Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 789 Stay away from me when gods fight

But Subaru Okiya quickly thought about it again.

——In fact, he didn’t mean it. When Uzo asked him to dig down there, he didn’t even know that there were corpses buried underneath... It’s okay, calm down. There are no ghosts in the world. Even if there are, they will give priority. Go find someone else, such as a cadre behind the scenes...

Okiya Subaru thought about his new boss, and despite his fear, he felt a strange sense of security - before the ghost killed Usa, he probably had no time to make things difficult for his little wage earner. According to legend, ghosts are afraid of evil people. No matter how you look at it, Wu Zuo looks like he is very capable of suppressing ghosts...

Thinking of this, Okiya Subaru gradually felt relieved.

He wrapped his windbreaker tightly, adjusted his scarf, and made an appointment with the police to take notes.

I asked for Jiang Xia's business card again, and then I was going to say goodbye to this detective who was good at solving crimes and had a good "Uzuo style" compatibility with them, and went to catch up on my thesis.

But when he raised his head to say hello, Subaru Okiya suddenly found that Jiang Xia looked at him in a strange way. Although he quickly covered it up, Subaru Okiya always felt that there was a subtle inquiry hidden in the young detective's eyes. and alert.

Okiya Subaru was slightly startled, and his first reaction was: What did those two clever children say to Jiang Xia, such as peeking at his mobile phone screen... which made Jiang Xia feel a little disgusted with him.

However, soon, Subaru Okiya couldn't help but think, if even a child thinks he is suspicious, maybe Jiang Xia also...

Uzo's warning of "if you are exposed, you will bury yourself in the ground" flashed through his mind, and his scalp was slightly numb.

But I quickly remembered that the day before yesterday, when Uzo mentioned "exposed", the specific wording was, "the police caught him with something tangible."

...Think about it carefully, why did Uzo add "police" to his words at that time, instead of using the more common expression "being caught by someone else"?

At that time, Subaru Okiya was being held down by Usa and looking lovingly at the rotting eye sockets of the corpse at close range, and had no time to think about it.

But now, after experiencing all this, he suddenly discovered that there might be some other meaning hidden in Uzo's seemingly casual threat.

——Although it is true that only the police are qualified to arrest people, Uzo's statement invisibly excludes the "detectives" among the "people who find something suspicious", leaving only the "police". In other words... Jiang Xia has long noticed traces of Wu Zuo's existence, and Wu Zuo also discovered this?

As soon as this idea came up, it was out of control.

Okiya Subaru suddenly realized that these two geniuses related to the case happened to be in Tokyo. The more frequent the cases, the more likely they are to encounter them - in this case, perhaps Jiang Xia has already discovered traces of human manipulation behind some cases.

...If Jiang Xia is really as awesome as the media makes him out to be, then it is actually very reasonable for him to have this kind of observation ability.

Especially, if Wu Zuo deliberately leads Jiang Xia to the crime scene at some point in order to pursue efficiency or to have a good character in the case... then Jiang Xia will definitely be able to find unnatural traces in it.

——Everything has two sides. When a good knife kills the enemy, it will be like chopping melons and vegetables. But if one day, the knife suddenly awakens and cuts the user in turn, it will also be like chopping melons and vegetables... against a crow. Zuo Lai, Jiang Xia is probably such a knife.

Okiya Subaru was a little nervous at first. But he quickly thought that it was impossible for Uzo not to understand this kind of danger that even he could understand. In other words...

Um? !

"..." Combined with what Uzuo did the day before yesterday, Okiya Subaru suddenly had a suspicion.

... Could it be that Uzuo teaches his younger brother step by step to perform tasks not just because he is strict? The more real reason is that Uzo wants to push a scapegoat and help him take the blame when things are really difficult to cover up?

Okiya Subaru: "..." Indeed, in this way, even if one day, Jiang Xia really finds evidence that "someone is planning and promoting the murder behind the scenes", compared to the elusive Usa, it is obviously "Okiya Subaru" People who come into contact with him are more likely to become targets in the eyes of detectives and police.

In other words, the more I imitate Uzo and the more I can stand alone, the closer I will be to being exposed...

As he thought about it, Subaru couldn't stop sweating even though the weather was still cold... He had known for a long time that he would take the blame in the workplace, so he kept putting off working and dedicating himself to academia. He didn't expect that in the organization, he would be the one to take the blame. You have to take the blame!


Okiya Subaru pushed up his glasses.

Calm down and think about it. In today's mission, although I inevitably showed some doubts, no one really caught "tangible evidence of a crime".

In addition, judging from past reports and what I saw and heard today, Jiang Xia is obviously not the kind of death reserve who immediately starts shouting when he catches the slightest clue. Instead, he will not say a word until the evidence is collected and is very cautious. .

So in the same way, at this stage, even if Jiang Xia realizes that there is someone behind the case, as long as he has not found evidence, the "mastermind" is still safe, at least he will not attract the attention of the police.

And this time...

Okiya Subaru touched his chin and felt that just because of what happened today, he could be a passerby who is afraid of trouble - for example, for some reason, he witnessed the burial site or discovered clues in the construction site, but because he didn't want to cause trouble Because he didn't call the police and didn't dare to contact the victim's family, he had to bring a few people over to wait for an opportunity to expose the situation.

Also, although Subaru Okiya has never seen Usao when he was doing missions, he wants to know that in the past, when the new boss was behind the scenes and causing trouble, he must have hidden it very deeply.

——Therefore, Jiang Xia will certainly feel suspicious and wary of the suspicious "Okiya Subaru", but on the other hand, Jiang Xia may not match the characteristics of "Okiya Subaru" and the "mastermind" in the past. And keenly feel the sense of dissonance.

In short, as long as you don't repeat the same behavior over and over again, it won't be easy for Jiang Xia to see through it. Even if he sees through it... Thinking on the bright side, Jiang Xia might be able to work harder to see through Usa's conspiracy and discover that Subaru Okiya is just an innocent person who takes the blame...

Thinking of this, Okiya Subaru gained a little confidence to carry on.

But then he thought about it, the frequency of his missions and whether he met Jiang Xia in the missions were actually not up to him at all. It's all Uzo's behind the scenes... The boss of the organization is indeed unreliable. It's better to hold on to the FBI and run away.

While thinking, Subaru Okiya quickly left despite the suspicious glances of the detectives behind him, secretly yearning for a beautiful country without Usa.

Not long after he left, Jiang Xia also said goodbye to the police and returned to Mihua Town with her two children.

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