Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 679 How to use codename cadres correctly

However, to be relaxed, you still need to pay more attention to Belmode.

This woman doesn't run around for no reason. She took all the trouble to get here and disguised herself as a high school girl. She must have some ulterior motive.

Next to him, Ghost Matsuda was spitting out apple-flavored murderous aura. For some reason, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, as if some invisible pot had been removed.

It looked around suspiciously, but could not find the reason. Instead, it discovered that after the psychic master made a scissors hand gesture to its old classmate, the old classmate suddenly began to have a murderous look on his body.

"...?" Although he was a little confused, Matsuda Jinpei still acted before thinking, and floated to Toru Amuro's side according to his will, clinging to the source of the rare murderous aura, sucking out the coffee-flavored murderous aura it preferred.

At the same time, Belmod saw Jiang Xia pushing away her and running to Bourbon to communicate. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and then she looked at Toru Amuro with a sinister look.

Jiang Xia stood between the two people, feeling the murderous aura rising from both sides, and felt that even the dead leaves under his feet became beautiful.

Speaking of which, when the boss is surrounded by serious members of the organization, he can become like Gin and Belmode, with a permanent high-end murderous aura. Sure enough, there is great potential. How many surprises does this undercover agent have that he doesn't know about?

When he came to Amuro Detective Agency to work part-time, it was truly one of the best choices he had ever made.

Silent smoke seemed to fill the forest.

In addition to the alert Conan, Mouri Kogoro also slowly noticed something was wrong.

He twirled the mustache on his lips, secretly looked at Toru Amuro, and found that his fellow detective seemed to be in a bad mood.

Remembering that he had just crashed someone's new car, Mouri Kogoro coughed twice guiltily and took the initiative to break the dead silence.

He chatted: "You are here probably because of the movie "Winter Maple Red"."

Although Mouri Kogoro had heard from Toru Amuro that they had a commission to do when they met at the scene of a car accident outside Tokyo, that was already a week ago.

Now it seems that Amuro Toru and Jiang Xia probably finished their commission, so they stopped by to enjoy the scenery.

Otherwise, judging from the leisurely state of these two people just now, no matter how Mouri Kogoro looked at it, they didn't seem to be handling a commission.

When Toru Amuro spoke to him, his energy towards Belmode was temporarily interrupted.

He retracted his attention, not wanting to explain, so he nodded casually, pretending that was the case.

Toru Amuro has indeed heard of the popular drama "Winter Maple Red" - when working, if the customers are not around, colleagues often have no time to chat, and Toru Amuro himself has a good memory, so listen, listen Just remember the relevant news.

If I remember correctly, this is a romantic drama.

The opening scene shows a wealthy lady’s red handkerchief blown away by the wind and stuck on a branch. The hero helps her take it off. After the two met, they quickly developed into a loving couple. However, the male protagonist was jealous of his boss, was framed, and was forced to flee.

After some twists and turns, at the end of the story, the missing male protagonist sent a telegram to Miss Qianjin, the content of which was "I'm waiting for you under the red maple in the sky."

Miss Qianjin immediately remembered the red leaf mountain where they met.

However, the "early sky" refers specifically to the sky on the morning of January 1st. But in this season, there is only white snow on the mountains, and there is no red maple at all as mentioned in the telegram.

Miss Qianjin went up the mountain early in the morning and walked back and forth through the snow to look for him, but she never saw the actor appear. As the cold wind blew in, she gradually thought that the meaning of the telegram might be a metaphor for their reunion, which was as impossible as the trees full of red maples on January 1st. The telegram sent by the hero may just be telling her not to wait any longer.

But just when she was about to go back, she accidentally saw a red handkerchief floating in the wind on a branch in the distance.

The hero walked out from behind the boulder under the tree. The two reunited under the red handkerchief.

"That tree and stone, the scene selection is very artistic!" Maori Kogoro said, adjusting his collar, taking out the camera from his bag and giving it to Maori Lan, "Take a picture for me later, remember to My position overlaps with that abominable male protagonist. When I get back, just kill him and leave Miss Yoko and me alone."

Miss Yoko?

When Toru Amuro heard this familiar name, he thought for a moment and then remembered - this drama seemed to be starring Yoko Kinoshita.

Um? Wait, isn't this the idol that Feng Jian likes?

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro fell into silence.

No wonder this morning, when he told the public security men that they no longer needed to follow, Yuya Kazami looked very regretful.

At that time, Amuro Toru thought he was awakening his dedicated soul, but now it seems that this was simply overthinking... Tsk, Kazami wouldn't have come here to "cruise the holy land" too. He had to remind him to avoid bumping into Belmode again.

While thinking about it, Toru Amuro took out his cell phone.

And before opening the mailbox, he habitually looked around to avoid being peeked at the screen.

Looking at it like this, he suddenly noticed something nearby.

"I suddenly remembered something and I have to go back."

Toru Amuro turned to the other people: "You go ahead. I'll come find you later."

——That's the good thing about private detectives. They are usually mysterious. When making excuses, they don't have to make up specific details. They just ask "the work needs to be kept confidential."

There were six people in their party, four of them were detectives.

When Toru Amuro said this, no one asked him.

Several other people nodded and continued walking up the mountain.

After their figures disappeared into the cascading woods.

Toru Amuro turned out from behind the tree, raised his head, and looked at the treetops.

——On the branch there, there is a red handkerchief tied, which is very inconspicuous among the red leaves.

In this kind of shooting location related to "red handkerchief", it is not surprising that people follow the trend of wearing red handkerchiefs.

But what Toru Amuro cares about is the condition of the handkerchief.

It looked very old and faded badly. The part tied with a dead knot was tightly attached to the branch, and the branch was even slightly narrowed. It looked very old.

But the drama "Winter Maple Red" has just been aired. It was only a year before the filming started, so how could there be a red handkerchief tied here in advance?

This weird time difference is really concerning.

And speaking of age... Judging from Watanuki Tatsuzo's relevant information, a few years ago, something crucial to Watanuki Tatsuzo did happen.

"..." Although there was no evidence, this accidental coincidence still attracted Toru Amuro's attention.

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