Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 675 Strange organization name

Jiang Xia took the new phone, found the mailbox, and clicked in to check.

I saw a piece of information lying in my inbox.

After clicking on it, there are three people's electronic files inside. Choose one of the three familiar ones and have a familiar smell.

But this time, Toru Amuro seems to have finished choosing in advance.

"Three people have been found now. Among them, 'Watanuki Chenzo' is the most suspicious."

Toru Amuro thought of the kind-faced old man in the file photo and recalled:

"This man is a cadre of the Mud Party. According to intelligence, a week before the incident, he and Slack from Epimetheus went to the same bar at the same time. Although the evidence is not clear, the force that intercepted the ship is very likely It may be Epimetheus, but we haven't been able to catch the connection between these two people so far - I plan to keep an eye on Watanuki Chenzo for a while, searching for any flaws. If I can't find any, I'll find an opportunity to arrest him for trial. As long as When you arrest someone, it’s concealed enough and the Ni Shenhui doesn’t get caught, so there won’t be any problem.”

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, and finally chose the most convenient one to ask: "...Epimetheus?"

"An organization that hides in the shadows like a mouse." Toru Amuro said with a hint of disdain, "It's not clear what it's called specifically, but it is said that they are frantically looking for a gem called 'Pandora', so when it comes to those people, That’s what we usually call it.”

"Pandora's husband in Greek mythology, a very vivid name..." Jiang Xia was talking about myth-related things, but in her heart she thought of the gems containing energy cores.

If I remember correctly, this organization is Kidd's mortal enemy. I have the impression that there are also some gems containing energy cores hidden in their inventory, but they are not as high quality as Kidd's.

This mission actually involves that organization, and I don't know if I can encounter an energy core.

However, whether there is or not, based on experience, these things related to various organizations must be indispensable...

While thinking about it, he finished reading the information on his target this time, "Tatsuzo Watanuki".

Then I took a look at the other two character files.

Seeing that the other two people had fierce looks on their faces and looked like they had great potential, Jiang Xia couldn't help but asked casually: "Don't worry about the other two people?"

Toru Amuro shook his head: "No need. One of them, like Watanuki Tatsuzo, is a cadre of the Nidong Conference. This person was originally responsible for external relations, and it was obvious that he had contact with people in Epimetheus. According to experience, this kind of situation People, on the other hand, are not prone to problems. They might just be thrown out by the real murderer as a cover. I have sent local people to verify it.

"The last suspect is from the organization and is in the interrogation room now. If it is really him, he has confessed by now. Don't worry about it."

Jiang Xia: "..."

The organization's three choices are different from the familiar three choices of detectives. It should be described as "simple and crude", or praised as efficient...

Speaking of this, I don’t know which cadre is in charge of the interrogation, and what the murderous aura smells like... Unfortunately, Toru Amuro is unlikely to take him to visit the scene. As a detective, it would be inappropriate for me to take the initiative to mention this.

After Toru Amuro finished speaking, he found that Jiang Xia fell silent. So I glanced at the passenger seat.

Although it was not obvious, Jiang Xia's mood seemed to be a little depressed.

Toru Amuro: "..." The topic of interrogation in an organization may be a bit heavy for high school detectives.

Thinking of this, he did not delve into the topic further, but drove quietly. I plan to let Jiang Xia digest it by herself-Jiang Xia is still in the organization after all, so it is inevitable that he will be exposed to these things, and he must learn to adapt to some extent.

In this regard, Toru Amuro felt that he understood Jiang Xia quite well. Because he doesn't like these either.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro couldn't help but recall the cruel methods and the dark side of the organization again. And in order to lurk in, he had anesthetized his conscience and collaborated with them, and could only pretend that nothing happened when his companions died tragically... The image of Fako who came in undercover with him one after another and died tragically on the rooftop appeared in his mind, and Toru Amuro's eyes flashed. There was a trace of uncontrollable murderous intention.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt Jiang Xia's eyes move in the passenger seat.

Amuro glanced over subconsciously. Then I was slightly surprised to find that for some reason, the employees seemed to be in a better mood again.


I can't tell that Jiang Xia's self-regulation ability is quite strong. It's only been less than a few minutes.

...I was worried about his mental state before, but now it seems that the situation is better than he thought?

So should we find a psychiatrist or not?

Toru Amuro was briefly confused.

Then I decided to put this thought aside for now.

——At this stage, the most important thing is to concentrate on completing the task and then release Jiang Xia back to Tokyo as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he didn't know whether Jiang Xia would need to see a doctor. But he might have to go to the doctor first to adjust his mentality...

The Tou Shen Forest is actually not that far from Jiang Xia and their destination.

And this time, there was no puncture on the road.

Just after noon, Toru Amuro successfully arrived at the place where the target was staying - the Akashu Hotel.

When he got out of the car, he slammed the door and looked back at the complete car. He was slightly surprised, but felt that this was a good sign.

On the other side, the urban station.

Belmod pressed the button on his phone, flipping through the information retrieved from the organization's database, and checking the details of this mission.

——Of course it is not her mission, but the mission of Jiang Xia and Bourbon.

Belmode had read this information several times before and kept it firmly in his mind.

After hurriedly flipping through it and finding that there was no addition, she exited the interface, adjusted the plug-in on her phone, and then dialed a number.

Not long after, the other person picked up the phone.

Suzuki Sonoko's voice came through the speaker:

"Xiaolan? I'm almost there. If you've already arrived, you can wait for me nearby. There is a folk shop there, and the specialties in it are very--very beautiful!"

"Okay." Belmod can freely imitate other people's voices. At this time, she switched to Mao Lilan's voice, then glanced at the huge billboard in the distance and smiled, "Actually, at the gas station just now, I got a ticket for a designated seat for the two·mix concert..."

at the same time.

Maori and his party rented a new car and were rushing to the meeting place agreed with Suzuki Sonoko.

——Recently, there is a popular romantic drama called "Winter Night Maple Red", starring Yoko Kinoshita.

As her ardent fan, Mouri Kogoro plans to go on a holy tour to the filming locations of famous scenes in the movie.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Garden were also very interested in this and made an appointment to go together.

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