Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 678: Throwing blame on each other

Thinking of this, Belmode suddenly remembered something and glanced at the others from the corner of his eye.

Except for Jiang Xia who refused to hold her arms, Angel and Cool Guy also looked at each other in a different way.


Belmod slowly realized his mistake - Suzuki Sonoko left a strange note for Jiang Xia on her phone, and also saved a lot of his photos... but this nymphomaniac has never touched her before?

...There is also Ye Gonghaolong in the world of nymphomaniacs?

"..." It seems that I still don't know Suzuki Sonoko well enough. Moreover, this incident happened suddenly and the preparations beforehand were not sufficient. Tsk, we just held on to each other for a short while...

Belmod twirled his slender fingers, feeling a little regretful.

At the same time, he smiled appropriately.

...Fortunately, this is the filming location for a romantic TV series, surrounded by fiery red maple leaves. Girls of Suzuki Sonoko's age are easily infected by romantic atmosphere. It's actually not unreasonable for her to get excited and make aggressive moves that she wouldn't normally do... and it's just to hold her arm, not to push her down and then use her hands to take off her clothes. What she did just now can still be regarded as socializing between friends, and it shouldn't make her immediately fall out of favor with cool guy and angel.

While thinking about it, Belmod secretly observed it.

It turned out that Mao Lilan really didn't realize that "this is a fake garden" and looked away considerately, pretending not to see the slightly embarrassing scene just now.

Conan relied on his childlike appearance and continued to stare here with a slightly thoughtful expression. But according to Belmod's understanding of him, he should have just noticed the violation and had not drawn any clear conclusions. Otherwise, he would have tentatively asked questions.

Seeing this, Belmod was relieved.

She naturally walked a few steps quickly, caught up with Jiang Xia, and walked side by side. I want to try one last time to see if Jiang Xia has discovered her identity. This depends on her next actions.

Jiang Xia heard the footsteps approaching and turned to look at her. She seemed to have no objection to this.

Belmod breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that thanks to Suzuki Sonoko's out-of-the-box personality, Jiang Xia didn't recognize her. She was just not used to the passionate physical contact of "Suzuki Sonoko" just now.

As a result, just as he relaxed, Jiang Xia suddenly moved further away, clearly intending to avoid her.

Belmod: "...?"

She looked at Jiang Xia carefully and found that he didn't look shy, but simply didn't want to go with her.

"..." Belmode clicked his tongue inwardly, clarifying the answer.

It seems that he has really exposed himself to Jiang Xia.

...The detective's powers of observation cannot be underestimated.

Fortunately, this time it was just for fun in my free time, and it didn't matter whether I was exposed or not.

In the future, if you have something serious to do and you want to disguise yourself near Jiangxia, you must pay attention to the details.

In addition, it is best to choose someone unfamiliar to Jiang Xia to play the role. If you pick the people around him, it's easy to be like now. If you relax a little, your flaws will be immediately seen.

——Belmod carefully noted down the useless points.

Jiang Xia was walking on the mountain road, feeling the increasing and decreasing murderous aura on Belmod's body. Suddenly he remembered something and looked at Toru Amuro next to him.

Toru Amuro had also noticed their movements just now, and at this time, he was looking here with slightly doubtful eyes.

Jiang Xia looked at Belmod and then at Toru Amuro, as if a small light bulb lit up above his head.

The next second, he walked closer to Toru Amuro, blocked other people's sight with his body, and made a scissor hand gesture towards Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro: "?"

He was startled at first, and almost subconsciously responded.

But then I thought about it. Judging from Jiang Xia's serious look, this probably wasn't Scissorhands in the sense of "yeah", but had other meanings, such as...

Letter V?

Vermouth? !

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro's eyes moved slightly and turned to "Suzuki Sonoko" who was staring at them quietly.

...Jiang Xia wants to say, this person is Belmode?

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro frowned slightly.

Jiang Xia is familiar with Suzuki Sonoko, coupled with his keen observation and always cautious character, he would suddenly tell himself this matter, indicating that Jiang Xia should be quite convinced of this conclusion.

This should be the fact - "Suzuki Sonoko" is Belmod in disguise.

So... why is Belmode here?

In addition, since Belmode followed here, could it be that the gloomy atmosphere of the organization that he smelled in the hotel over the Forest of Gods in the morning was also Belmode?

Based on this conjecture, many logical conjectures suddenly emerged in Toru Amuro's mind:

The "sudden death" of the divine treasure Nobita was killed by Belmode?

And maybe Matsuda, whom he had suspected before, really just passed by the hotel and bravely beat up the sacred Nobita twice?

"..." In this case, many things that seemed unreasonable before can now be explained clearly.

——Judging from Feng Jian’s experience, what is currently certain is that the “mysterious man” who put the sacred treasure Nobita’s sack on was none other than Matsuda whom he had met in the Dusk Annex before.

In addition, in the Dusk Annex at that time, in addition to "Bourbon", there must be another organizational cadre who passed the news to the boss before "Bourbon", so Toru Amuro always had a vague feeling that Matsu... Zezo could be someone in the organization.

Therefore, when an unknown murder case occurred in the Tougami Forest, Toru Amuro immediately linked Kurosawa with "the murder of the sacred treasure Nobita".

But this connection has always made Toru Amuro a little confused:

If Kurosawa wanted to kill someone, why didn't he hide in a secluded bungalow in the middle of the night to kill the person and hide the body? Instead, he waited until later when the sacred treasure Nobita fell into the hands of the police and was surrounded by a group of policemen.

In addition, there is an intuition that is not considered evidence - Toru Amuro once noticed a strong organizational atmosphere in the Aoiya Hotel in the Togami Forest. But when I was with Matsuda in the Dusk Annex before, I didn’t have a similar feeling...

In short, the one who killed the divine treasure Nobita and the one who brought the gloomy aura was Belmod. Everything is logical.

But at the same time, this raises new questions.

——Why did Belmode kill the divine treasure Nobita?

Is it related to the missing Jizo, or is there another key that I haven't noticed yet?

"..." In any case, although there is a new mystery, at least the person was not killed by Matsuda.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro felt a little more relaxed. Currently, apart from the same small movements and body shapes, there is no evidence to prove that Kurosawa = his old classmate Matsuda Jinpei who was killed by a bomb. But maybe it was because they looked so much alike. Now that the blame for the murder was shifted to Belmod, Toru Amuro suddenly felt much better.

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