Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 78 It’s hard to silence someone

Conan followed behind and observed, but for a moment he couldn't tell whether Jiang Xia was awake or sleepwalking.

However, it doesn't matter, you can scream anyway - the widely circulated saying that "you will go crazy if you are awakened while sleepwalking" is actually a rumor. On the contrary, if sleepwalkers are allowed to wander around, it will easily cause greater harm.

Of course, we also need to pay attention to methods when awakening.

Try to avoid operations such as "shaking vigorously", because physical contact while unconscious can easily be judged as an "attack" by the sleepwalker, which will trigger resistance.

No matter what others do, resistance can be suppressed.

But Jiang Xia...

Conan thought of those criminal suspects with bruises and swollen faces. When he saw the police, each of the suspects seemed to have seen their relatives. He silently retracted his outstretched hand, stepped back cautiously, and began to make noise next to Jiang Xia.

Making a sharper, more abrupt sound is a safe way to wake up.

Jiang Xia walked a while to her room.

He felt that Ryoichi Takahashi had almost run away, so he tapped Conan's head with his finger to silence the source of the noise that had started howling inexplicably, and then turned around and returned to Mao Lilan's room.

There was such a commotion late at night, and people in other rooms were also woken up and gathered in Mao Lilan's room.

Takahashi Ryoichi changed his clothes in the empty room next door and blended into the crowd, pretending to have just woken up and was attracted by the screams.

He caught a glimpse of Jiang Xia approaching from the corner of his eye, and touched his thick hair with lingering fear. He was secretly glad that Jiang Xia didn't hit his forehead, but hit the side of his head, so the bruises would not be visible.

After learning that dangerous elements had sneaked into the villa, everyone lost sleep.

Some people went to the balcony to check, looking for traces of the bandage man. Others discussed the origin of the bandage man in low voices, but the discussion could not produce any results.

Conan looked at the people in the room, leaned next to Jiang Xia and whispered: "It's raining outside. If the bandaged man climbed to the balcony first and then sneaked into the room, he would definitely step on the mud marks, but the room is very clean. There is only a trace of rain..."

Conan didn't say the rest of the sentence, but he believed Jiang Xia must understand - the bandaged man who attacked Mao Lilan was not an intruder from the outside world, but a member of this villa.

The enemies within are the most terrifying and impossible to guard against.

But Jiang Xia is definitely not the murderer.

Putting aside everything else, the fact that Jiang Xia and the bandaged man appeared at the same time just now is enough to prove his innocence - Jiang Xia can't possibly know the clone technique.

Jiang Xia said perfunctorily: "Yeah."

He glanced at Conan and felt that since that KTV incident, Conan had always treated him with an attitude of "You must know that I am Kudo Shinichi."

Kudo himself insisted on dismounting, and Jiang Xia had no reason to stop him. But now, Jiang Xia took a look at Gao Qiao's undiminished murderous aura, knowing that it wasn't time yet and didn't want to reason.

So Jiang Xia looked around and pointed out the fact that he would be discovered sooner or later, or in other words, he had not been discovered yet: "Why didn't you see Miss Ikeda?"

Jiang Xia did not lower his voice, he used a normal volume.

The others were startled, looked at each other for a moment, and then ran to Chikako Ikeda's room next door.

There was no one in the room, and there were no traces of struggle such as blood stains. There was a set of worn pajamas thrown on the bed, and all the luggage was there, as if Chikako Ikeda had left on her own.

The long-haired handsome guy reasoned for a moment and was suddenly shocked: "Could the bandage person be Chikako!? She is usually weird. I heard that many novelists have weird quirks. Maybe she is crazy and has become some kind of bandage murderer... …”

Conan interrupted his reasonable association: "The figure of the bandaged man is much thicker than Sister Chikako."

As he said that, Conan raised his hand and gestured: "When I stopped him, I hugged his waist and it felt about this thick."

Few people take what a child says seriously.

Of course, no one paid any attention to the speculation about Chikako Ikeda = Bandage Man.

The only thing they agreed on was that the classmate suddenly disappeared and could not be ignored.

So a group of people took flashlights, went into the woods, and separated to look for Chikako Ikeda.

Jiang Xia followed Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi.

On the one hand, it is to get more familiar with them, and on the other hand, this can effectively prevent Takahashi Ryoichi from coming over and chopping down Mao Lilan with an axe.

Takahashi Ryoichi did have similar thoughts, and he was anxious to keep silent.

However, when they separated, he saw Jiang Xia walking next to Mao Lilan, and he suddenly stopped thinking silently.

According to Takahashi Ryoichi's previous inspection, the door of the villa is very strong and needs to be knocked open several times. However, just now, Jiang Xia kicked the door open with an understatement, which shows that this high school student's strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. Time is urgent now, so it's best not to be tough.

Moreover, Takahashi was indeed a little scared. The pillow Jiang Xia threw over just now might have given him a concussion, and his head still hurts from time to time...

In the end, Takahashi went to his old classmates.

During the search for someone, Takahashi Ryoichi pretended to be out of breath and gradually fell behind.

The woods at night were very dim. After his classmates ran away, Takahashi secretly turned and went straight to where Chikako Ikeda was.

He picked up the ax he had thrown outside the house in panic, found Chikako Ikeda waiting in the woods far away, and without saying a word, chopped off her head with an axe. Then chop the person into several pieces.

The dismemberment was not only to vent his anger, but also to use Chikako Ikeda's head.

This is an important part of Takahashi's alibi.

Takahashi Ryo threw the body parts away. Then he took out the stuffing stuffed in the front of his belly, and after making room, he wrapped Chikako Ikeda's head and hid it inside.

In this way, from the outside, he is still the same Takahashi classmate with the beer belly. No one would have thought that his belly is actually a human head.

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