Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 644: Red-clothed Fierce Ghost, please vote for me (▽`)

After a while, the hotel owner pushed up his glasses and looked up at Jiang Xia in surprise.

He twirled the mustache on his lips and said excitedly: "It must be the high school detective from Tokyo. To be honest, I have been wanting to place a commission recently, but I couldn't contact you. I didn't expect you to come directly..."


The waiter who had reached the corner turned around and saw this scene, his face changed several times and became quite gloomy.

At this time, Toru Amuro seemed to be keenly aware of something, and suddenly turned his head and looked over.

The two sides looked at each other unexpectedly. Divine Treasure Nobita was startled and instinctively smiled at the guest.

Then he didn't dare to stay any longer, turned the corner, and quickly left the sight of Jiang Xia and Amuro Toru.

Toru Amuro looked away, remembering the gloomy look that the waiter had flashed just now, and frowned, vaguely feeling that something might be about to happen.

However, he has been working for a long time and has seen all kinds of workers. There are many types who smile in front of guests but scold them behind their backs. The waiter just now, maybe just an ordinary waiter, looked gloomy just now because he was scolding in his mind that he wanted to have a good rest during the off-season, but there were customers coming over to increase their workload...

Toru Amuro recalled the face of Shenbo Nobita and the employee badge on his body.

After confirming that he had not seen this person on the wanted poster, nor a similar name, he withdrew his attention and looked at the hotel owner who had entrusted him.

After Jiang Xia said she was "temporarily free," the boss approached them and whispered mysteriously:

"It's like this. A while ago, someone found the body of a man in red nearby.

"——Actually, he came to my place five years ago and left some things."

Five years ago, the innkeeper received a strange guest.

The man, wearing a bright red coat and long hair, made an intercom call in the middle of the night and called the boss to the room. He gave the boss 100,000 yen, a locked box, and a letter.

——The man in red wants to store his suitcase and letter with the innkeeper. The 100,000 yen is the storage fee.

He told the boss that if he picked it up himself, he would give him the box.

And if someone else comes to ask for the box in his name, then conceal the box and give the letter to that person.

"As a result, the day after the man in red left, someone came to me to pick up the box. But it wasn't him, but a man wearing sunglasses and a hat with a thick beard on his face."

Because the two people before and after them were both strange, the hotel owner was quite impressed by them:

"I did what the man in red said before and hid the box. I only gave Big Beard the letter. After opening it on the spot and checking it, Big Beard angrily tore the letter into pieces, threw it into the trash can, and left. "

"Wait until he walks away..." At this point, the hotel owner scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Well, I was really curious, so I couldn't help but pick out the scraps of paper and put them together.

“Then I found a few bloody characters written on it – ‘I curse you to death’.

"From then on, the man in red never appeared again, and the bearded man didn't bother me much, so I gradually forgot about it.

"Who knew that a few days ago, the police actually found the body of the man in red."

The hotel owner said, looking at Jiang Xia expectantly: "I'm really curious about this, so I want to ask a detective to come over and check what's going on with the box and the man in red. I haven't opened that box yet. ,look……"

When Jiang Xia heard this, he looked at Toru Amuro as usual and asked his nominal superior for advice.

However, when I looked over, I found that the boss had a complicated look on his face, "I knew it would be like this." It was strange.


Jiang Xia couldn't understand what he was thinking.

However, there seemed to be no objection to him accepting the commission.

Jiang Xia looked at the hotel owner again, remembering the murderous waiter in his store, and nodded: "We have something to do later, so I will take the time to take a look tonight. If I find anything, I will tell you right away."

The deal is done.

The hotel owner took them back to his room, searched for a while, and pulled out an old locked suitcase from the corner.

Considering that this matter involves a human life, there may be something terrible hidden in the box.

The three of them did not open the box in the hall.

The boss first opened two guest rooms for them in person, then took the keys, and the three of them came to Jiang Xia's room.

He took out the key left by the man in red, opened the suitcase, and saw an old newspaper inside.

The date of the newspaper is September five years ago. This was a sports newspaper. The headline on the front page read "Akagi Maru's First Victory" and the accompanying picture showed two sumo wrestlers fighting fiercely - apart from that, there was nothing in the box.

The hotel owner was quite surprised by this result.

Under his gaze, Jiang Xia put on her gloves, picked up the newspaper, shook it, and flipped through the pages.

I found that there was nothing contained in the newspaper—no matter how you looked at it, it was just an ordinary newspaper.

Next to him, Toru Amuro breathed a silent sigh of relief.

He thought that as soon as he opened the box, a mummified hand or something like a specimen of an eyeball would fall out of the box... Fortunately, nothing happened.

While thinking about it, Toru Amuro checked the suitcase.

Then I discovered that this was just an ordinary mass-produced lockable suitcase without any mechanism.

The problem probably still lies with that newspaper.

Next to him, the innkeeper looked disappointed.

Although he didn't want to embezzle the property of the man in red, when he suddenly encountered this kind of thing, he thought he had encountered some legendary mystery. Unexpectedly, now, only one newspaper came out of the box.

...Maybe the man in red didn't care about the contents of the box at all, and just wanted to use an excuse to send the cursed letter?

...Maybe there is some complicated word puzzle hidden in the newspaper?

The innkeeper sighed. He still prefers the adventure part and is not interested in word puzzles and the like.

"It's getting late, why don't you two go have a meal first? In order to ensure the freshness of the ingredients, our main dishes are only available for a limited time. There are still more than twenty minutes before the end. If it is later, we will only have batch-customized bento boxes. "

The boss looked at Jiang Xia: "Let me leave the box with you for now. Well, if you solve the puzzle and find out what kind of adventure map, treasure map or the like, you can ask me to borrow it. We usually go digging in the mountains ourselves. Wild vegetables, a lot of shovels and things like that.”


Coincidentally, Jiang Xia also has no interest in solving puzzles.

Compared with this, he is still more concerned about the murderous aura in the waiters in the store - although there is not much at present, it seems to have great potential for growth.

He closed the lid of the box and prepared to eat first as the boss said.


Five updates√

Asking for【monthly ticket】(づど)

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