Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 788 Uzo candidates increased

at this time. After listening to what Jiang Xia just said, several police officers were looking at the manhole covers in the alley, trying to extract traces from them.

As soon as Mian Guanyi rushed forward, he pointed at several police officers and asked sternly: "What are you doing?!"

Miwako Sato followed closely behind him. It's just that I have nowhere to start with an older person. Seeing Yiichi Watanagi running closer and closer, he was worried that he had destroyed the evidence, and was about to stop him ruthlessly. At this time, Koda Masao jumped out of nowhere, pressed Watuan Yiyi against the wall, and looked at Jiang Xia: "Where is the body?!"

Jiang Xia stepped back half a step, looked at the manhole cover at his feet, and recalled the details he had just asked the enthusiastic passerby:

"According to what Mr. Mochida just said, on the night Miss Koda Sanae disappeared, the road outside was under construction. A truck was parked at the entrance of the alley, blocking the view from the outside into the alley. If the body was transported through here, it would be very difficult outside. Hard to find.

"Across the alley, there happens to be a construction site on the other side. If Mr. Watanuki wants to hide the body, it will be very convenient to bury it at the construction site next door - this construction site happens to be building an apartment. Once the body is hidden, Once the apartment is completed, no one will disturb it for decades or even centuries, making it very safe.

"However, things were not as he planned - not long after the body was hidden, the construction of the apartment stopped. In this case, the place may be renovated at any time, and the murderer felt very uneasy, but because the location of the burial was relatively The edge may not be renovated, so he took a chance and did not move the body immediately, but just kept watching there with binoculars."

Wankanyi's forehead jumped, and he stubbornly denied: "The construction site is locked, how can I still carry the body over the wall! I don't have such a strong body at all, you are slandering!"

"Don't change the subject." Sato Miwako glanced at him, "It's through the manhole cover." She remembered that Jiang Xia had been staring at the manhole cover, and Watanuki Yiichi must have noticed it, but he was still struggling to death.

Mian Guanyi's mind went blank.

"Block this alley, find someone to go down, and try to see if you can get to the construction site next door." Officer Sato knocked on the iron wall of the construction site next to him. "After you go down, collect evidence first to minimize damage to the surrounding area."

Takagi Sheba resignedly opened the manhole cover and began to climb down.

Not long after, there was a "clang" sound from the other side of the iron wall.

Soon, a group of people heard Takagi Wataru shouting through the iron wall: "You can get here!"

Police quickly contacted everyone at the construction site.

The lock on the construction site was unlocked and a group of people entered. Start looking for corpses in the vast open space.

Now that we have started fast forwarding, why not fast forward to the end.

Jiang Xia looked at the cosmos in the corner and pointed at it: "Maybe here - Miss Koda's colleague gave her a few cosmos seeds that day. If Miss Koda wraps them in a paper bag, Put it in your pocket, and the body is buried in the ground..."

Having said this, he sighed and did not continue.

Okiya Subaru also looked at the big cosmos and pushed up his glasses.

Even if it is deliberately disguised, there will inevitably be some differences between the land that was turned over a month ago and the land that was turned over just a few days ago. The day before yesterday, Uzo just asked him to turn over the land and then introduce it as if he were introducing information. , showed him the body buried there.

Now, Okiya Subaru is worried that this will be seen: As the promoter of this case, although he has tried his best to behave very naturally, there are still some suspicious things left, and what he is facing is A genius detective like Jiang Xia who can see through the script of his genius boss in an instant, if these doubts are connected together...

Fortunately, these worries did not come true.

——Masao Koda, who was holding a shovel, suddenly jumped out from an unknown corner, broke away from the police and rushed to dig.

The problematic soil was quickly brushed aside. It was already dark by this time, and the police didn't notice anything was wrong. Only the little boy with glasses who had been following Jiang Xia, because his height was closer to the mound, curiously went over to take a look, and even grabbed a handful of soil and twirled it. Before he could do anything else, he was taken away by the police and kept away from the possible Where the body appears.

Okiya Subaru glanced at Conan. Although this child was very smart, no matter how smart the child was, he would not be able to figure out such a complicated matter... He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to stand nearby and watch.

Not long after, the patch of land where the cosmos was was carefully dug up, revealing the body underneath.

On the other side, Sato Miwako has sent people back to the sewer to try to find possible blood stains.

Mian Guanyi looked at the corpse for a while, and then looked at the police officers busy at the manhole cover, and finally felt that the situation was over.

——Koda Sanae broke the back of his head at that time. When transporting the body, he was a little panicked and failed to cover it in time. The blood stains all the way from the villa to the sewer outlet.

Thinking of this, Watanuki Yiichi finally covered his heart, knelt down, struggled to take a life-saving pill, and then said regretfully:

"I didn't mean to kill her. It's just that all the stocks I bought from her lost money, without exception.

"Although this little money is nothing to me, I always feel like I've been fooled - when selling, that bastard woman acted like "this will definitely make money", but when she lost, she would just repeat it again They said 'the stock market is risky'. When she came to my house that day, I angrily asked her to compensate, but she kept bowing and apologizing and never mentioned money. There was no sincerity at all!

"So I said that I would stop cooperating with their company and told her to get out of here. Then I didn't want to talk to her anymore, so I went upstairs alone... Who knew that when she heard this, she actually chased me and suddenly grabbed me at the corner. Let me think about it again. As soon as I pulled away subconsciously, she rolled down the stairs. I was so panicked that I had to..."

No one knew whether what he said was true or false.

But the police did detect blood stains under the stairs of Watuguanyi's home.

Watching this scene, Okiya Subaru made a calculation in his mind - Watanuki Yiichi will definitely stay in prison for a long time.

The organization's task of "making Giichi Watanuki disappear" was solved so secretly and easily, and the police did not find any trace of the soil being disturbed. Everything was perfect.

Okiya Subaru: "..." But, for some reason, ever since the body was exhumed, he always felt like he was being watched by something...

Subaru Okiya touched his chin in confusion, thinking of the horrible and badly decomposed female corpse, and silently clasping his hands together in his mind - maybe he dug someone's grave earlier and caused displeasure, so he was targeted?

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