Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 783 Finished stripping off the vest

After Okiya Subaru's various investigations, he is currently more inclined: there is no direct relationship between Jiang Xia and Usa.

——Just now, Subaru Okiya asked Koda Masao and learned that the reason why he asked Jiang Xia to entrust him with the task was that when he went to the Mihua Mall, he saw a detective variety show in a store he passed, and Jiang Xia happened to be in it.

So Okiya Subaru went to that shopping mall.

Then I found out that this was just a coincidence.

Masao Koda didn't say what he was going to the mall for that day, but Subaru Okiya looked at the map of the mall for a while based on his purpose, and then tried to go to the outdoor goods store on the fifth floor to ask about the situation. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Masao Koda went there to buy a shovel.

Masao Koda looks a lot like the villain in Masked Superman, "Mole Star", and what he bought happened to be something used for digging in the ground, so the clerk was deeply impressed by him.

Knowing Masao Koda's destination at that time, and re-observing the layout of the supermarket, we can find that it was probably just a coincidence that Masao Koda saw Jiang Xia's variety show at that time - the location of the outdoor products store happened to be on the same day. It is located between the elevator entrances. If you want to get there from the parking lot, there are many ways to choose from. In addition, in that program, Jiang Xia only appeared as a guest guest, and there were not many scenes. People's pace, being attracted to the surrounding products on the way, various accidents... may lead to missing that scene.

In short, Subaru Okiya couldn't imagine how Koda Masao could see Jiang Xia's variety show at that precise time, pass that store, and then come up with the idea of ​​"finding a detective."

...In other words, if this is really a plan, then its randomness is undoubtedly very strong.

And Uzo...

Okiya Subaru carefully thought about it for a long time, and he always felt that Usa wouldn't like this kind of luck-the new boss's desire for control was very strong at first sight, and he even had to personally review and teach the newly recruited peripheral boys. In comparison, this low probability is too random.

Of course, considering the possibility that "Although it was a coincidence that Koda Masao saw Jiang Xia's program in the mall, Usa also had a plan ABCD for Koda Masao to contact Jiang Xia", the cautious Okiya Subaru did more research.

Then it was discovered that among the murder cases and commissions Jiang Xia had handled in the past, a considerable number of the victims were just ordinary people with little status.

After all, Wu Zuo is a young and promising cadre. He is usually very busy and should not have time to come and persecute ordinary citizens. After all, this kind of murderous layout requires a lot of time for advance observation and precise control. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Uzo to be so talented that he could just let people kill people according to his script in just one meeting and a few words. He is not the legendary villain in the story, haha...ha...

Okiya Subaru: "..."

He wanted to smile with relief.

However it failed.

"..." After all, Okiya Subaru thought, even Usa's method of inciting his target to kill him, he still didn't fully understand. In this case, why do you think Uzo can't create a troublesome case in a short time?

... As the saying goes, there is no end to learning. Subaru Okiya has seen many incredible geniuses in his own research field.

At this moment, he was looking at the genius elsewhere, and his self-confidence, which was not inflated at all, suddenly shrank even more.

After walking out of the library, which contained a large number of case newspapers, Okiya Subaru walked down the street with a complicated expression.

Coincidentally, three familiar children ran past him - Ayumi Yoshida, Genta Kojima, and Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya.

Okiya Subaru looked at them for a moment, and suddenly thought, if Jiang Xia and Wu Zuo were really together, then he went to find the child to play porcelain, and then led the naughty child to the burial ground. Is this part of Uzo's plan?

After all, the child he met happened to be an acquaintance of Jiang Xia, which made it difficult for him not to think more...

"..." Subaru Okiya approached the three of Yoshida Ayumi and carefully phrased the words.

Then it was discovered that the children were not called out to play by Jiang Xia or any other suspicious person, but they just wanted to come out and play on their own.

In addition, the "playing baseball" itself was also an impromptu idea - originally they planned to go to Rice Flower Park to play football, but in the morning, Motoda Kojima fell while holding the ball while crossing the overpass, and the football unfortunately rolled onto the side of a passing truck. In the ceiling.

When the ball was gone, they suddenly thought that they might as well go to a remote park to play baseball.

...After hearing this, Subaru Okiya finally had some inclination towards the answer to his question.

——There are too many coincidences in this series of events.


Maybe this is really just a coincidence?

Follow this idea and verify it in reverse.

Okiya Subaru gradually found other evidence to support this idea.

——If Jiang Xia was really Wu Zuo's subordinate, then when a group of people gathered at the door of Mian Guanyi's family just now, Jiang Xia would not have left at all. He would definitely ask a few more questions casually, bring the topic to the group of people playing baseball, and then try to lead to the real burial place.

But Okiya Subaru carefully recalled the previous interactions between the two parties.

I found that at that time, Jiang Xia didn't ask a single question, nor did he take any guiding actions.

... No matter which way you look at it, he is just a detective who does not know any unnecessary information and concentrates on completing the commission.

——This is obviously inconsistent with Uzo's purpose of "promoting the search for the body and sending Yiichi Watanuki to the police as soon as possible."

In other words, Jiang Xia is completely unlike the wage earners under Usa - Subaru Okiya doesn't believe that someone can deliberately slow down the progress and paddle in front of a boss like Usa.

In addition, there is one more thing.

Jiang Xia's past crime-solving style was "as fast as reading a script"... Thinking about it carefully, this is actually a flaw in itself.

If Jiang Xia is really Wuzuo's subordinate and is acting according to Wuzuo's instructions, then this undramatic script-reading method to solve the case will be a failure - just like the scenes of drama stacked up to the end, the final chapter begins, The troupe should have given the audience the most profound and gorgeous performance, revealed the foreshadowing, and given the ending. However, suddenly, all the actors left the stage and all the props were removed. Only the narrator came over, yawned, opened the book, and read the script dryly on the stage. It was still a simplified version without any details...

If Uzo was the director of this scene, he would have been very forbearing if he didn't rush onto the stage with Uzi and beat the self-proclaimed narrator into a honeycomb, and there would be no way he could keep him as his little brother.

...No matter how you think about it, what Jiang Xia did was not the behavior a qualified young man should do.

Generally speaking, when Wu Zuo and Jiang Xia are involved in the case, they will remind people of the "script".

But there is probably no specific relationship between the two "scripts". It became like this just because Jiang Xia originally had this style of solving crimes.

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