Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 693 Friendly troops? What friendly forces?

Jiang Xia turned his head and glanced at Toru Amuro.

I found that my boss had no intention of actively digging the soil, so I had no choice but to follow the example of a good employee. He squatted down and looked for the pile of bones - he had to dig it out and show it to Watanuki Tatsuzo, so that the old man would be more willing to take the bait.

There is nothing wrong with the leaves on the ground at first glance. But when you turn it over closely, you can find that the dirt and dust on it are uneven, as if someone had once peeled it off and then covered it back as it was. This should have been taken by Toru Amuro when he was acting alone in the afternoon. Because it was dug out once.

Jiang Xiaquan pretended not to see anything, and pushed aside the leaves and soil as if digging the hole for the first time.

When he saw the skeleton below, Weidai was surprised and reported simultaneously: "There is a white bone buried. The collarbone is a bit strange... What is this? A steel nail?"

Toru Amuro nodded and said in a slightly lowered voice, but still able to be heard by the surroundings: "It should have been inserted when the fracture was broken, and he died before it could be removed. This is very convenient for determining the identity."

A flash of sword light suddenly approached. Someone jumped out from behind the bushes, drew his sword and slashed diagonally. The planned cutting route also included Jiang Xia, who was squatting next to the corpse, and Toru Amuro, who was standing next to Jiang Xia, supervising the work like a boss.

——The attacker was Watanuki Tatsuzo's most valued assistant. The assistant's duty was originally to monitor the hotel lobby, but Watanuki Tatsuzo left in a hurry just now and could not contact other juniors for a while, so the assistant was transferred over. The gunfire was too loud, so when a group of people decided to go up the mountain to search for the maple tree, they all brought cold weapons to prevent the noise from being too loud.

The assistant's weapon is an antique scimitar, which was hidden in the camera bag when he arrived.

The sharp blade approached Toru Amuro who was standing first. After cutting him down and then cutting down Jiang Xia next to him, they could start digging the corpse pit.

However, the assistant failed to achieve even half of his goal. Toru Amuro suddenly dodged to the side as if he had eyes on his back, and at the same time he grabbed his hand with his backhand. The assistant's hand holding the knife was held by him, as if it was clamped by a twisted and closed metal - although Toru Amuro looked far from "muscular" "Knot" is still very far away, but in this world, muscles and strength seem to have nothing to do with each other. What the assistant is facing is a hand that can chip open explosion-proof glass without being injured. The hardness is comparable to a safety hammer, and even Even more so.

The assistant felt a sharp stabbing pain in his wrist, and his vision went dark.

When he came to his senses again, he had already released the knife, and at the same time he was hit hard on the knee. With a scream, his whole body was flattened to the ground like an acrobat who failed somersault.

Before he fell down, Jiang Xia moved to the side and raised his hand to wave away the dead leaves that were knocked away by the heavy body.

Then he looked at the person who fell next to him, who looked like he was in a good position to hit. He couldn't help but stepped on it and held the stick.

The assistant screamed, tilted his head, fainted, and didn't move again.

It is extremely difficult for unconscious people to lose their murderous aura. Jiang Xia was startled, then silently retracted his foot, pushed the half-taken swing stick back into his pocket, and pretended that he didn't want to do anything just now and was just helping to subdue the villain.

The assistant's long and narrow scimitar was now in Toru Amuro's hands.

He lowered his head and glanced at it, and his first reaction was that this was a controlled knife...but this was not a question that Bo should have thought about. Amuro Toru turned the knife twice casually, and suddenly threw it out like a flying knife. The silver light flashed away, and with a bang, it was nailed into the tree seven or eight meters away, and it sank very deep.


After a moment of silence, a figure slowly emerged from behind the tree.

It's Tatsuzo Watanuki, who wears glasses and has a swollen belly, and looks like a kind old grandfather.

According to Watanuki Tatsuzo's own script, originally, at this time, he should have gracefully walked out from behind the tree, like a mastermind with a winning chance, smiled coldly at the corpses of the two detectives, and then asked his assistant to put them on the spot. Bury them, and then severely reprimand those younger brothers who wandered off to who knows where.

However, the actual situation was very different from what he imagined, and the sneak attack was not successful. Everything happened so fast: as the assistant swung his sword heroically, Watanuki Tatsuzo took a step from behind the tree. When the assistant fell to the ground, Mian Guanchen was startled for a moment and then retreated silently... However, this act of compensation was already a bit late - he stepped on the dead leaves with his confident steps and made a sound. If he hides again now It would be too ugly to be unable to get out and to be dragged out manually by the two detectives.

Therefore, Watanuki Chenzo could only bite the bullet and walked out on his own initiative as if naturally.

It's not all a matter of face. But judging from the current situation, he must be more relaxed. Only in this way can he make the other party think that everything is not over yet, and he can better delay time... Speaking of which, what happened to his little brothers? There should be a search point around here! Normally, there should be ten to twenty people guarding it, and the other search points are not too far away, but why has there been no response until now? Were they so focused on their search that they didn't notice the summons?

...We have to find the younger brothers quickly.

Thinking of this, Mian Guanchen raised his head and laughed a few times, letting the laughter spread far in the night.

Then he took a deep breath, turned to the detectives, and said calmly: "You don't seem to be surprised to see me appear." The words were also deep in the Dantian, and the tone was very clear.

Jiang Xia didn't answer his words, her eyes moved slightly and she glanced around.

In my memory, Toru Amuro once sent an email asking peripheral members of Gunma County to install recording equipment and cameras nearby in order to obtain the intelligence needed for the mission.

...But now, the only thing that is working should be the recording equipment.

Because just now, when he was sweeping the mountains with his Matsuda puppet, he accidentally knocked out all the peripheral members of the organization without stopping him - the peripheral members of the organization and the younger brothers attending the meeting. The temperament of these two groups of people, Actually quite similar. The feeling is very similar, and the murderous aura is of course very similar. They are both basic models with no taste.

At that time, after Jiang Xia knocked on the person, he found a mobile phone dropped by his feet. He looked down and saw an email from Toru Amuro using a new address, and then realized that he had hit a friendly soldier by mistake.

So after hesitating for a moment, Jiang Xia silently took some time to help them install the recording equipment - Toru Amuro didn't know Usa was here, but there must be someone above him who knew.

If a peripheral member hits someone by mistake, the organization won't care. But if you ruin the mission, cause chaos to the organization for no reason, and are discovered, it will be a bit embarrassing to go to the assassination list later, so it is best to end it in the meantime.

The organization's equipment is a bit complex. However, Jiang Xia used to be bored and would occasionally receive edification from Dr. Ali, so he was no stranger to messy machinery. If it doesn't work, you can burn more murderous intent and let Matsuda Jinpei operate the puppet - this reliable policeman who served in the explosive ordnance disposal squad of the mobile group during his lifetime can certainly do more than just bomb disposal.

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