Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 655: Fake corpse!

Recently, the police in Gunma Prefecture discovered a man in red who had been dead for a long time in the Togami Forest.

In order to facilitate identification, they published the deceased's belongings and characteristics online.

Those items aroused the suspicion of some detectives - the deceased had car keys but no driver's license. There was a cigarette, but no lighter. In addition, according to the time on the receipt he carried with him, the man in red clearly died in the summer, but the clothes he wore were heavy sweaters...

Various details have led to the authenticity of the man in red's "suicide" being questioned.

The police then decided to go to the vicinity of the Toushen Forest to ask about the situation - even if they couldn't solve the case in the end, at least they had to have the right attitude.

This is why Yamamura Cao came here with a team of criminal police.

However, what the Yamacun Police Department did not expect was that their group had just arrived at the hotel and before they had time to ask anything, they were stopped by the hotel staff. After the staff saw them, they showed expressions of relief and told them , another deceased person who "hanged himself" appeared upstairs.

"There is really something wrong with the wind fruit here..."

Yamamura held his police handbook tightly as a talisman. At the same time, he looked at the detective following him and asked in a low voice: "Speaking of which, on the way here, did you pay attention to the roadside? Why didn't I look at it all the time? To that 'Front Ksitigarbha'?"

——The "Front Ksitigarbha" is a stone statue of Ksitigarbha lying face down on the ground. It is used to suppress the evil spirits in this "Forest of Head Gods". According to legend, anyone who lifts it up will be haunted by evil spirits.

Yamamura Cao is very concerned about these supernatural legends. On the way here, he often talked to his colleagues, telling them not to hold things with itchy hands. Therefore, a group of materialistic colleagues were also indoctrinated into the legend about "falling forward Ksitigarbha".

"I didn't see it either." The detective who was asked about it shook his head, "Maybe I missed it. Although the speed was not fast just now, there were lush weeds in the mountains, so it might have been covered by the weeds."

"Really..." Yamamura Cao was still a little flustered, feeling that missing the opportunity to pay homage to the suppressive artifact was not a good sign.

But no matter how much he cared about it, after arriving on the second floor and seeing the many onlookers in the corridor, the face-conscious Yamamura police officer could only temporarily stop the topic. He cleared his throat and adjusted his collar, preparing to deal with this sudden "hanging" incident.

A few criminal policemen briefly collected evidence and were about to put the body down.

In the corridor, Yamamura cleared his throat and looked at the "passers-by" who he had driven out of the deceased's room, especially Maori Lan and Maori Kogoro who rushed to the body: "Do you know the deceased?"

When adults are talking.

Conan took advantage of his low sense of presence at certain times and sneaked into the house.

Without those giant-like adults blocking his first-grade child's view, Conan finally saw clearly the deceased in the room.

His eyes fell on the dead "Jiang Xia", and he had the same question as Mouri Kogoro - although he could barely see some shadow of Jiang Xia, the whole face of the corpse had become severely deformed, and it must have been very strange when he died. It's painful...

Conan's face was solemn, his glasses crackled with a flash of anger, and he was determined to bring Toru Amuro, the outlaw, to justice.

But at the same time, he stared at the corpse in front of him, and he always felt that something was wrong - was this really Jiang Xia? The deformation was too powerful.

After a moment, Conan suddenly remembered something and his eyes fell on "Jiang Xia's" hand.

Then he was startled.

——The left hand of the corpse was not wearing a wrist guard.

"..." In my impression, when Jiang Xia tried to cancel her account a year ago, she was very heavy-handed. This also left a deep scar on his left wrist.

Later, I didn't know whether Jiang Xia thought the scar was unsightly or if it brought back bad memories. He wore wristbands all year round to cover it up.

but now……

A doubt suddenly arose in Conan's heart.

When the police were not paying attention, he ran to the body, carefully lifted the body's hand hanging on the ground, and looked at the inside of the wrist.

"..." There is no scar.

...This is not Jiang Xia!

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, Conan's collar suddenly tightened.

Yamamura Cao caught a sharp glimpse of the child who had slipped into the scene of the murder. He caught Conan and carried him out of the room:

"Whose child is this? Don't let him destroy the murder scene!"

As soon as Mouri Kogoro heard this sentence, he had a vague premonition. Turning around, he saw that it was indeed Conan who had been arrested.

He was still busy strangling his daughter who had fainted and couldn't spare any time.

Just as he was about to shout from afar, an onlooker suddenly moved over from outside the crowd.

The young man dressed in a sunny manner stretched out his hand, picked up Conan as skillfully as a cat, and took the stunned fake primary school student from Yamamura Cao: "Give it to me, this is my neighbor..."

I originally wanted to say "neighbor", but halfway through the sentence, I suddenly remembered that Conan lives in Maori's house, and Maori's house and Jiangxia's house are not next to each other, so I extended the sentence a little longer: "The children of my friend's house next door."

"You have to watch the children." Although Yamamura Cao couldn't figure out why someone would bring the children of his friends from the neighborhood to play, he finally found a guardian. "How could he be allowed to sneak in and play with the corpse? The deceased pair were very unkind to him. …”

As he spoke, Yamamura Cao looked at the "naughty child's guardian" and his voice gradually weakened.

——As a police officer who is somewhat interested in solving crimes, of course Yamamura Soo also knows something about various famous detectives. What's more, he had met Jiang Xia once before.

At this time, Yamamura Cao looked at the person in front of him who came to claim the naughty child, and he looked more and more familiar.

After being stunned for a moment, he finally couldn't help but say the name he was thinking of: "...Jiang Xia?"

"Yes." Jiang Xia nodded, put down a dozen kilograms of weight, and carried Conan, who was a little tired. Then he looked at the room surrounded by people and police, and asked doubtfully, "What happened?"

"..." Yamamura Cao looked at him, then at the hanging "Jiang Xia" on the floor of the room, and then at him.

A second later, the theistic policeman suddenly raised his trembling hands to cover his chest and fell down without saying a word.

"...?" His detective subordinates didn't react. After a while, they rushed over in shock, "Mountain Village Police Department is here to help!"

Toru Amuro lowered his head and looked at the policeman who fell at his feet: "?"

...Is this because you were scared?

...What happened to this policeman?

Mouri Kogoro was also attracted by the commotion at the door. He looked at the living Jiang Xia in shock and was stunned for a moment.

Mouri Kogoro had pinched his daughter for a long time just now, but he couldn't wake her up.

Now that he suddenly stops moving, the operation just now takes effect with a delay.

Mao Lilan woke up and was briefly dazed for a while. She pressed her forehead and recalled what happened before she fainted. When she looked up, she saw Mouri Kogoro's strange expression.

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