Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 676 Suzuki Belmode Sonoko

But because in the past few days, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan each had other plans.

Therefore, the two did not go out together, but agreed to meet near the scenic spot.

More than ten minutes passed.

Mao Lilan arrived at the meeting place before the appointed time.

She took out her mobile phone and planned to send a message to Suzuki Sonoko to tell her that she had arrived.

But after editing and pressing the send button, the message was sent twice but could not be sent.


Mao Lilan moved her eyes upward and looked at the signal suspiciously.

I saw that although it was not full, it was definitely enough to send a message.

Just thinking about trying it again.

However, this time, I didn’t wait to press the confirm button. Suddenly a person came out of the corner ahead.

A happy voice sounded right after.

"Suzuki Sonoko" waved to her: "Xiaolan, I'm here!"

Then she ran over in a very befitting bounce, her skirt hanging down to her ankles swaying all the way.

Mao Lilan raised her head when she heard the sound, looked over, and then was startled:

"I rarely see you wearing long skirts."

Conan also raised his head and looked at Suzuki Sonoko doubtfully. He remembered that this classmate preferred fashionable clothing such as shorts and skirts. It was a bit strange to suddenly see such a long skirt this time.

"Suzuki Sonoko" smiled generously, picked up the skirt and turned it around twice, then let go: "How about it, does it look good? When you come to a place full of artistic conception to catch men, of course you have to dress like a lady!"

Conan: "..." He looked away silently. This is indeed something Suzuki Sonoko can do.

Mouri Kogoro muttered: "I'm here to climb a mountain, but I'm wearing such a long skirt. If you trip and fall down the mountain, I won't help pick you up."

Only Mao Lilan nodded with dignity: "It looks good."

Then he remembered what Mouri Kogoro said and added: "Don't worry, this mountain is not steep and not that dangerous. Even if you do trip, I can catch you in time."

As she spoke, she bent her arms and showed "Suzuki Sonoko" her biceps that were not visible at all, but were extremely powerful when used.

"Xiaolan is still reliable, unlike some elderly uncles."

"Suzuki Sonoko" nodded in a good mood, took her arm, and naturally got into the Maorilan family's car, preparing to take this car to their destination - "Red Tree Hotel".

This is one of the hotels closest to the filming location.

At the same time, it is also where Jiang Xia's mission target is.

The real Sonoko Suzuki, at this time, has been sent to Linxian by the saying "You can come to the Holy Land Tour at any time, but you only have one ticket for the concert with reserved seats!"

And the "Suzuki Sonoko" in front of him is Belmod who followed secretly.

She wore a long skirt, of course, not for the so-called "enhancing the literary and artistic atmosphere to attract men." But it was so convenient to bend her knees secretly and hide her height - she was taller than Suzuki Sonoko. If you wear clothes that clearly show your legs and cover up your height, you will be easily spotted by detectives who are good at observing.

As a privileged member of the organization, Bellmode could basically get the information that Bourne had access to.

After she learned that the most suspicious cadre of the Mud Association, Tatsuzo Watanuki, had gone to the Red Tree Hotel, she also found out that Mori and his party also planned to go to the maple leaf forest. So I planned to sneak into the team and have a chance encounter. With her to deal with it, in this case, even if Bourbon finds that Uzo is too friendly to these neighbors, she can use the excuse that "Uzo just has a special attitude towards her as a colleague" to smooth things over... Of course , it would be better if Bourbon didn’t feel there was anything wrong.

The foot of Maple Leaf Mountain.

Jiangxia and Amuro entered the Akashu Hotel and put away their luggage.

After a few brief conversations, the two went down to the hall.

They took a few magazines, sat in the corner and read them, occasionally walking around to stretch their muscles.

It looked like he was having afternoon tea leisurely, but in fact, he was observing Watanuki Tatsuzo's condition.

——The biggest leak suspect came to the Red Tree Hotel early this morning for an unknown purpose.

Watanuki Tatsuzo also did not stay in the room all the time, but often wandered in the hall.

He didn't seem to be visiting the scenic spot. Instead, he looked a little anxious and looked at the door from time to time, as if he was waiting for someone.

In addition, he occasionally communicated with some people passing by. It seemed that he had brought some subordinates with him and was looking for something around him.

Toru Amuro observed Watanuki Tatsuzo passing by in the hall with his peripheral vision.

This kind-looking white-haired old man passed the gate for the nth time, and then left without finding anything for the nth time.

And he gained nothing, which meant that Toru Amuro gained nothing.

Toru Amuro held the tea cup and touched the fish for a while. He felt that he had mixed enough private goods in this mission and could not keep touching it like this.

So he opened his mailbox and planned to find a few subordinates to come to the Akashu Hotel and let them keep an eye on Watanuki Tatsuzo who was not moving much.

I went out with Jiang Xia to look for traces around to see what Watanuki Chenzo was looking for.

Of course, this time, the subordinates Amuro Toru was looking for were not the group of police officers who had worked hard to provide support for him and Jiang Xia for a week.

——Now, around this hotel, in addition to the people from the Nidsen Association to which Watanuki Tatsuzo belongs, there must be some organizational members from the Gunma branch.

In addition, judging from what happened in the Tou Shen Forest before, there may be unknown cadres lurking around them, and they may even be following him.

Under such circumstances, Toru Amuro really couldn't rest assured that the group of public security men would continue to follow.

Coupled with the observation of Jiang Xia's "Is it Uzo or the incident constitution", now a quite clear conclusion has been reached. Therefore, before arriving here, Amuro Toru had already dismissed the public security subordinates.

Toru Amuro pressed the button on his cell phone and sent a message to peripheral members of the local organization, asking them to keep an eye on the hotel.

Then he was going to drink the last half cup of tea and go into the mountains with Jiang Xia.

Just as I picked up the tea cup, the hotel door suddenly opened.

With a cool autumn breeze, several people walked into the hall. Immediately afterwards, a surprised voice came from that direction: "Jiang Xia?"

Toru Amuro: "..."

As he listened to the voice that belonged to Mao Lilan, his fingers trembled inaudibly, and a faint ripple appeared in the tea in the cup.

Then return to stillness.

Toru Amuro took a deep breath and continued to drink the tea in silence.

After that, he put down the cup calmly. Then he looked towards the door.

...Now, the observation of Jiang Xia has ended.

This means that there is no need to work hard to isolate Jiang Xia from others and prevent possible "Uzuo" from spreading news to the outside world.

In other words, these acquaintances in Jiang Xia are just met, no big deal, no need to be nervous.

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