Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 658 Wu Zuo’s behavior has nothing to do with Jiang Xia

The hotel owner was startled when he heard this. He was suddenly frightened and hammered his palm:

"Indeed. My eyesight is actually not very good, and I can't remember people's faces. I have made a lot of jokes - if another 'Jiang Xia' comes, the box may already be in that person's hands."

After listening silently, Yamamura Cao was still full of doubts about Jiang Xia, the owner of House 207.

But at this time, a new element appeared, and he still managed to pay some attention: "Suitcase?"

Conan and the two Maori also looked over, and vaguely felt that this box might be the key to this matter.

No matter how bad the hotel owner is, he still works in the service industry.

He quickly noticed the gaze directed at him and explained to the police and detectives that five years ago, the man in red asked him to keep the suitcase.

Conan carefully digested the important new clues while recalling Jiang Xia's reasoning just now.

Then he looked at the door lock, which was about the same height as himself, and said in a childish voice, "It's so strange, there are so many dark patterns here."

Jiang Xia and Amuro Toru had noticed the scratches a long time ago and didn't react much. They just looked over there subconsciously following the sound.

Police officer Yamamura was slightly startled.

Then he cautiously approached, picked up the door lock and observed it for a moment, and easily confused Conan: "What pattern? This is the trace left when picking the lock! It must be that the deceased tried to cheat the box, so he used the crooked trick of burglary." Brain.”

A group of people nodded secretly.

Then I heard Yamamura Cao continue in a firm tone: "The man in black broke in in the middle of the night and wanted to steal the suitcase, but unfortunately he was killed by you——"

Having said this, he raised his hand with great momentum and pointed at Jiang Xia: "I found the trace.

“In the darkness, when you resisted, you accidentally strangled him to death.

"Although this was self-defense, as a famous detective, you were worried that this incident would tarnish your reputation, so after hurriedly setting up the scene, you went to your companion's room, trying to deceive yourself into an alibi."

Mao Lilan listened carefully to the reasoning at first.

After hearing this paragraph, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but lowered into half-moon eyes: "Jiang Xia would never accidentally strangle someone to death. He..." She originally thought that Jiang Xia would be able to solve the problem by throwing her over her shoulder or throwing a stick. Get rid of these little thieves who sneak into the room.

But before she spoke, she suddenly remembered something. She looked at the police in the room, swallowed the words with difficulty, and replaced it with something else:

"He, he is very measured even when he is defending himself. In the past, Jiang Xia has never injured anyone when he met much more ferocious gangsters."... A few hits with a stick will make the pain go away. Injury should not be considered an injury. That's just a necessary process when subduing gangsters...well, probably.

"..." The more I thought about it, the more guilty I became.

Mao Lilan finally lost her voice, slowly turned her eyes away, put her hands behind her back, and pretended to be looking at the birds passing by outside the window.

Conan also felt that there were many loopholes in Yamamura Cao's statement. He originally wanted to refute them one by one, but he looked at Toru Amuro, whose identity was a mystery next to him: "..."

He swallowed his words silently again, trying to hide his identity as Kudo Shinichi.

However, this does not prevent Conan from secretly agreeing with Mao Lilan's statement. He always felt that if Jiang Xia impulsively killed someone one day, the deceased would be more likely to die from being hit on the head with a stick than being strangled with a rope, or at least being beaten to death by mistake...

In addition, if Jiang Xia really wanted to get away with it, he probably wouldn't have pretended to be someone who hanged himself with a bloody Yoshikawa line around his neck.

He is fully capable of designing a more careful method, so that the police may be confused and close the case as an "accident" or "accident".

This is much safer than hanging up the body and then using the police's "reverse thinking" to get himself off the hook. After all, in that case, if he encounters a policeman like Yamamura Cao, Jiang Xia is likely to be arrested. He was caught straight away and had no chance to wait for the police to "think reversely".

In short, for a detective, especially a genius detective like Jiang Xia. Compared with "hanging up the dead and gambling on luck", it is not too difficult to "design a crime that can make you as clean as possible in front of the police".

…Not only Jiang Xia, but also other powerful detectives who embark on the road of crime often cause headaches to the police and detectives - detectives are familiar with the thinking of their colleagues when solving crimes, have a lot of professional knowledge, and can often dispose of physical evidence in time, even if in the end Even if there is a slight flaw, it is very likely that the person will be exonerated due to an incomplete chain of evidence.

"..." Fortunately, Jiang Xia is on the right path now.

Conan thought about Jiang Xia's horrible behavior a while ago, playing games, racing cars, and wandering around hospital morgues, crematoria, and abandoned cemeteries in search of excitement;

Look at the famous detective in front of you who is active in the sun and busy solving crimes.

A sense of pride and joy emerged in my heart unconsciously.

——Whether as Kudo Shinichi or as Conan, he has encountered many murder cases in the present tense.

In these emergencies, although Conan was proficient in all kinds of first aid knowledge, he could not save many people. There are even very few opportunities to use first aid techniques.

As a successful rescue case, Jiang Xia is still his childhood friend, and Jiang Xia's character is not difficult to get along with... In short, since then, Conan can't help but feel a subtle sense of responsibility for Jiang Xia. It feels like He and Xiaolan brought this life back to the world, so they also expected him to live a better life.

...For example, Jiang Xia's current fulfilling state of being a detective is very good.

The only problem is that there are quite a lot of dangerous and mysterious people around Jiang Xia... Although geniuses are good, they can sometimes be easily spotted and taken advantage of.

Thinking of this, Conan's eyes silently returned to Toru Amuro, watching carefully in secret.

——Although just now, Toru Amuro acquiesced to letting Jiang Xia solve the case, which made Conan a little surprised.

But until everything comes to light, he really can't withdraw his suspicions about this boss. There was nothing suspicious about him from head to toe.

In addition, the observation of Jiang Xia cannot be relaxed... Although it is difficult to imagine that if the murderer was Jiang Xia, Jiang Xia would design such a rough escape scene. But thinking rationally, it cannot be ruled out that Jiang Xia had a guilty conscience after committing the murder, so he did these things with the negative spirit of "surrendering him if he was discovered, and continuing to do so if he was not discovered" - this is not without precedent.

...In general, we still need to find evidence first. Otherwise everything ends up being just speculation.

Thinking of this, Conan glanced around and entered the state of solving the case.

Even if Jiang Xia was forced to give up due to off-field factors - such as Toru Amuro's threat - later. He will definitely crack the whole case and prevent Jiang Xia from being blamed.

Once all the evidence is found, everything will come to light. By then, Jiang Xia's innocence will naturally be proven from the mysterious boss's evil hands.

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