Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 79 Why haven’t the police come yet?

After some hard work, a group of people not only failed to recover Chikako Ikeda, but also discovered even worse news.

——The suspension bridge was broken by hackers.

When I wanted to call the police and ask the police to search, I found that the phone line had also been cut off.

The isolation from the world suddenly made the atmosphere in the villa tense.

Suzuki Ayako, as the host, cheered up. She found a box of poker cards and suggested that everyone find something to do and stay up until dawn. Then they could climb over the back mountain and borrow a phone from the residents on the other side of the mountain for help.

At this time, Takahashi Ryoichi looked upstairs, picked up the toolbox, and said he was going to repair the broken window on the second floor to prevent the bandaged man from sneaking in again.

Jiang Xia looked at his back, looked around the living room, found a seat closest to the window, sat down, and picked up the poker.

After returning from the woods, Jiang Xia saw at a glance that the murderous aura in Gao Qiao had disappeared a lot.

In addition, Takahashi Ryoichi has an extra shikigami on his legs.

It seemed that this man had completed his murderous mission.

The balcony on the second floor is a long one.

Takahashi used the excuse to repair the windows and took the opportunity to install a set of traps on the balcony.

He first took out Chikako Ikeda's head from his clothes and fixed it on an inflatable doll in the shape of a "bandage man". In this way, at first glance, it looks like Chikako Ikeda being held in the arms of a bandaged man.

There is a wire attached to the top of the inflatable doll's head.

After a while, just hold the wire and let the "bandage man" and "Chikako Ikeda" swing through the window on the first floor, and you can create the illusion that "the bandage man hijacked Chikako Ikeda and rushed in a certain direction."

Then Takahashi can use the wire to pull the prop up, hide it in front of his stomach, and chase the bandaged man with his classmates. Then he takes the opportunity to run into the woods, throw away the head, replace it with stuffing, and "accidentally" discover the body of Chikako Ikeda. piece.

In this way, Takahashi had appeared at the same time as the bandaged man, and had an alibi, so he could be successfully exonerated.

Takahashi stood on the balcony, checking the wires of the inflatable doll and mentally rehearsing the script. He felt like a genius.

After sorting out the mechanisms, Takahashi walked along the long balcony to the middle of the second floor, where it was connected to the living room and separated from everyone downstairs by only a railing.

Suzuki Ayako raised her head and saw him, and said, "Come down and have some soup, I just made it."

Takahashi responded.

He took a pretentious step, then suddenly turned around, looked outside the dark room and yelled: "Who is there?!"

"What's wrong!?" Others looked up at him nervously.

Jiang Xia pushed away the chair and put down the poker.

On the second floor, Ryoichi Takahashi's voice trembled as he continued: "There is someone outside!"

As he said that, while others were looking out the window, Takahashi secretly moved to the railing and pushed down the "head-hugging bandage man" tied to the wire.

The "bandage man" appeared outside the window holding "Chikako Ikeda" hostage, causing a cry of surprise.

Takahashi smiled in triumph.

He was about to pull back the puppet that had appeared, but at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the window.

——Jiang Xia grabbed the corner of the "bandage man"'s robe.

The inflatable doll was forced to stop while it was swinging halfway.

Takahashi held one end of the wire and looked at the scene downstairs. There was a buzz in his head and he was stunned on the spot.

……how so! ?

Seeing this scene, other people in the villa rushed to the window, trying to stop the "bandage man kidnapping people" with Jiang Xia.

Takahashi watched helplessly as more and more people gathered, completely panicking. His mind went blank, and he subconsciously tightened the wire, trying to pull back the puppet and head that could not be exposed.

As soon as he stretched his arms, Takahashi realized that he had done something stupid.

However, it was obviously too late to regret it at this time - just at this moment, Jiang Xia let go, and as Takahashi Ryoichi tightened the wire, the "bandage man" ran up unnaturally.

The others were startled and looked up in horror, and happened to catch sight of Takahashi Ryoichi.

In the dead silence, Jiang Xia reached out, grabbed the legs of the inflatable doll, and pulled it down again.

Then he raised his hand and touched the doll's head.

The taut steel wire made a low buzzing sound.

In an instant, everyone understood the principle of "Bandage Man"'s movement.

Takahashi Ryoichi's face was livid when he heard Jiang Xia ask softly: "Mr. Takahashi, what is this?"

The young junior's voice was polite, not offensive, but strangely friendly. But when it fell in Takahashi's ears, it was like a bomb that exploded, shattering all the luck in his heart.

——In the middle of the night, the inflatable people and heads passing by can look real.

But when it was surrounded by a group of people and looked at carefully, the difference between it and the real person suddenly became obvious.

Takahashi Ryoichi realized that the plan had been exposed and fled in panic.

However, as soon as he rushed to the door, Jiang Xia knocked him over with a stick from behind.

Jiang Xia glanced at the soul clinging to Takahashi Ryoichi's lap, as well as some of his remaining murderous intent towards Mao Lilan, and touched his stick in a good mood.

Although the remaining murderous energy is of average quality and quantity, as the saying goes, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat...

The next day, several boys climbed over the mountain and borrowed a phone from a villager to call the police.

At noon, Takahashi Ryoichi, who had lost his luster, was carried onto a police helicopter.

The police officers heard that the victim had been brutally dismembered and were mentally prepared on the way here.

However, after actually meeting Ryoichi Takahashi, they found that "be wary of ferocious suspects to resist" seemed to be a redundant operation.

——I don’t know why, but when this crazy dismemberer saw the police, he shed tears of excitement. Not only did he not run away, but he took the initiative to greet him, as if he had seen his relatives.

This time, Jiang Xia took into account the social impact and did not slap him in the face.

Therefore, the police officers were confused and could only temporarily attribute it to the murderer's conscience.

They happily put Takahashi Ryoichi on the plane, and then comforted the frightened victims in the villa.

It must be very hard to be forced to stay in the same room with such a cruel prisoner for a whole night.

Others quickly took advantage of police transportation and left the horrific villa.

On the way, except for Jiang Xia and Conan, everyone else looked depressed.

Suzuki Ayako even started to have a fever on the way and seemed to be very frightened.

Seeing her haggard look, Jiang Xia reflected on her behavior for a moment. He should have given a warning before taking the head off the inflatable doll last night.

However, to be fair, others could clearly see that Chikako Ikeda had only one head left, so why were they still frightened...

Compared to Suzuki Ayako, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan are in much better condition.

Maybe it's because they and Kudo Shinichi grew up together and were classmates until now, and they encountered similar scenes from time to time, so they had some immunity to bloody scenes.

But they were also very lethargic.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi looked at Jiang Xia apologetically from time to time, and finally said in a low voice: "Sorry, I wanted to come out with you to relax, but I didn't expect..."

Unexpectedly, after dating Jiang Xia twice, he encountered two murder cases. Although one case was an attempt, the other was a case of dismemberment, which perfectly made up for the shortcomings of the attempted case...

Jiang Xia looked at them and suddenly became alert.

Although he himself doesn't mind encountering a murder case at all. But if this continues, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan will not take him with them when they go to a murder scene again.


This must not be allowed to happen.

"Don't blame yourself." Jiang Xia put on the gentlest expression, trying to recall the chicken soup she had been fed before, and organize her words, "Although the life lost is regrettable, being able to personally solve the conspiracy and help the victim find out the truth can make me Feel the value of your existence.”

...In human terms, he will not be psychologically affected by the murder. Please take him out more often in the future.

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