Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 702: Come, send some doctors over (additional update)

From this point of view, this week is indeed tiring, but it cannot be regarded as nothing.

Toru Amuro was quite relieved to know that Jiang Xia was not a member of that insidious organization. Gradually, I felt that I had thought too much before, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Next to him, Kazami Yu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

These days, he is really tired - he has to check many suspicious people on the road, he has to stay up many nights, and he has to crawl through the ventilation ducts of the police station to find people... The curly hair who always disappears mysteriously has arrived. Can't find it now.

Speaking of which, Mr. Furitani always calls people by the wrong name, and it always feels like the two of them have known each other before. Is it really just because the other person is suspicious? Feng Jian Yu was also a little confused, and suspected that he was being used for private purposes.

Although the number of strange jobs has increased a lot, and even though the mission of observing Jiang Xia has ended, these jobs still exist...

But this way, at least there won't be a constant flow of new jobs.

"..." The nature of the incident was really terrifying. Their subordinates were so far away from Jiang Xia that they could be infected by their work. By the way, there is also the peerless beauty dressed in white who looked like a ghost when she touched porcelain that I met in the woods before. The investigation on her has not yielded any results. That can't really be a ghost.

Kazami Yuya recalled the experiences of the past few days, and he was still frightened. He couldn't help but be more cautious when driving. He was always worried that he would suddenly have a tire blowout like Mr. Fukitani, or that he would suddenly hit some suspicious passerby in front of the car.

"By the way." After driving for a while, Feng Jian Yuya suddenly remembered something, "About Jiang Xia... we feel that some of his behaviors are a bit strange - I mean the scenes we took when it was not convenient for you to monitor. .”

"Strange?" Amuro Toru was startled.

When it is not convenient for him to monitor, he should be referring to the time period when he stays in the hotel.

... Could it be that Jiang Xia had gone out at night, or sent a signal to possible helpers in a way that his subordinates couldn't identify but felt something was wrong?

"Send it to me." Toru Amuro was originally lying comfortably on a sun lounger, but now he became alert and suddenly sat up straight, realizing that the matter might not be over yet.

However, the situation was different from what he thought.

A minute later, Yuya Kazami found the edited video - they had sorted out the noteworthy parts before and planned to send it to Toru Amuro for review.

And this is the most important part of it.

Toru Amuro took his mobile phone and watched the several parts that were put together, and gradually understood what Yuya Kazami wanted to express.

It's not that Jiang Xia is passing on information.

In the video, there are clips of Jiang Xia in various hotel rooms.

Most of the time, Jiang Xia behaves normally. But occasionally when his mind wanders too much, the focus of his eyes will fall on the air. In more serious cases, he will suddenly reach out as if he is touching something, and then quickly wake up and stop.

At first glance, this action looks like arranging messy clothes - I feel something is uneven, so I stretch my hand or brush away some large pieces of dust in the air. And the frequency of its occurrence is not high, only a few times a week.

But now, when the clips are merged together by some clever guy and played continuously, you will feel that the situation is getting more and more wrong.

In addition, after a cursory scan, this kind of movement seems to occur most often when Jiang Xia just wakes up, or wakes up in the middle of the night and is confused... Is it a hallucination?

Toru Amuro was silent for a moment.

Speaking of which, he remembered that Jiangxia did have a psychiatrist in the past.

Later, the doctor shot a policeman in the street and was arrested, and nothing happened after that.

According to the information that Jiang Xia came to Amuro's office and Amuro Toru found during the review. When the doctor was still alive, Jiang Xia actually didn't go to the hospital very often.

After getting in touch with him, Toru Amuro gradually felt that Jiang Xia was a completely normal person with a peaceful mind. Even if there were times when I couldn't think about it in the past, I should have recovered by now. So although he thought it would be better to find a doctor for Jiang Xia just to be on the safe side, he was too busy and never bothered.

But now it seems...

Amuro thought, maybe Jiang Xia's mental state is not as healthy as he thought?

While I was thinking about it, the weird clip about Jiang Xia had already finished playing.

Toru Amuro stretched out his hand and moved the progress bar back to the front. He looked at it carefully and said thoughtfully:

"I remember talking to a psychological counselor about similar things before. He said that in mental disorders, isolated visual hallucinations are less common, and auditory hallucinations seem to be more common. But..."

Toru Amuro recalled Jiang Xia's situation and felt that this employee did tend to be a little distracted, but Jiang Xia had never had the experience of replying to the void, nor was he suddenly startled. It seemed that he had no auditory hallucinations at all.

"I'll ask him to see an ophthalmologist after a while, maybe it's floaters or something like that. Being too tired or stressed can easily affect his vision."

Toru Amuro thought for a while and started to give Yuya Kazami another task:

"Besides... you should go find some suitable doctors. If it's not an eye problem, but a real mental condition, you need to get treatment as soon as possible."

Although in this video, Jiang Xia's performance is more like seeing something wrong. But Toru Amuro always felt that he could not immediately draw the conclusion that "Jiang Xia had never had any auditory hallucinations."

——What if Jiangxia actually has it, but just ignored it deliberately? After all, even visual hallucinations only appeared during the drowsy stage. If it hadn't been secretly photographed during this observation, they probably wouldn't have been able to detect the "visual hallucinations".

In addition, thinking about it from another aspect, maybe Jiang Xia has always had a full set of symptoms of auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, and tactile hallucinations, but he himself realized that these things were abnormal, so he never showed any abnormality, only when he didn't have the energy to distinguish. , will clues be revealed?

"..." Toru Amuro thought carefully about Jiang Xia's most common state on weekdays, especially in the past few days.

Then the more I thought about it, the more I felt that the employees’ daze and love to catch up on sleep became suspicious.

...Maybe Jiang Xia has discovered that she has symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations, but does not want to go to the hospital, but plans to rely on her amazing discrimination ability and self-control to heal herself?

But it's hard to heal on your own.

Sure enough, he should find a suitable doctor and have a boss who insists that he seek medical treatment - it is difficult to get a stubborn patient to go to the hospital on his own initiative, and it is also difficult to rely on his family members... Well, Jiang Xia has no family members.

In short, we can no longer let it go. Since Jiang Xia can usually act like a completely normal person, his condition should be controllable. If he doesn't treat it now, it may be too late in the future.

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