Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 77 Why aren’t you going out yet?

Apart from coveting the ghosts around Mao Lilan, Jiang Xia has no other intentions towards her.

He stopped "Walking in the Rain" because when Mao Lilan broke into the room, he saw something he shouldn't have seen - the half-naked body of Takahashi Ryoichi.

She knew that Ryoichi Takahashi was actually not that fat.

Although Mao Lilan himself was stunned by the three consecutive naked backs, he did not realize this.

But Takahashi Ryoichi has a guilty conscience and is currently staring at Mao Lilan, intending to silence her.

Although Mao Lilan is very brave in fighting, she is very timid. Facing a scary-looking man with a bandage will frighten him so much that his force value plummets, and he is prone to getting into trouble.

No matter from which point of view, Jiang Xia couldn't sit back and watch Mao Lilan being maimed with an ax by the bandaged man.

And just now, if Mao Lilan agreed to go out for a walk, Takahashi Ryoichi would attack her, and then Jiang Xia would have to go out to rescue her in the heavy rain, which would be very troublesome.

It is better to nip the danger in the bud from the beginning - no one goes out and let the bandaged man squat in the rain by himself.

Chikako Ikeda originally wanted to take a walk to relieve her dull mood after thinking about Atsuko.

But as soon as she walked to the door, she heard Jiang Xia's call.

Chikako Ikeda thought of the bugs and snakes in the woods, glanced down at her short skirt, silently gave up on the trip, and went back to her room to be bored.

on the roof.

As an old classmate of the handsome long-haired boy, Takahashi Ryoichi is very aware of his character and his hobby of flirting with girls.

There were only four girls present today, two of them were classmates, and it was difficult to start with them. Among the other two high school students, Mao Lilan was obviously more to his taste.

So after Takahashi Ryoichi climbed to the roof, he secretly walked around to the side near the door. He observed the door condescendingly, preparing to put on the bandage man's clothes as soon as Mao Lilan went out, chase her and silence her.

As for Chikako Ikeda...killing her requires preparing some props and dismembering her body will take a lot of time. Takahashi Ryoichi has no intention of taking action immediately.

However, Takahashi Ryoichi squatted on the roof for a long time despite the heavier rain, and no one came out.

He thought it must be that the black boy from high school was too shy.

If you wait a little longer, she will definitely go out.

Takahashi Ryoichi rubbed his arms that were covered in goosebumps, and continued to gaze without giving up.

Until Suzuki Ayako prepared dinner and everyone gathered at the dining table, Takahashi Ryoichi could not wait for the person he wanted to kill.

He mended the roof perfunctorily, returned to the villa, sneezed several times, and thought angrily that his long-haired old classmate was too weak this time.

...It seems that the plan can only be postponed temporarily.

A group of people finished dinner in a harmonious atmosphere, chatted for a while, and then returned to their respective rooms to rest.

Late at night, Takahashi Ryoichi got up quietly.

He put on the costume of a bandaged man, picked up a heavy ax, and went out to cut down the suspension bridge at the entrance of the villa.

In this way, everyone must stay in the villa before dawn to facilitate his subsequent murder plan.

After cutting down the suspension bridge, Takahashi Ryoichi returned to the villa and cut the phone cord.

Then he went straight to the second floor, stayed at Chikako Ikeda's door and listened for a while, and found some small movements in the house - probably because Atsuko was mentioned during the day. Chikako Ikeda's thoughts were confused, and it turned out that she was not asleep yet.

Takahashi Ryo stuffed a threatening letter into the crack of the door, knocked on the door softly, and quickly hid.

Not long after, Chikako Ikeda, who had been pinched, opened the door, slipped out of the room, and went to the woods to keep her appointment as the letter said.

Takahashi Ryoichi hid in the shadows and found that Chikako Ikeda had changed into long pants and long sleeves, and even wore a scarf and a hat... The bandaged man scratched his head in confusion, but quickly thought, forget it, it's not important, Ken Just go out.

As soon as Chikako Ikeda left, her room became vacant.

And this room happened to be on the same side as Mao Lilan's room, connected by a long balcony.

Chikako Ikeda did not have a key to a single room and did not lock the door when she left.

Takahashi Ryoichi successfully passed through her room and came to the balcony.

He walked outside Mao Lilan's room, pushed the floor-to-ceiling window, and found that the window was locked from the inside.

Quite cautious, but...

Takahashi Ryoichi sneered, took out the tool he had prepared in advance, cut a hole in the glass, then reached in and gently pulled the bolt open.

Everything is going according to his plan.

Tonight, he will achieve a double play without leaving a trace.

Jiang Xia was half asleep when she was woken up by Miyano Akemi and Xiaobai.

This is what Jiang Xia had told him in advance - these two smart alarm clocks are very easy to use. After he temporarily opens the permissions, they can directly touch his dreams, turn sweet dreams into nightmares, or directly fast-forward the dream to the finale... Make sure Jiang Xia won't be late for important things.

Jiang Xia sat up and woke up: "Has Takahashi started to silence him?"

Miyano Akemi nodded repeatedly. She half-drifted and half-ran to the door, then stumbled back, a little anxious.

Although Miyano Akemi was a criminal who robbed a bank and participated in the murder, she was very kind to innocent people and did not want Mao Lilan to be silenced suddenly and inexplicably just because she glanced at the man's naked back.

Jiang Xia walked out of bed wrapped in pajamas. He picked up the pillow, picked up a thick book like a brick, and stuffed it into the pillow.

When she walked to the door of Mao Lilan's room, Jiang Xia heard anxious voices coming from inside.

Conan was shouting: "Xiaolan! Wake up!"

——Tonight, Mao Lilan and Conan sleep in the same room.

Mao Lilan was not distracted and fell into a deep sleep. Conan was so excited that he fell asleep.

Therefore, Conan was the first to discover the bandaged man who broke into the room and was trying to wake up Mao Lilan.

The situation seems a bit critical.

Jiang Xia turned the doorknob and found that the door was locked. So he stepped back half a step, looked at the structure of the door, then raised his leg and kicked the door to the side, and the door suddenly opened.

In the room, the bandaged man raised his ax high, and the ax blade passed through a flash of cold light and struck hard at the sleeping Mao Lilan.

Jiang Xia turned on the light, and in the sudden light, he threw the pillow with the book forward.

There was a muffled sound, and the spine of the book hit the bandaged man's head through a thin layer of cloth, as viciously as a snowball hiding a stone.

Takahashi Ryoichi staggered as he was hit, his head buzzing.

At this time, Mao Lilan finally rubbed her eyes and sat up in confusion. Upon seeing the bandaged man, she burst into a scream of terror.

Takahashi was so panicked by her shouting that he didn't bother to silence her for a moment. He covered his head and rushed back to the balcony, and ran away in embarrassment.

Conan wanted to chase him, but when he stood up, he realized that he had sprained his foot while trying to stop the bandaged man.

Mao Lilan looked frightened and couldn't hope for the time being, but luckily, Jiang Xia was beside him.

Conan looked at this unusually reliable classmate and reminded him expectantly: "That's the bandaged man we saw this afternoon! Chase him quickly!"

However, Conan was destined to be disappointed.

——Of course Jiang Xia didn't chase him, he wanted to wait for the ghost.

At present, Takahashi-san has not completed his mission and cannot be arrested yet.

So after Conan finished shouting, he saw Jiang Xia glance at him sluggishly, yawned slowly, and turned away again.

Conan was stunned.

...Is this sleepwalking?

Or is it just like Mao Lilan, simply sleeping?

Originally, Conan thought he would regret it very much when all three of them lost their control and let the dangerous person escape.

However, in fact, he may have been rescued too many times, but Conan's first reaction at this time was-Jiang Xia was in such a half-dream state, and when he heard any strange movements, he actually knew to come to save people... It was so touching.

However, when a dangerous bandaged man suddenly breaks into the villa, this is definitely not a good time to get confused.

You have to wake people up as soon as possible.

Conan looked at Mao Lilan first and found that she was sitting upright with no intention of sleeping again.

So Conan dragged his sprained feet again and limped to catch up with Jiang Xia.

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