Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 656 What did you do at night? Asking for monthly ticket o(〃▽〃)

Chapter 656 What did you do at night? Asking for monthly ticket o(〃'▽'〃)o

Mao Lilan asked doubtfully: "Dad, what's wrong?"

Mouri Kogoro pointed blankly at the door.

Mao Lilan turned around and looked over, and saw a living Jiang Xia standing in the corridor - Jiang Xia was not wearing his usual black clothes, but was wearing a sunny light color. The style happened to be the one that Mao Lilan happened to see when she went shopping a while ago. She wanted to bring it back to Jiang Xia to try, but she felt that Jiang Xia would definitely not wear it.

"Haha, it's a dream. This suit really suits him very well. High school students should dress more energetically..." Mao Lilan muttered, her voice trailing off.

Finally, with a thud, he lay down again.

Mouri Kogoro was startled when he heard the noise. He turned around and found that his daughter who had just woken up fainted again: "Ran!!"

Then he hurriedly continued to pinch people.

At the door, Conan glanced at the fainted Yamamura Cao.

As a high school detective who used to hang out with the police, Conan was used to the police's usual lapses, but he didn't expect that the police department in Gunma County would be particularly vulnerable... Such a person could actually lead a team. No wonder there are so many suicide shrines in Gunma Prefecture.

He secretly cursed in his heart, ignored this strange policeman, and ran to Mao Lilan to check out the situation.

Feeling that there was no problem, Conan slipped next to Jiang Xia with a low sense of presence, and secretly pulled Jiang Xia away from Tohru Amuro.

Then he tugged on his sleeves, and after Jiang Xia squatted down skillfully, he asked in a low voice: "Who is that person in the room? This is indeed your room, right. Where were you just now?"

...Think about what the first discoverer said just now. Since she came here with a clear purpose to "encounter" Jiang Xia, it is unlikely that she went to the wrong room.

In other words, Room 207, where someone hanged himself, should indeed be Jiang Xia's room.

But just now, Jiang Xia appeared here as a bystander after the commotion...

"I haven't seen him."

Jiang Xia looked at Conan. I haven't seen this neighbor with an incident constitution for several days. When I suddenly see him, I always have a sense of expectation that I will encounter a case again soon... The good impression brought by the combination of "Conan" and "case" has always made me Jiang Xia is very patient with Kudo who likes to ask a long list of questions.

After briefly answering the first question, Jiang Xia lowered his voice:

"As for the room, I was in Room 207 at first, but...well..." He hesitated, as if he was struggling with whether to talk about something or not. In the end, he got rid of the topic and continued, "But this room It wasn’t appropriate, so last night, I ran to the boss.”

"Not suitable?" Conan quickly grasped the doubt, "Then why not change rooms? The hotel is also staffed at night, and it is the off-season for tourism. There should be many vacant rooms here."

"...Indeed, but it doesn't feel good." Jiang Xia thought about her identity as a worker and felt that before she could figure out who the person who installed the camera was, it would be best for her to keep everything secret and let Amuro reveal the truth. It is the leader’s discretion how much to disclose.

So he made a random excuse to deal with Conan's questioning and to throw the blame later: "It's late at night, the front desk staff must be very sleepy, it would be too intrusive."

Conan: "...?"

...Wouldn't it be more disturbing to go to your boss?

However, Jiang Xia subconsciously made this excuse... Could it be that the matter of "suddenly causing the room to be uninhabitable" was related to Toru Amuro, and was it more suitable for Toru Amuro to handle it? And then that incident was directly or indirectly related to a murder case...

As he thought about it, Conan's eyes gradually became sharper.

But he looked more at Toru Amuro than at Jiang Xia.

——During this trip, Jiang Xia did not have a mobile phone during the entire journey, and did not know the itinerary or destination. No matter how you look at it, Toru Amuro, the suspicious detective agency boss, is leading this trip.

And Conan remembered that a few minutes ago, when they were downstairs, they met Toru Amuro who was going to the restaurant alone.

At that time, he asked Tohru Amuro, "Where is Jiangxia?" Toru Amuro said, "I don't know, maybe he's still in the room, or maybe in the restaurant," and then changed the topic - but in fact, it seems now that Jiangxia was clearly Just came out of Toru Amuro's house. It's impossible that Toru Amuro, the owner of the house, doesn't know Jiang Xia's whereabouts... Why did Boss Amuro hide this? What's his plot?

Conan looked at the body of "Jiang Xia" that had been put down in the room. He felt as if a dark cloud full of mystery hung above his head, and a black hand was slowly stretching out from it, stroking it with a sinister smile.

...A stranger was suddenly killed in Jiang Xia's room by an unknown person. Jiang Xia, who was supposed to be in the room, left for other reasons. In addition, the most meditative thing is that the body shape of the deceased is very similar to Jiang Xia, and even the face is somewhat similar. Such a person, coupled with the black clothes often worn by Jiang Xia, appears in dimly lit nights.

...Speaking of this, he always thought there was something strange.

Conan came back from his thoughts and looked at Jiang Xia again: "That, your clothes."

Jiang Xia: "Huh?"

Conan asked: "Why did you only wear this kind of clothes along the way? Didn't you prefer black before?"

Jiang Xia was startled, as if she had gotten used to this outfit along the way, and now she noticed something strange about herself when asked. He looked down at himself:

"I was in a hurry to go out and didn't have time to pack my luggage. The only suit I was wearing at the time was black. Later at the Dusk Annex... it was a case in Tottori Prefecture. The car and luggage were blown up, so I had to buy other clothes."

"That's right." The more Conan listened, the more he felt something was wrong, and confirmed, "Did you choose the clothes yourself?"

"No." Jiang Xia shook his head, "The schedule is too busy, the boss ordered it directly from the store..."

Halfway through his words, he looked down at his clothes and then at the body's black clothes. As if something suddenly occurred to him, he fell silent.

At the same time, Jiang Xia secretly decided to stay silent until the matter was over.

If you lie, you will have to work hard to make it right later. It's better to tell the truth and leave the rest to the boss to clean up. It just so happens that the boss is not afraid of being caught. He seems to be quite free recently...

Next to him, Toru Amuro suddenly sneezed.

Conan looked up alertly, his thoughts turning, and he quickly thought of the storm last night.

...This boss looks quite healthy, why is he sneezing suddenly?

Could it be that he did something shameful last night and got caught in the rain? For example, he used some excuse to trick Jiang Xia out of his original room 207, and then sneaked into 207 at night, killed someone, and then left again. I went for a walk outside for some purpose...


Thank you guys for your [Monthly Ticket](づど)

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