Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 645: Die together

Aoi House Hotel.

the other side.

When Divine Treasure Nobita received the next customer, he took the new customer to the front desk.

There was no one at the front desk.

——The hotel owner, Jiang Xia and the others are missing.

Based on the conversation he just overheard, Shenbao Daxiong thought bitterly that they were probably dealing with the mysterious suitcase left by the man in red.

Shenbao Daxiong was as anxious as a cat scratching his head, but he could only be patient and complete the check-in procedures for the new guests.

After the guests left, his face turned completely gloomy. His eyes fell on the register, staring at Jiang Xia's room number, memorizing those numbers.

At this time, his phone suddenly vibrated.

Divine Treasure Nobita was thinking about what he planned to do later, when his thoughts were suddenly disturbed by the ringing of the bell, and he clicked his tongue angrily.

Then he took out his mobile phone from the pocket of his large employee uniform, took two steps to a quiet place next to him, and answered the phone.

On the phone, there was a babbling voice, which sounded like a young man.

The man had a loud voice: "Hello? I'm almost there! Is the hotel owner you mentioned at the front desk? If so, I'll go in directly later!"

"Ha, you don't have to come." Shenbao Nobita snorted coldly, "The genuine 'Jiang Xia' happened to pass by here just now, and now he has talked to the boss. You faker can be laid off."

After saying that, he hung up the phone angrily.

A few years ago, Shenbao Daxiong was still an idle gangster.

But now, he has been patient and has been working in this store for four years.

It was for the suitcase that now fell into Jiang Xia's hands.

——Five years ago, the man in red who came to the hotel alone and handed the suitcase and the curse letter to the boss was actually the former accomplice of Shenba Nobita.

Five years ago, the two teamed up to rob a store and got 100 million yen.

At that time, the divine treasure Nobita was responsible for attracting the police, while the man in red was responsible for transporting money and escaping.

Later, when he was preparing to divide the spoils, Shen Bao Nobita thought about it again and again. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that he had paid more.

So when they agreed on a place to share the stolen goods, he specifically chose the meeting place in the "Tou Shen Forest", which is famous as a "suicide holy place" - intending to work overtime, kill his accomplices together, and then keep the stolen money alone. This is equivalent to an extra fifty million out of thin air.

However, it may be that Shenbo Nobita chose the meeting place too straightforwardly.

The man in red noticed something was wrong.

So before going to the appointment, the man in red hid the stolen money and gave the suitcase with the location of the stolen money and a curse letter to a nearby hotel owner for safekeeping.

At that time, if the attitude of Shen Bao Nobita is normal, the two of them will happily take the money and share the loot.

And if there is something wrong with the divine treasure Nobita, then he will only receive the bloody letter that "curses you to death."

On the day of the appointment, Shenbao Nobita brought a rope and couldn't wait to strangle his 50 million yen accomplice, and disguised the man in red as if he had hanged himself.

After killing the person and searching his luggage, the Divine Treasure Nobita was shocked to find that the man in red did not bring any stolen money.

At this time, the comradeship of Shen Bao Nobita awakened - he easily guessed the thoughts of the man in red, and guessed that the man in red might have stored the stolen money in the nearby Aoi House Hotel.

So the next day. After the divine treasure Nobita disguised himself, he went to the Aoi House Hotel and lied that he was the assistant of the man in red and came to pick up his suitcase.

However, the hotel owner had been told by the man in red long ago - if the man in red comes to pick up the suitcase, give him the suitcase.

And if it was someone else, no matter what that person said, they would only give him a curse letter and hide the suitcase.

In the end, Nobita, the divine treasure who disguised himself as "Big Bearded", only received a bloody letter "Curse you to death". He was unable to see the suitcase and did not know that such a suitcase existed.

At this point, the first wave of the battle of wits and courage between the two accomplices ended with both sides losing.

The divine treasure Nobita lost his 100 million yen.

The man in red successfully tricked a wave of accomplices, but lost his life.

Although it was tricked by a dead man, it still involves 100 million yen. If you get it, you will be happy for a lifetime.

The divine treasure Nobita did not give up easily.

After searching aimlessly nearby for a while, he finally set his sights on the Aoi House Hotel again - Shenbao Daxiong still felt that since the man in red had been to the hotel and left a letter in the hotel, then the missing person One hundred million yen, it must be related to the hotel in some way.

So after the man in red died, the next spring.

Shenbao Nobita changed his clothes and came to the Aoi House Hotel to apply for a job as an employee.

On the one hand, it is very close to the Forest of Gods, so if something goes wrong with the body of the man in red, he can respond in time.

On the other hand, Aoi House Hotel provides food and accommodation. When the divine treasure Nobita was digging around in the mountains looking for stolen money, at least he didn't have to put up a tent in the wild or pay for the room.

In addition, with the identity of "hotel employee" concealed, his behavior of wandering around and digging at will will not appear suspicious - the Aoi House Hotel regularly supplies original mountain delicacies, and most of those precious game are hand-made by hotel staff. Go dig it out in the mountains. It's very normal for hotel employees to run around with shovels on their backs.

After four years of poking and digging in the mountains, Nobita could find nothing.

Until a few days ago, the body of the man in red was discovered and made the news.

When the hotel owner was having dinner and chatting, he suddenly told the employees that he planned to invite a detective to investigate the situation - because five years ago, the man in red left a suitcase at his place.

After hearing the news, Shenbao Daxiong was stunned for a moment, and almost hit the boss with a hot pot on the spot: This old man is too strict with his mouth. For so many years, he has not revealed at all that "the man in red has stored his skin with him." box" message.

Of course, in the end, Divine Treasure Nobita did not take action, nor did he secretly assassinate people afterwards.

After all, there were many other employees around at the time. In addition, the hotel owner is different from the man in red - the latter can "commit suicide" silently in the woods. However, once the hotel owner dies, the divine treasure Nobita, as an employee, will immediately become a suspect, and the risk is high.

In addition, after a group of people got drunk, Shenbao Daxiong tried to talk a few words.

Then it was discovered that the hotel owner kept his promise - he had never opened the box that the man in red gave him for safekeeping, so he did not know that the contents of the box were related to the 100 million yen. Maybe it was just out of curiosity that I wanted to ask the detective to come and look at the box.

...In short, the situation has not reached the point where killing is necessary.

So, after thinking about it, Divine Treasure Nobita decided to use his mind to solve the problem.

——The hotel owner has poor eyesight and is somewhat face-blind.

In addition, the signal in the hotel is very average, so the hotel owner rarely watches TV and only occasionally reads newspapers.

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