Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 71 A man who explodes wherever he goes

Gin and Vodka didn't recognize Conan.

The APTX4869 that Gin gave Kudo Shinichi before was the drug Shirley was developing. Gin thought it was just a murderous poison, not knowing that it had the side effect of making people smaller.

In short, when Conan showed a desperate expression of "It's over, I've been discovered, I'm going to die, and my classmates may be dying too," Gin didn't connect the kid blocking the road with Kudo Shinichi at all.

He waved casually, pushed the person aside, then walked through the corridor and found an empty seat to sit down.

Conan stayed in the middle of the corridor and took several seconds to recover.

He glanced fearfully at where Gin and Vodka were sitting. From the reactions of the two people, it was speculated that the people in black did not know the side effects of the drug, nor did they know that Kudo Shinichi was still alive.

Thinking of this, Conan came up with a new idea.

——If he can take the opportunity to steal the poison from the men in black, give it to Dr. Ari to develop the antidote, and then restore Kudo Shinichi's identity, he can expose the crimes of the men in black and arrest them all.

While Conan was busy daydreaming, Jiang Xia glanced at her arms.

——Miyano Akemi was lying on top of him and looking at the scenery.

As soon as the car stopped, she suddenly looked frightened and rolled down, trying to hide under Jiang Xia's clothes.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Xia saw Xiaobai's eyes light up, and then the kid raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth eagerly.

Jiang Xia: "..." Okay, he knows who is coming.

Where Jiang Xia was, the back of the chair faced the direction of Gin and Vodka's car, and the two sides couldn't see each other.

He nodded to Xiaobai imperceptibly, and Xiaobai slipped out in a tacit understanding.

A few minutes later, it ran back carrying a few wisps of murderous aura.

Jiang Xia glanced at Xiaobai, who had returned home with a full load, and fell into deep thought: It felt like the amount he brought back this time was a little more than usual.

Murderous aura overflowing?

Who does Gin want to kill today?

Jiangxia added the words "gin" and "shinkansen" together, and after a moment's recollection, he had a bad premonition.

The two classmates next to me were very attentive in their conversation.

Jiang Xia took advantage of them not paying attention and carefully put away the stolen murderous aura.

Then he shifted his vision to Xiao Bai, drove the ghost to Gin and Vodka, and put his head into the briefcase Gin was holding.

The bag contained a bunch of complex circuits, as well as explosive detonators.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...Starting bombing the Shinkansen so early, he deserves to be the man who will shoot up the Tokyo Tower in the future.

After Jiang Xia spied on the situation, he controlled the ghost to climb out of the briefcase.

Before returning to his seat, he tugged at the murderous aura on Gin's body.

Then I found that I couldn't tear it off at all.

...It seems that Xiaobai is very proficient in extracting murderous intent. Those who can extract murderous intent have already been removed. You can safely leave such matters to it in the future.

Jiang Xia finally grasped the murderous intention, then withdrew his eyesight, and at the same time took back the ghost, recalling the details of Gin's bombing of the Shinkansen.

The organization had a transaction on this car - according to the agreement, Gin would give the other party some information, and the transaction partner would give Gin 400 million in cash.

However, in fact, what Gin gave him was not intelligence, but a briefcase filled with bombs, which was powerful enough to blow up an entire carriage.

He wants 400 million yen, and he also wants the life of his counterparty.

Jiang Xia estimated the weight of the bomb and found that if this thing really exploded, at the speed of this car, many people would be killed on the spot and many others would die later.

...This will generate a large number of ghosts.

However, the act of catching ghosts from mass casualties is only for the strong.

Normal psychics, when encountering a large-scale accident scene, will only think that they are not running fast enough - if you pick out the ghosts alone, they will be very obedient. First of all, the ghosts are very greedy for the spiritual medium's support. In addition, they are suppressed in terms of strength. , which will also make them instinctively awe of psychics.

However, just like when there are too many slaves, one bad person will cut the slave owner into pieces under the leadership of a sudden and witty leader... The same is true for ghost fetuses and psychics.

If ghosts gather too much, the psychic will turn into a delicious tonic in their eyes, and will be angered by the unwilling ghosts who want to die in vain.

Jiang Xia rationally estimated the number of deaths after the explosion, and then considered his current ability to catch ghosts.

……Forget it.

To become stronger, you still have to do it bit by bit in order to experience the fun.

Jiang Xia sighed quietly, looked out the window with her chin in her hands, and quickly decided on her course of action.

Plan A, absolutely cannot let the bomb explode on the Shinkansen.

Plan B, a little bit more frivolous - if you can't prevent the explosion, then at least you can't stay at the scene when it explodes.

However, after a little comparison, you know that A is more suitable and less labor-intensive - if you want to escape so many ghosts, you don't just have to run a thousand or two kilometers and be done.

In addition, for Jiang Xia, there are many ways to deal with bombs, which is not difficult.

Of course, first rule out bomb disposal.

After all, there are limits to bomb disposal, and not all bombs can be perfectly defused by "critical thread-cutting." Many times, the so-called "bomb disposal" actually means removing the bomb from the place where it is fixed, and then taking it to an open area and letting it explode.

According to the results of Jiang Xia's perspective on the briefcase, the bomb brought by Ginjiu obviously belongs to the type of bomb that is "made with no intention of being dismantled".

It is equipped with various detection devices and has many triggering factors. In short, it's too stupid to tear apart.

Sure enough, it's better to just throw it away.

However, how to throw it is also important.

First of all, the main body must not be allowed to die personally.

The target of the transaction is the person the organization wants to kill. If this behavior is discovered by the organization, he will definitely be labeled as a "traitor".

The argument of self-protection is not valid, because according to the logic of the organization, Jiang Xia, as a sinister member of the organization, should rather sneer at the discovery of the bomb than disarm the bomb, and then wait for an opportunity to drift away...

So I can only let the puppet come on.

At the same time, the puppet's behavior should not be too low-key, such as sneaking over to change the bag, throwing it away, and then pretending that nothing happened - this behavior is also not advisable.

The organization must pay a lot of attention to things like bombing the Shinkansen. If the bomb does not explode by then, the organization will investigate with suspicion.

When Jiang Xia came to the station or took the bus, she never deliberately concealed her presence. The organization's intelligence collection ability has always been high and low, and sometimes it's so omniscient that it seems like it's cheating. Jiang Xia feels that he can't take any chances.

Once Gin was overly suspicious, he found out that Jiang Xia was also in the car, and had even been in the same carriage with him...

Even if there is no evidence, Jiang Xia's suspicion will rise. By then, no one knows what Gin Jiu will come up with, which may affect Jiang Xia's peaceful life of picking up ghosts.

To sum up, Jiang Xia came to the conclusion-let the enthusiastic anonymous lady dispose of the bomb in the most high-profile way.

When the time comes, even if the organization investigates, they will definitely find Anonymous first.

This Shinkansen ticket is sold anonymously, so it is not easy to check other people. When an organization has a clear goal, it will follow the fork in the road of anonymity, and then ignore other innocent passengers, such as Jiang Xia who happens to be traveling.

While Jiang Xia was thinking about countermeasures, Gin and Vodka looked at the time, got up and went to the dining car to find someone to trade.

Conan discovered their actions and followed them secretly.

He originally wanted to peek at the transaction process.

However, Mao Lilan discovered Conan's sneaky behavior and slipped the naughty kid back to his seat.

On the way, Conan tried to resist, but his force value was not at the same level as Mao Lilan. He could only leave a bug wrapped in chewing gum when passing by the empty seats of Gin and Vodka.

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