Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 657 Are you a ghost?

Thinking of this, Conan sighed.

Now he has just come to this hotel and wants to solve the current case, but there are still many clues missing.

Moreover, judging from Jiang Xia's hesitant answer just now, Jiang Xia is obviously hiding something.

...In short, although the full picture of the case is not yet clear, one thing is certain - Toru Amuro must be secretly brewing some conspiracy.

Perhaps, after this whole trip, this is his final destination?

Did the person who looked like Jiang Xia break something and needed to be silenced? Or was Toru Amuro caught by a man in black when he was doing something last night, so he killed him? Or maybe he wanted to use the death of the man in black to achieve some goals... Speaking of this, the murder occurred in Jiang Xia's original room, and Jiang Xia refused to explain clearly. From a rational point of view, he is the biggest suspect. ...Toru Amuro must have wanted to pack Jiang Xia and send him to the police station.

Conan secretly became wary.

At this time, there was a faint sound of rustling clothes next to him.

——Yamamura Cao, who was stunned by Jiang Xia just now, has gradually woken up and sat up from the ground.

Yamamura Cao, as a policeman who believes in various legends and ghosts from the bottom of his heart, is usually afraid of corpses, let alone "Jiang Xia" with a distorted face and who should have been dead, suddenly stood in front of him again...

After waking up, Yamamura Cao touched the back of his head that hurt when he fell.

Before he could recover, his eyes suddenly focused on Jiang Xia beside him.

Jiang Xia noticed the movement here, turned to look at Yamamura Cao, and planned to ask "Are you okay?"

However, just as he opened his mouth, Yamamura Cao suddenly let out a "Ouch——!" Following him, he used his hands and feet to move to the corner like an upside-down spider. He took out his police card from his pocket and pointed it at Jiang Xia like a charm: "You, you, you, you have revenge, you have grudges, you have grudges, you have grudges. , I am just an ordinary policeman passing by! I have never harmed you!"


Toru Amuro's eyes became complicated, and she looked Yamamura Cao up and down.

After a few seconds, he said in an unclear tone: "He is a living person - the deceased who hanged himself is not Jiang Xia."


Shan Cuncao looked around cautiously and found that the other police officers and onlookers were alive and well and had not been killed by "Resentful Soul Jiang Xia". After being stunned for a moment, he stood up silently and moved to Jiang Xia's side.

Then under Jiang Xia's puzzled gaze, he suddenly closed his eyes and reached out to grab it.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He remembered the heroic posture of Yamamura Cao just now, squirming with his hands and feet on the ground, and instinctively turned around.

The confused police officer's dirty fingers traced a few millimeters away from him. Afterwards, Jiang Xia stood up straight again.

Yamamura couldn't touch anyone and opened his eyes in shock.

When he found that Jiang Xia was still standing there, he suddenly felt out of his mind: "...I can't touch it, I can't touch it!! He is a ghost, don't be deceived by him!"

"..." Jiang Xia was silent for a moment and secretly glanced at Toru Amuro.

When encountering a colleague like this, I don’t know when the boss’s anger tank will be full. If it is full, will it be able to overflow with murderous aura... I didn’t sleep well last night, and I was woken up early in the morning today. He is very nervous now. I want some mellow coffee flavor to refresh me.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a person approaching from the corner of his eye.

Jiang Xia was startled and turned to look.

I saw Mao Lilan woke up at some point.

At this time, she was coming over hesitantly, watching for a moment, then suddenly closed her eyes and grabbed Jiang Xia's arm.


A second later: "Isn't this possible?"

After all, Mao Lilan is relatively familiar with Jiang Xia, when she woke up just now. After hearing what Toru Amuro said, she thought about it carefully and felt that the distorted corpse on the ground was indeed different from Jiang Xia. Then I got closer and tried it.

After confirming that her classmate was still alive, her mood went up and down. She was so moved that she wanted to cry. She squeezed the arm she was holding and said, "It's still warm. It's really not a ghost!"

Toru Amuro: "..."

There are no ghosts in the world.

Is there something wrong with these two people next to me who firmly believe in ghosts?

...Forget it about Mao Lilan, a little girl in high school has a rich imagination and can't control it.

But what happened to this policeman...

"It is indeed a human being." Toru Amuro glanced at Yamamura Cao, who was holding the policeman's handbook as a talisman. He couldn't stand it anymore and explained, "Jiang Xia was not in Room 207 last night, and we don't know what happened to the body in his room. What's going on?" As he said that, Toru Amuro looked at the hotel owner and asked, "Is the deceased a guest here?"

"No impression." The hotel owner shook his head. Then I consciously remembered that I was face-blind, so I asked the staff who had been on duty at the front desk to ask.

However, a group of people all shook their heads and had no impression of this fake Jiang Xia.

Take the hotel's registration book, check the guest rooms, and ask them one by one.

After asking around, everyone discovered that the deceased seemed to have appeared out of thin air and was not a guest here at all.

Jiang Xia has now picked up two large amounts of murderous intent. He is just waiting to pick up the shikigami from Nobita's leg after solving the case, and then set off as soon as possible - according to experience, it is often difficult to have two different murder cases in the same place. , you have to move a little bit to hope to trigger a new situation.

Therefore, although it was decided to keep a low profile as much as possible and leave the specific situation to Conan's mind.

But in order to speed up the progress, Jiang Xia just took advantage of Shan Cuncao not paying attention and walked around the crime scene.

On the way, some criminal police officers noticed his actions, but did not stop him. Instead, they looked at Jiang Xia with friendly eyes.

——They have also heard of Jiang Xia's reputation. This Tokyo detective solves crimes very quickly. Many times, finding Jiang Xia to solve a case is even easier than dealing with suicide or accidents. This way, you can achieve results without having to work overtime... I really hope that when Jiang Xia chooses a university, he will be admitted to Qunma, and then he can stay here to solve difficult problems...

With the tacit approval and even expectation of a group of police officers.

Jiang Xia successfully checked in at various noteworthy places.

Then he returned to the corridor, first turned to look at the deceased, and then looked at Toru Amuro as if asking for advice.

Seeing Toru Amuro nodded secretly, indicating that the matter had nothing to do with the organization and there was no need to suspend the investigation of the case.

Jiang Xia then turned to Yamamura Cao under Conan's suspicious gaze:

"Although there is no evidence yet... the appearance of the deceased is somewhat similar to mine, and the clothes on his body are still very new, as if he had just bought them - maybe he was planning to pretend to be me and defraud the hotel owner. That suitcase. But before he could take action, I came first, so he had to sneak into my room in the middle of the night and wanted to steal that suitcase. But during that period, he unfortunately encountered some things, which eventually turned into This is it now.”

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