Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 694 The lingering pervert

As for the camera equipment, Jiang Xia picked it up and looked at it, then threw it away without installing it. He doesn't really want to be photographed, whether it's his vest or his body. Fortunately, the conference and the organization are not law-abiding organizations. They do not put physical evidence first, and they do not like to avoid suspicion.

It is enough to have recordings related to Watanuki Tatsuzo.

And now, Jiang Xia felt that since there were recording equipment hidden around him, it meant that his conversations with Toru Amuro and Tatsuzo Watanuki would be recorded and listened to again.

The people listening to the recording don’t know who they are. One thing is for sure though, the more people who know the identities of members of their organization, the more likely things will go wrong.

Although not many people know about "Jiang Xia is a peripheral member" like "Jiang Xia is Wu Zuo", it is best not to spread it more.

So facing Tatsuzo Watanuki who wanted to delay time, Jiang Xia considerately gave a cooperative attitude.

Like a normal detective, he prioritizes revealing the reasoning behind the murderer at critical moments, and the flow of time seems to slow down:

"Of course I'm not surprised. Because the deceased actually left your name in his handbook.

"He always writes his name as 'ホヅミ' because according to normal habits, if it is written in Chinese characters, many people cannot pronounce that surname. In fact, the list of staff members that the police obtained from the "Winter Maple Red" crew does not Error. 'August 1st' is not the date mixed in, but the name of the deceased. His surname is 'August 1st' and his given name is '一'.

"Surnames with the pronunciation of 'ホヅミ' are usually written as 'Hozumi'. But in the past, August 1st was often the season for harvesting rice, so there were also surnames with the rare spelling of 'August 1st'.

"Similarly, there is the surname 'April 1st'. In April, when the weather gets warmer, people will take out the cotton from their clothes... Yes, this surname is pronounced the same as your 'Mianguan' . This is why Mr. August 1st left a blood mark on 'April 1st' before his death.

"Ordinary people may not understand these pronunciations. But with a rare surname like Mr. August 1st, it is inevitable that he will be interested in similar people and know the relevant pronunciations. When you killed him, did he reveal some secret that cannot be exposed, such as …This pile of bones at our feet?”

There was sweat streaming down Mian Guanchen's forehead. Although he had long planned to silence the two people in front of him who had seen the corpses, but like now, it feels very bad to have his thoughts and flaws being dissected and analyzed bit by bit with words.

The murderous intention in his heart became more and more serious, but he didn't dare to do anything because he didn't know where the help was.

At this moment, Mian Guanchen's ears moved slightly and he realized that someone was approaching.

He pretended to wipe his sweat, turned his head slightly, and saw a burly figure - under the moonlight, he could see a string of fluorite pendants around his neck, reflecting the white light faintly.

Watanuki Chenzo was very happy. This was the jewelry of one of his subordinates. Because of the bright color, he was deeply impressed. Now that the leader of the nearby group has come over, other boys must be following behind. What I did just now by raising my voice to summon my subordinates really worked!

When help came, Watanuki Chenzo straightened his back immediately.

The smile on the corner of his mouth became serious again: "Little detective, you are indeed very sharp. It's a pity that the 'April 1st' message before his death cannot be used as evidence at all, because it might just be that the guy grabbed his hand casually before he died. Account——Is it because you know this in your heart that you only tell your reasoning now, so you had no choice but to fish me out first?"

Jiang Xia said nothing.

Watanuki Chenzo felt that this young man was intimidated by his own aura, and his speech suddenly became smoother, and he applauded in a decent manner: "It's a good plan, and the bait you put out is tempting enough." . It’s a pity that before fishing, you should carefully consider your own weight - can a thin fishing rod like yours afford a shark like me?”

He sneered: "It's a pity that you are a very talented young man, but you saw something you shouldn't have seen - haha, do you know why I didn't dispose of that body earlier?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the young detective opposite said in a tone of "What a problem is this?" "Because you are getting older and your memory has deteriorated, and you have forgotten where it was buried."

"..." Mian Guanchen's forehead twitched. The "corpse" he said obviously refers to the unlucky "August 1st", but Jiang Xia was talking about the bones in front of him that were buried five years ago.

...Forgetting his position was indeed a huge mistake on his part; getting more powerful but getting too old was indeed a scar in Watanuki Tatsuzo's heart. However, when he glanced at Jiang Xia coldly, he met Jiang Xia's peaceful and serious expression. Watanuki Chenzo was slightly startled, and for a moment it was difficult to determine whether the young man who said something unpleasant was intentional, or whether he was so focused on the bones at his feet that he really confused the two.

Humph, but that’s not important, it’s all a death anyway.

Watanuki Tatsuzo pretended not to hear the disastrous words just now, maintained his coolness, and answered his own questions: "It's because there are some things that can only be done after dark. And I haven't done any physical work for a long time. It’s not easy to do it myself, so I hired my subordinates to help me with these boring tasks——”

As he spoke, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "I'm afraid their actions later will be very rough, because you have increased the workload of handling the corpses for them. Being too curious is not a good thing, but it is a pity that you I can only take this bit of knowledge into heaven.”

Speaking of which, no matter how you look at it, the thousands of troops summoned by Watanuki Tatsuzo should appear from behind trees, bushes, late night shadows, etc. at this time.

In Watanuki Chenzo's peripheral vision, the fluorite light symbolizing helper was indeed approaching.

The bushes were pushed aside with a crash, and the burly and powerful little boss strode out.

Toru Amuro looked at him, stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took a step back, looking a little shocked.

Jiang Xia was startled and took a step back to synchronize her reaction with that of a normal person.

The next second, the little boss's legs weakened when he made his debut, and he suddenly fell at the feet of Wankuan Chensan, shocking the old man.

The little boss struggled to raise his head, revealing a face covered with purple streaks. His face was slightly swollen, and his voice was crying: "Boss, run away! We...we have encountered a pervert..."

After conveying this vital information, his hands dropped and his raised head lowered, like a tragic hero who had finally completed his mission.

...If he hadn't been wearing pants, the scene might have been even more tragic.


The three of them looked at the loyal little brother who fell to the ground. No one spoke for a moment, only the wind rustling the leaves.

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