Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 784 Jiang Xia and Wu Zuo have nothing to do with each other

Moreover, the previous encounter provided Okiya Subaru with an opportunity to observe Jiang Xia up close.

This also confirms this.

——Jiang Xia is not really reading the script. He obviously has a process of observation and reasoning, and the progress of solving the case will be delayed due to the lack of intelligence. so……

Sure enough, I must be overthinking it.

Okiya Subaru was relieved at the same time.

On the other side, someone's heart was lifted.

"What are you talking about?!" At the Central Hospital, Watuguanyi slapped his hands on the table one by one and glared at the front desk. "The call urging me to come for a check-up was not made by you?!"

The front desk nodded cautiously: "Sorry, we have never made such a call." After saying that, he looked at Watanuki Yiichi's age and couldn't help but remind him in a low voice, "Telecom fraud seems to be popular recently, although I haven't seen it yet. I’ve never used this rhetoric before, but you have to be careful.”

Watanuki Yiichi: "..."

His face twisted, and suddenly he thought of something, turned around suddenly, went out, and took a taxi home.

However, when Watuguanyi arrived at the door of his house.

What was supposed to happen has already happened.

——A large number of police cars surrounded his door.

The police seemed to have just arrived and were hurriedly opening the door and getting out of the car.

And in the yard, there was a person standing at this time.

——Masao Koda threw away the thin stick used to dig the soil and smiled at the police who arrived: "I want to surrender."

Behind him, countless small holes appeared on the tidy lawn of Mian Guanyi's family.

"I scattered the stolen gems and buried them in this yard. To be honest, there are quite a lot of them, and I forgot which ones were buried where. If you want to find them..." Masao Koda said as if he was showing off his work. He waved his hand back and said with a relaxed expression, "I'm afraid we have to turn over the whole land."

Miwako Sato sighed. After arranging the search just now, it didn't take long before she vaguely guessed Masao Koda's purpose. After that, her personal thoughts and her responsibilities as a police officer briefly conflicted. When she rushed over to take a look, she realized that this was indeed the case.

The suspect who surrendered revealed the location where the stolen goods were buried.

Now, even if Yoichi Watanuki objects, the police will have to search his yard.

Wan Guanyi stood in front of a group of people with a cold face. Koda Masao looked at him and sneered: "What's wrong? Are there bones buried in your yard that cannot be seen by the police?"

The store manager Kodao looked at Jiang Xia, then at Masao Koda, and finally at the police, and followed Gong Huo: "I must get my gem back!"

"..." Watanagi stared at Koda Masao for a while, then suddenly sneered.

He pushed a few steps away and said, "You can dig if you want."

There happened to be no murders today, so we had plenty of manpower.

Sato quickly mobilized many police officers and began to carefully dig out Watanuki Yiichi's yard, making sure not to miss any corner.

——Now that you are looking for it, let’s look for it thoroughly. If Koda Sanae can't be found for a day, this matter won't be solved for a day.

When half the yard was dug up.

Jiang Xia glanced out of the corner of her eye and caught a hint of lighter hair color.

He turned around and looked over, and found Subaru Okiya had appeared nearby at some point.

After meeting their gazes, the new subordinate's steps paused slightly.

Soon, Subaru Okiya walked over with a guilty look on his face and whispered: "Sorry, I originally wanted to stop him, but on the way, Mr. Koda left by himself..." Subaru Okiya still remembered that he and Jiang Xia had just separated. At that time, the excuse I made was "I was worried about Koda Masao, so I went to see him."

Jiang Xia nodded and thoughtfully helped his men down the steps: "He has a motorcycle and is very determined. If he insists on leaving, you can't stop him."

Okiya Subaru: "..." This is exactly the excuse he wanted to find.

He was still thinking that if he said these words himself, it would seem a bit deliberate, so he was very hesitant.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia also considered these details and took the initiative to speak out... What a good person. Okiya Subaru once again felt the huge difference between Jiang Xia and Uzuo, and felt very excited.

After solving this small flaw, Okiya Subaru returned to focus on the business.

Seeing the police digging up the yard of Mian Guanyi's family, he sighed secretly.

It is indeed a good plot to rob a gem store and lead the police to search, but...

The place is wrong.

Okiya Subaru looked at his watch and remembered the mission deadline and Usa's kind smile. He couldn't help but push up his glasses to hide the anxiety in his heart.

But no matter how urgent it is, now there are police all around, and there is also a keen detective. The more times like this, the more patience you have to have... Fortunately, they have found this step and are not far from the truth.

Okiya Subaru looked at the busy group of people in front of him, thinking about ways to get them to find the correct search direction as soon as possible. For a moment, he felt that he was experiencing Usa's higher-level God's perspective.

The only difference is probably that Uzo seems to be relaxed and confident of victory, but he has to bear the pain of conscience and worry about the time limit given by Uzo...

Okiya Subaru sighed inwardly and secretly observed the people present, preparing to find the right opportunity to speed up the progress of the case.

Until dusk, more than half of the lawn of the villa was turned over from the inside out. At this time, all the lost gems of Qiandao Qianxun had been found, but nothing related to the "female corpse" could be found. Not even a scrap of clothing was seen.

There is still a little half of the lawn left.

Watanuki Yiichi looked at the police with a hint of provocation: "It's rare that you help me dig up the ground. I will turn this half into a family vegetable garden - do you want to continue with the remaining half?"

Miwako Sato looked at the calm Giichi Watanuki, and then at Masao Koda, who was obviously a criminal suspect but was currently in the police force, digging harder than anyone else. She turned helplessly to her disgraced subordinates: "continue."

...The matter has come to this point, everything has been excavated, and we have to dig it all out no matter what.

At the entrance of the courtyard, Jiang Xia, who was watching the police digging the ground, also sighed.

The clue check-in point this time is really far away.

However, it has been postponed until now, and he continues to solve the case smoothly step by step, but he does not look like the agile detective he usually is. He touched his chin, thought for a while, then turned and walked outside the hospital.

Conan and Huiyuan Ai noticed Jiang Xia's movements and quickly followed him.

Okiya Subaru hesitated for a moment, then blended into their group naturally.

As Jiang Xia walked, he whispered: "Mr. Watanuki looks very confident. I always feel that even if the rest of the ground is dug, it will be difficult to find the body."

Like an innocent passer-by, Subaru Okiya showed his shaken emotion as he was confused by the murderer: "That Miss Koda, has she really been here?"

"Huh?" Jiang Xia glanced at him and felt that he had found a drama subordinate.

He suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, I just heard you say that you were busy working on your paper... Come with us. Doesn't the paper matter?"

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