Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 782 Haiyuan Ai: The dirty deeds of the organization. Please give me your monthly vote o(〃

Chapter 782 Haiyuan Ai: The dirty deeds of the organization. Please give me your monthly vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

Thinking about the gems he had robbed, they were indeed a considerable amount of wealth, and his finances were tight recently. Kodao Chihiro sighed and had no choice but to put his energy back to business.

She turned back and smiled at Jiang Xia: "Let's take a look at the surveillance first."

Sato Miwako: "..."

Jiang Xia nodded and followed her to the office at the back.

After taking two steps, he found that Hui Yuan Ai had not followed. There are so many people here, and children running around can easily be stepped on. Jiang Xia turned around and waved to her: "Let's go."

Haibara Ai:"……"

She looked at Jiang Xia, at the familiar cat in the store manager's photo on the wall, and then at Edao Qianxun.

Thinking of the female customer's attitude towards Jiang Xia just now, her expression turned a little frightened for a moment.

When Jiang Xia shouted, Hui Yuan Ai trotted to keep up with him, but hesitated to speak: "...What are you doing in your usual work that requires cats?"

Jiang Xia glanced at her doubtfully: "I'm just helping my client find a cat."

Haibara Ai: "..." No, no, no, she always feels that something is not right... Speaking of which, no matter how it is a detective agency, it is still an agency opened by members of an organization... Jiang Xia's black guy Boss, what kind of weird businesses have you opened in private?

Although Haiyuan Ai was greatly shocked, she was a restrained person after all and did not show any abnormality.

The store manager Erdao led a group of people into the office and played back the surveillance. She pressed the mouse with her slender hand and dragged it, accurately skipping some content, and the picture was fixed on the robber's face.

"That's the guy," she said.

The police, who arrived first, had already looked at the surveillance camera several times before and didn't pay much attention to her fast-moving behavior.

The following people did pay more attention to the appearance of the kidnapper.

Miwako Sato looked carefully: "Yes, it's Masao Koda... Why did he suddenly do such a thing?"

"Find someone and ask them."

Jiang Xia looked at the face in the surveillance screen that did not shy away from the camera, and felt that there was a client fishing for fish: "It shouldn't be difficult to find. Robbers usually cover their faces or deliberately avoid the camera. But just now In the picture, when Koda Masao turned his eyes, he obviously saw the place where the surveillance was, but he didn't pay attention at all..."

Officer Sato frowned slightly: "In other words, he is not afraid of being recognized by us?"

She thought for a moment and first sent a message to the patrolling police officers to ask them to pay attention to whether anyone surrendered.

Next to her, Qiandao Qianxun held an exquisite product book and drew circles for Jiang Xia on it: "This, this, and this..." She circled a dozen gems, "They were all stolen."

After a pause, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Do you know the robber?"

"We just met soon..."

When Jiang Xia recounted his commission for the second time today.

There was suddenly news from the police.

——This jewelry store also has surveillance cameras at the entrance.

The motorcycle Masao Koda was riding during the robbery was clearly photographed, including the license plate.

Following this very obvious clue, the police successfully found Masao Koda's motorcycle near Mihua Station. It seemed that he had abandoned his motorcycle and taken the tram instead - on the steps going down to the platform, a dull-colored gem fell, which was one of the gems stolen from the jewelry store.

Sato Miwako sighed: "Abandoning the motorcycle and taking the is impossible to give up looking for my sister and grab a sum of money to return to my hometown in the countryside. There must be other purposes..."

A group of detectives were still waiting to follow instructions.

Although Sato feels that the matter is not simple, he can only follow the procedures first: "Set up cards at several stations on the circular line where you can transfer, focus on searches, and move faster. Send people to other stations to check."

After speaking, she looked at Jiang Xia subconsciously.

According to experience, if you encounter something like this that you don't understand when solving a case, you will definitely be right to ask Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia noticed her gaze, but her eyes drifted and she looked away. The Kojima store manager who was stuck next to him moved aside intentionally or unintentionally, blocking Miwako Sato's view.

Officer Sato: "..."

Let's not talk about a store manager with too many flaws... Is this little detective hiding something from her?

She wanted to ask, but she felt that if Jiang Xia deliberately concealed it, he probably wouldn't tell him... What was going on?

Sato Miwako touched her chin, and her first reaction was: Jiang Xia had already deduced the whereabouts of Koda Masao, and was trying to get there first without telling the police to take the time to beat him up.

But on second thought, I realized that although Jiang Xia likes to beat prisoners, he usually hits them only when they happen to happen upon them, and does not deliberately hide them from the police.

There must be something else...

Sato Miwako reorganized the cause and effect of the incident and thought about something quickly.

Conan discovered the brief interaction between Jiang Xia and Officer Sato, and had vague suspicions in his heart.

——Judging from the behavior of Koda Masao, his search for Koda Sanae is definitely from the heart and very motivated.

At this time, suddenly coming to rob a jewelry store... I always feel that there may be some connection between the two things.

... He did not cover his face or avoid the camera when he snatched the gem, which shows that Koda Masao has no intention of evading punishment and does not mind being caught for this. The same goes for the motorcycle with its license plate not covered up. In addition, there is the gem that "unfortunately" fell on the platform steps.

These actions were not so much "escape" as they were deliberately directing the police's attention to Rice Flower Station, creating the illusion that Koda Masao was "fleeing in fear of crime."

In fact, starting from Mihua Station, in addition to transferring to other stations, you can actually go to another place - Aipido Town, the home of Watanuki Giichi.


Combining several things together, Conan felt that he might have understood Masao Koda's plan - he wanted to bury the gems he grabbed in the yard of Watanukiyi's family. Later, if the police wanted to search for the stolen goods, they would have to open up the yard of Watanukiyi's family. If there is really a body buried in the yard, it will definitely be exposed by then.

Thinking of this, Conan looked at Officer Sato who was thinking, hesitated, and said nothing.

...The most troublesome "armed robbery" has now happened.

In this case, adding the charge of "sneaking into someone else's yard to bury gems" is actually irrelevant.

Although this is unfair to Watanuki Yiichi, but from another perspective, if Koda Masao really has a mental disorder because of the disappearance of his sister, and then becomes a stalker who stalks and harasses Watanuki Yiichi for a long time, then Digging up the yard to let him see the situation inside was a bit frustrating, but it was also one of the possible ways to get out of this situation.

Jiang Xia probably realized this, so he didn't say anything.

at the same time.

Okiya Subaru and the three children from the Junior Detective Team waved their hands and watched them leave.

Then he straightened up and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


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