Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 654 Jiang Xia, you died so miserably

Mao Lilan was startled when she saw the open door, and then adjusted her running posture awkwardly.

Just now, she was about to kick the door open and run into the room as fast as she could, just like she kicked Jiang Xia's bathroom door a year ago... But now it seems that she can save this step.

She ran to the door, pushed the half-open door completely open, and rushed into the house.

I saw a young man in black hanging there by the window. His back was to the door, and his body was slowly swaying with the cold wind blowing in from the window - it could be seen that the body was very stiff, and it had obviously been dead for some time.


Looking at this scene, Mouri Kogoro gritted his teeth and punched the door frame. He walked around his daughter, who was still there, and ran closer to put "Jiang Xia" down.

But when he raised his hand and touched the stiff corpse, Mouri Kogoro stopped.

... As a former detective and current detective, his experience tells him that doing this to a body that is obviously unrecoverable will only destroy the scene.

If this is not suicide but homicide, this may lead to the failure to find out the real culprit who killed Jiang Xia.

——Yes, when encountering a dead person, Mouri Kogoro first advocated "suicide!"

After all, after more than a year, he felt that Jiang Xia had probably learned a lesson from his last suicide and started to cherish life again... In short, he didn't look like someone who was so depressed that he would want to commit suicide again. people.

When he just attempted suicide and was discharged from the hospital to recuperate, Jiang Xia looked a little sad. He would always skip classes, lie helpless in the yard to bask in the sun, and occasionally go out and go to various gloomy places with those bad guys. Hang out…

But in recent months, it can be clearly felt that Jiang Xia's mood is much better than before, and her life has become busy and fulfilling, filled with various commissions and cases every day.

Such a young man suddenly committed suicide in the middle of handling a commission...

Although theoretically speaking, there is no such precedent.

But emotionally, it was really difficult for Mouri Kogoro to accept it.

Now that they are too late and unable to save anyone, they must at least find the murderer...if he exists.

Mouri Kogoro finally withdrew his hand in pain and anger.

Just at this time, a gust of mountain wind blew, and the swaying body was turned half a circle by the wind, turning it to face the door.

Mouri Kogoro took two steps back, raised his head, and looked sadly at the remains of the neighbor's child.

As I looked at it, I always felt that something was not quite right.

...Is it an illusion? Why does it feel like a different person?

...Speaking of which, if you hang yourself, your face will indeed change after death.

I just didn't expect Jiang Xia to be so distorted after his death. Only the outline of his eyebrows can be barely seen. Wait, speaking of this, there is a Yoshikawa line on Jiang Xia's neck, and the location of the strangulation marks is not right... This is definitely not suicide!

Thinking of this, Mouri Kogoro's eyes became sharp.

He turned around and looked at the group of people crowded at the door. His eyes swept over the melon-eaters, and then he walked over and stopped a few people who were brave enough to come in and help put down the corpses. While telling them not to destroy the scene, I secretly felt that this was suspicious, this was suspicious, and that was more suspicious...

As soon as he left, Mao Lilan behind him suddenly had no cover, and he was caught off guard and stared at the body of "Jiang Xia".

She looked at the painful and twisted expression, and there was a buzz in her head. The fear of the corpse and the sadness of the death of her friend were superimposed. She rolled her eyes and fainted.

Conan runs slowly.

When he ran to the door.

Since Maori and his daughter rushed in first, the guests who were watching the excitement became bolder. They moved from their own rooms to the door of "Jiang Xia's" room and looked inside.

They gathered there and blocked the door, which was not wide enough.

Conan couldn't squeeze in, so he could only vaguely see "Jiang Xia" in the room, who had the same figure as Jiang Xia and was dressed in black, floating in the wind through the legs of a group of adults.

"..." Although I don't want to admit it, judging from the degree of stiffness, this has obviously exceeded the time period that can be saved while it's hot. The person is probably quite cold.

Conan stared at the corpse in silence for a moment, then suddenly turned around and looked at Toru Amuro, who had also followed to the door and was stroking his chin and looking into the room.

He stretched out his hand, intending to angrily grab the collar of this scumbag boss...

Too bad it's out of reach.

So he had no choice but to grab Amuro Toru's trouser leg and asked in a deep voice: "You brought him out to pretend to commit suicide? Why did you kill him?!"

"..." Amuro Toru glanced down at Conan.

...When it comes to this matter, he is the most confused.

And just now, Toru Amuro was also running the fastest - after all, when he went out not long ago, Jiang Xia was still sleeping in the bed. Calculating the time, if Jiang Xia immediately got up and hung herself on the roof after he left... then the probability of being rescued was actually not low.

But just now, Toru Amuro ran towards his room and passed by the second floor. But he keenly discovered that the source of the commotion was not his room at all.

It was Room 207, where Jiang Xia was originally located.

——Last night, Jiang Xia dug out the camera from room 207, so she ran into his room.

After discovering the violation, Toru Amuro paused.

Then while everyone else's attention was focused on Room 207, he quickly ran back to his room.

Shake Jiang Xia out of bed, who was sleeping peacefully, and make sure he is still alive. Toru Amuro left the employees who were awakened by him and seemed to be confused, and returned to the second floor to see what was going on.

He glanced in from the doorway.

Then he discovered with slight surprise that the hanging figure actually looked a bit like Jiang Xia. Even more like Jiang Xia than the current Jiang Xia - "Jiang Xia" in the room, wearing the black clothes Jiang Xia often wears. As for Zhen Jiangxia, she is now dressed in light colors and dressed up to match Yuya Kazami's perception of a normal high school boy.

"..." So who is this person who was hanged?

Why did he die in Jiang Xia's room?

Toru Amuro fell into deep thought for a moment.

After a moment, he suddenly remembered that last night, Jiang Xia only pulled out one camera from the house. There should be some left... He didn't know if his subordinates recovered those cameras in time. If not, maybe you can capture something.

With this in mind, he took out his mobile phone and planned to send a message to Yuya Kazami.

At this time, there was a commotion at the top of the stairs - several people in suits and ties walked up the steps.

The hotel staff followed them and said calmly to the onlookers: "Don't be afraid, the police are here!"

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