Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 72 Don’t give me any more gifts

After being forced back to his seat, Conan tried to find excuses to leave, but Mao Lilan saw through them one by one.

Conan had no choice but to look at Jiang Xia hesitantly.

He thought that since Jiang Xia already knew that he was Kudo Shinichi, even if he did not explain the black organization, he might be able to ask Jiang Xia to help him intercede with Mao Lilan and let him act alone.

——A child running around in a Shinkansen carriage will be regarded as a prank.

But Kudo Shinichi is definitely walking around because of business. Jiang Xia should be able to help.

...Of course, before that, there are a few things to note.

In order to prevent Jiang Xia from misunderstanding what he meant, he could intercede for him honestly with words such as "Moori, don't you know? Conan is actually Kudo Shinichi, he won't get lost, let him play".

Conan looked at the situation.

While Mao Lilan was chatting with Suzuki Sonoko, he leaned next to Jiang Xia and whispered in Kudo Shinichi's tone: "I need to leave for a while, can you..."

"Leave? Do you want to get off?"

Jiang Xia looked at the mountains outside the window and said helplessly: "It's not good. Now we are passing through undeveloped mountainous areas. It is easy to get lost. There may be wild animals."

Mao Lilan turned her head in confusion when she heard the movement here.

She grabbed Conan back, who was staring at Jiang Xia with "You hurt me!" written all over his face: "The Shinkansen can't stop here, and I won't let you go into the mountains to play. Don't make trouble unreasonably."

With that said, Mao Lilan looked at Jiang Xia apologetically.

Children nowadays are getting more and more cunning. It must be because Jiang Xia is always quiet and easy to talk to, so he chose a soft persimmon out of the three to cause trouble...

Conan's expression was slightly distorted and he was forced to sit still and listen to the training.

When Mao Lilan was telling him about riding etiquette, Conan glanced at Jiang Xia opposite him with resentment.

Then he found Jiang Xia yawning and leaning on the back of the chair, looking like he was going to sleep.

Conan was startled.

Just now, he suspected that Jiang Xia was deliberately reporting.

But now, seeing Jiang Xia's sleepy expression from boredom, I felt that I might be thinking too much.

Jiang Xia might just be too sleepy to understand what he meant. It was even because Jiang Xia wanted to go into the mountains to play, so when he was talking, he unconsciously applied the idea of ​​"stopping and going into the mountains" to other people's words...

In any case, at this time, since Mao Lilan is already alert, it is definitely useless to intercede with Jiang Xia.

Conan could only think of other ways.

Before he could think about it, Gin and Vodka completed the transaction and returned to the carriage.

Conan's expression became solemn again. He pushed up his high-tech glasses and held his breath to listen to the voice on the bug.

Jiang Xia glanced at Conan's shocked face.

He didn't send ghosts to eavesdrop on his boss's conversation, but he could guess what Gin and Vodka were talking about - nothing more than exposing each other's code names, exposing the bombs, and sending some information to Conan...

The speed of the car gradually slowed down. Jiang Xia looked out the window and knew that Gin and Vodka were about to get off the car.

Jiang Xia closed his eyes, and pieces of shikigami and ghosts left his body and floated towards the bathroom.

At first, Conan thought the black organization was an illegal organization selling drugs.

But now, after listening to the conversation between Gin and Vodka, Conan's understanding of the organization has been subverted.

Before Conan could recover from the message of "What kind of organization is this? They just bombed the Shinkansen casually to silence themselves", the Shinkansen happened to stop at Nagoya Station.

Gin and Vodka got up and left with 400 million in cash.

Conan didn't expect them to leave so soon. He remembered the poison and the bomb, so he subconsciously jumped up and rushed to the door.

——These two men in black are mysterious and cannot be traced at all. If they are allowed to leave this time, no one knows if there will be another opportunity to arrest them. We must find a way to keep them!

So, Conan reluctantly came up with an idea in the midst of crisis.

He planned to quietly follow the two men in black out of the car. When you pass by where the staff are, run over and grab someone to touch porcelain.

This may delay some time. During this period of time, as long as the bomb is found, the two men in black will be caught. After a little questioning, they can get the poison, make the antidote, and transform back into Kudo Shinichi...

Conan quickly chased to the door.

He was about to follow Gin and Vodka out of the car door, but at this moment, a woman in a black dress suddenly walked into the car, and Conan was caught off guard and bumped into the skirt.

Conan got up dizzy, said "sorry" hastily to the person he hit, and planned to continue chasing.

But the woman who got into the car grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Shinkansen stops are short. In just a few seconds, the car door closed. Conan's plan to touch porcelain was stillborn.

The woman in black leaned over to look at him and said softly: "Kid, don't run around."

Conan raised his head and saw her, and was startled.

The woman's face under the brim of her hat was pale and delicate, expressionless. It was beautiful, but it looked lifeless, like a wax statue that had forgotten to paint, or a dead person that had not yet decayed.

Especially there is a tattoo under her eye. Although the tattoo is weird and complicated and dizzying if you look closely, you can still see that it is a letter, "z".

Letters and numbers are always easily associated with numbers, and then with things like biological and chemical weapons...

While Conan was observing nervously, he later discovered that the voice of the new man in black sounded familiar.

A few seconds later, Conan recalled the recording he heard at the police station, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he blurted out: "Anonymous?!"

The person who claimed to be anonymous did not answer him, but just raised a finger to his lips like a common mysterious villain in comics.

Anonymous's movements were very light, even looking a little graceful, but an indescribable feeling of oppression hit his face.

Conan originally had many questions to ask.

But at this time, following the other party's "silence" body language, he subconsciously said, "Treasure? Gold coins? What is your real name? What is your purpose? How do you know we are going to find the treasure? Why are you on this bus? Why are you on this bus?" Wearing black clothes, are you a group with those two people? What is the purpose of your organization?" He swallowed the question.

Anonymous seemed to see through his thoughts and smiled with satisfaction.

Then she stretched out her hand, picked up Conan like a chicken, and handed him to the other side.

Conan's feet suddenly lifted off the ground, and his heart trembled. But soon, he heard a series of reassuring voices.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

Mao Lilan caught Conan and looked at the enthusiastic and beautiful sister in front of her with gratitude on her face.

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