide...

Toru Amuro secretly criticized the feudal superstition in his heart.

Then press the phone button and continue reading.

After introducing the Tou Shen Forest, the moping writer finally got to the point and talked about the mysterious mystery.

——A while ago, someone discovered a corpse that had turned into white bones in the Forest of Gods.

Because the body did not carry any documents. At present, the police have released some relevant information, hoping to find someone who knows the body through the items on the body of the deceased, and then identify the identity of the deceased.

Finding a dead person in the mountains is not a rare thing.

But this corpse seemed rather strange.

——Judging from the published characteristics used to locate the person, the deceased was a long-haired man wearing a red coat. The receipts and food he carried showed that he died in the summer, but the body was wearing a heavy sweater.

In addition, among the deceased's belongings was a car key, but no driver's license; an unpacked box of cigarettes, but no lighter or matches for ignition...

These subtle inconsistencies caused some detectives who saw the announcement to question whether the deceased had committed suicide. The police seem to have launched an investigation into this matter.

"..." After reading the report, Amuro Toru couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xia.

I always felt that, according to Jiang Xia's physique, this unsolved mystery might be solved soon.

...Fortunately, I had a good night's sleep yesterday, and now a lot of my lost thinking ability and judgment have returned. Even if I encounter various emergencies, I still have enough energy to deal with them.

A few thousand meters is not a long distance.

The two people quickly walked on the mountain road and arrived at the hotel before dark.

This is a three-story Japanese-style hotel built in a zigzag shape and covers a large area. The old exterior walls have been carefully taken care of, and they don't look slovenly. Instead, they look a bit quaint. A signboard with black letters on a white background - Aoi House Hotel - hangs on the door.

As soon as I arrived at the door, a waiter came forward to greet me: "Welcome."

As he spoke, he reached out to help the guest with his luggage. However, when they came to greet him, the waiter also saw Jiang Xia's face. He was suddenly startled and seemed to recognize that this was a famous detective.

Jiang Xia also felt something and looked back thoughtfully.

After looking at each other for a second, he saw a hint of unsteady murderous aura floating around the waiter.

Jiang Xia: "!"

The two people's minds moved at the same time.

However, it is a pity that it is not yet dark yet, and this is right at the entrance of the hall, making it inconvenient to attack and kill people.

The two of them sighed at the same time.

However, none of them showed any clues on their faces - not to mention Jiang Xia, and Shenbao Nobita, who has been in the service industry for many years, has already developed a unique skill in keeping a smile.

With a smile on his face, he led Jiang Xia and Amuro to the front desk, and then returned to the door, ready to receive other guests.

When he reached the corner, Shenbao Nobita couldn't help but look back.

At this time, Jiang Xia and Amuro Toru had already filled in their names on the hotel roster.

The receptionist asked for leave due to a cold. It's the off-season now, so the hotel owner doesn't hire any extra people, but takes the seat himself.

At this time, the innkeeper took the register and glanced at it out of habit.

Then, facing the words "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" above, I was suddenly stunned.

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