Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 680 Wreckage

Toru Amuro slowly circled around the tree with the old handkerchief tied to it, looking at it carefully.

Then I vaguely felt that the position of the tree roots was not quite right.

He squatted down, pushed aside the dead leaves covering the top layer, and found that the vegetation below was indeed a little strange.

Something seems to have been buried here...

After simply coming to this conclusion, Toru Amuro thought for a moment, took out his gloves, put them on and dug in the soil for a while.

A few minutes later, when he looked at what was exposed under the soil, his movements suddenly stopped.

——A skeleton that has turned into white bones is buried here.

"..." After staying with Jiang Xia for a long time, Toru Amuro's first reaction was to call the police over.

But in the end, he just remained silent for a moment, then silently covered the soil back, spreading the dead leaves evenly.

Then he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the mailbox, entered the content, and directed the organizational branches in Gunma County to temporarily call his peripheral members: [There is something, please confirm it...]

the other side.

Jiang Xia and others walked along the road and finally found the location where the male and female protagonists met in the TV series.

After taking a look at the "Holy Land", the happy Mouri Kogoro became unhappy.

——In front of them stood a fiery red maple tree.

In addition to maple leaves, there are also branches full of red handkerchiefs blowing in the wind.

Originally, "tying a handkerchief to a tree" was not offensive, but rather interesting. But the problem is that there are too many red handkerchiefs on the tree, densely packed and hanging down neatly. Occasionally, a gust of wind blows, and the direction and amplitude of the swaying are exactly the same. The red is added to the red, which is too dense. Instead, it loses the aesthetic atmosphere and is slightly eerie.

"You're so incompetent!" Mouri Kogoro stared at his head, dazed for a moment, and angrily issued the above condemnation.

Jiang Xia nodded in agreement.

After just a few clicks, a sincere voice suddenly came from behind them: "Sorry, sorry, it's all my fault."


A group of people turned around and saw a burly man wearing a knitted hat, a broad chin, and a white vest.

"Is it all your fault?" Mouri Kogoro looked at him doubtfully, a little confused, "You tied all this on? Are you a handkerchief seller?"

"Suzuki Sonoko" laughed.

Mao Lilan was speechless for a moment, then pushed her elbow into her out-of-line father - no matter how you thought about it, this couldn't be the reason. Although the handkerchiefs on the trees are all red, if you look closely, you will see that the styles are actually different... No, no, that's not the problem at all. Even the handkerchief sellers are not free enough to tie handkerchiefs to the branches.

So what the man said should mean...

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan's eyes brightened as she wanted to chase any star.

She turned to the person who suddenly appeared, flipped through the signature book skillfully, took out the matching pen, and approached happily: "Are you the original author of "Winter Maple Red"? I am your fan!"

The man who suddenly appeared was startled.

Then he scratched the back of his head and laughed honestly: "No, no, I'm just the assistant director of this show - I just said that because when the screenwriter asked me if I had any recommended filming locations, I recommended this to him. Maple Leaf Mountain.

"To be honest, this is actually my hometown. I used to come to the mountains to play. Once when I was shooting a location nearby, I found an old red handkerchief tied on the branch of a maple tree. The screenwriter heard me tell it After this incident, I suddenly got inspiration and changed the last scene in the movie to what you see now."

It could be heard that although the man said he was sorry, his tone was actually a bit proud and he looked proud.

But soon, he sighed again: "Being too famous is actually a double-edged sword - after the number of tourists increased because of "Winter Maple Red", the shopping street and nearby hotels were happy. But on the contrary, from now on After that, many people came to camp on this mountain without permission, and some were like this..."

He raised his hand and pointed to the tree above his head covered with red handkerchiefs: "Tie red handkerchiefs to the tree. The owner of this mountain has complained to me countless times.

"In addition, the crew and the receptionist knew that I knew this mountain very well, so they forwarded all the relevant questions raised by major customers to me, such as 'are there any similar scenic spots around' and 'can you take me to shoot the scene? Look at that tree on the ground' or something like that...

"I came here today actually because a guest wanted to see the tree with an old red handkerchief tied around it that inspired the screenwriter. The trees on this mountain all looked the same, and I forgot where I was at that time. I’ve seen it since I wandered around in the morning until I found it now, and I’m almost exhausted.”

At first, Mao Lilan and others listened with great interest to the gossip behind the creation of the show.

Later, as I listened, I found that the assistant director began to express his bitterness, and suddenly I had a vague premonition in my heart.

Sure enough, not long after, the man changed the topic and said with a smile: "So, can you do me a small favor?"

He raised his hand and made a "little bit" gesture.

"What's the business?" Jiang Xia hurriedly spoke before anyone else, taking the initiative to take over the conversation to prevent the man from being directly rejected by Mouri Kogoro, who was in a bad mood.

Jiang Xia has always been very patient and willing to understand deeply about such abnormal events that suddenly pop up on the road.

"That's right. Didn't I just say that someone asked me to help find the 'source of inspiration' for the screenwriter?"

Listening to his tone, the man felt funny and quickly explained: "I have found the tree, but I forgot to note the customer's mobile phone number, and it was mixed with other numbers. If I send letters to ask one by one, I'm afraid Disturbing other guests. Unable to notify him.

"There is a 'red tree hotel' in Yamaguchi, and the guest lives there. There is always a guest book in the lobby of the hotel. I would like to ask you to write on it: "I have found the tree you are looking for. , please meet under the tree at the filming location, I will take you there].”

After saying that, he smiled helplessly: "I didn't expect it took so long to find that tree. If I went to see him by myself, I would have to go down the mountain, accompany the client up, and then go down again... It was too much. I had to Thank you"

Belmod glanced at him, then looked at the nearby trees, thoughtfully.

Mao Lilan was more attentive and asked one more question: "If you leave a message, what name should be noted? What should I do if the guest can't see the message? Does he have any characteristics? We can directly relay it to him."

"Just write ホヅミ for the remarks." The man turned over the notebook in his hand, and the pronunciation of his name was written on it. It was indeed "ホヅミ":

"In terms of characteristics, I actually don't know the appearance of that guest - we only chatted on the phone and never met in person. However, don't worry that he can't see it. He has already arrived at the hotel in the morning. I said, 'One If I have news, I'll go over to him, and if he's not here, I'll leave a message on the notepad in the lobby,' so he should look at it."

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