Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 703 Let the doctor go

Feng Jian Yu also nodded, and at the same time thought to himself, as soon as he got to Jiangxia, he would have a new job.

Fortunately, this new task is quite simple. It's just to find a suitable doctor for Jiang Xia. This is much simpler than finding some mysterious curly hair that comes and goes without a trace... And Jiang Xia does seem to be a good boy and a good boy. A good detective, if you help him, you won't feel the pain of working overtime. Even if Mr. Fukitani didn't say anything, Yuu Kazami actually planned to help ask.

Just as he was thinking about it, Toru Amuro suddenly added:

"By the way, you must screen carefully and focus on observing the doctor's personality and interpersonal relationships." ...Don't accidentally step on some sanctimonious murderer again.

Trust needs to be established between patients and doctors, and if a reliable doctor suddenly changes into a criminal or a corpse... it is obviously not a pleasant experience for a young detective who trusts them.

If Jiang Xia finds a doctor, then no doctor, then another, then no one... If this continues, the situation will only become worse and worse. Not only will the previous problems not be solved, but the psychological shadow may continue to expand. If in the end, Jiang Xia completely shuts out the doctor because of these messy things, things will be in trouble.

Thinking about what he had experienced this week, Toru Amuro knew that this kind of worry was definitely not unfounded, but a real issue that needed to be considered.

Thinking of the seriousness of the situation, he couldn't help but emphasize again: "You must find normal people, don't look for potential criminals, and avoid those with potential criminals in your social circle. And those with bad personalities, It’s easy to offend people everywhere.”


Feng Jian Yuya nodded and agreed, but felt a little confused.

...The investigation will definitely be carried out in detail. But "bad personality" can be barely distinguished, but how can "potential criminals" be scrutinized in detail?

It is impossible for a murderer, or a potential murderer, to write "I want to kill someone" as an inspirational flag and tie it to his head... For example, Jiang Xia's former doctor, Fuudo Kyosuke. In fact, he is a well-known good doctor in the industry. He has good skills and a good personality. Many policemen like to go to him for psychological counseling.

Yuya Kazami actually went there once, and his impression at the time was just: Dr. Kazami is indeed a good man with high professionalism and a gentle temper.

Who knew that a doctor like that would suddenly shoot a policeman...

...but what else could be done. If your boss asks you to search, you can only search hard.

Kazami Yuya thought it was easy to find a doctor just now.

At this time, I received a bunch of requests from Tohru Amuro, and I realized that I was too naive a minute ago.

He silently compared several tasks horizontally, and for a moment he couldn't tell which one was more difficult.

In the end, Kazami Yuya gave up thinking, quietly stepped on the accelerator, and accelerated the speed, hoping to send Amuro Tohru to the destination as soon as possible: During this time, Mr. Furitani has become a difficult task publishing machine, and he will continue to stay like this , I still don’t know how many tasks I have to run out... Kazami Yuya sighed sadly in his heart.

the other side.

The unscrupulous boss ran away with his public security men. Although Jiang Xia was a little sad, he had to give up his beautiful vision of traveling to Tokyo with the golden team of "Conan Mori Ran Amuro Toru Mori Kogoro" and took advantage of Maori Xiao Goro's car goes home.

Along the way, he released all the ghosts and asked them to pay attention to the smell along the way. If there was anything suitable to pick up, he would let the vehicle stop safely.

Then look forward to it...

Just like that, we returned to Miwa Town smoothly.

With a creak, the car stopped on a familiar street.

During the entire journey, Jiang Xia couldn't feel any delicious smell, and Mouri Kogoro didn't blow out his tire on his own.

Jiang Xia hugged the similarly disappointed ghosts and couldn't help but glance at Conan in the back seat from the rearview mirror: "..." Kudo-san, what's the matter with you?

He sighed and thought about it. I found that Conan did not seem to often trigger a series of accidents when he went out. He usually returned home after encountering one or two. Maybe the son of Edo is more suitable to stay in Tokyo...

Conan moved out of the car and was struggling to pull up his heavy backpack.

Suddenly noticing a gloomy gaze, he was startled, turned his head to look for the source, and met Jiang Xia's complicated gaze.

Conan: "..."

Is it an illusion? Why does it feel like Jiang Xia's eyes are a bit...

Are you sad for his misfortune and angry for not fighting?


Conan was startled, unsure whether he had seen it correctly.

However, when he wanted to take a closer look, Jiang Xia withdrew his gaze and helped Mouri Kogoro move his luggage.

"..." Conan became confused and couldn't help but recall the scenes along the way. Could it be that Jiang Xia had given him some important hint just now, but he failed to see it?

Could it be related to the mysterious Toru Amuro?

Conan thought for a while, but couldn't come up with any clues.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Xia's back had disappeared at the intersection and went home.

A hidden alley in Yamazaki Town, Tokyo.

Vodka parked the car in the shade of the trees on the side of the road, his eyes behind his sunglasses moving vigilantly, looking in all directions, ready to look for possible targets.

In the end, he didn't find the target, but he caught a glimpse of his elder brother in the passenger seat, looking thoughtful after receiving an email.

Soon, Gin read the email and let out a sneer of unknown meaning.

There is a difference between a sneer and a sneer. Vodka's ears twitched and he could tell that the elder brother had just finished reading the information he was interested in and was about to say something.

So he asked partly cooperatively and partly out of genuine curiosity: "Brother, what happened?"

Gin took off the cigarette from the corner of his mouth, knocked off the ashes, put it back in his mouth, and said slightly vaguely: "The boring battle between the intelligence agents is over, no one died. It may be that Belmod's intrusion had an effect. "

...Rationally speaking, Gin would rather have some stability within the organization.

But emotionally, he felt that Bourbon deserved to be used as nourishment for Uzo on his way to growth - why did that guy lack the vision to recognize people and mistake a man-eating plant for an obedient subordinate who was easy to control.

So after receiving this news, Gin was actually a little disappointed.

However, this result saves some trouble.

Besides, it would be nice to let Uzo suffer some setbacks. Uzo had just been promoted from a peripheral member, and his concept of the top management of the organization may not have been fully formed yet.

If in Uzuo's eyes, the organization's cadres are just like the passers-by outside, trash that will die at the slightest touch, then the status of the organization in Uzuo's heart may slowly decline. Talents always like to gather in better places, and a wasteful organization cannot retain people. Fortunately, their organization is not wasteful—this incident with Bourbon may help Uzo understand this.

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