Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 790 Case closed. Please vote for me ()

On the way, Conan whispered: "...I always feel that that person is a bit strange. Although it seems that all his actions have reasonable explanations, when combined, they are actually very coincidental - it is almost as if he is deliberately guiding us. This murder was found to be the same.

"Also, I don't know if it was my imagination. The color of the soil in the area where the body was buried was slightly different. Unfortunately, Mr. Koda rushed over so quickly that I didn't have time to tell whether it was an illusion of light and shadow or whether it was real. has a problem……"

Haihara Ai has a different view.

She has always been instinctively wary of strangers appearing around her.

——In the eyes of the organization, "Shirley" must have escaped far away, so the organization has relaxed its search efforts in this area. In addition, there are also anonymous people who will provide information to Haibara Ai in advance, and even personally Help her escape... But even so, Huihara Ai has not escaped for too long after all, and her instinctive fear of the organization has not completely dissipated.

Under this premise, she naturally observed Okiya Subaru carefully.

Okiya Haibara Ai's opinion, he doesn't seem to have much organizational aura.

Even though she had been around Jiang Xia for a long time, her senses in this area were a bit slow, but even if she put this aside and just looked at pure good and bad, Okiya Subaru didn't give her too much of a "bad guy" feeling.

"Since it seems like a coincidence, maybe it's really just a coincidence - it's no wonder that people under great pressure do anything. And indeed, the closer they get to the deadline, the more they like to escape and take time off, such as being obsessed with cases and not writing papers. some type of."

Haibara Ai thought of Subaru Okiya sitting next to him while they were playing baseball, typing on the keyboard, and a bit of sympathy flashed in his eyes:

“In addition, it may be that he accidentally discovered the body buried at the construction site before, but for some reasons did not dare to solve the case, so he promoted the solving process in a roundabout way.

"-In short, I don't think there's much need to worry, he doesn't seem to have much malice.

"And no matter what the reason, his purpose is to solve this case, which at least shows that he is not a bad person - shouldn't you detectives and police officers appreciate this kind of enthusiastic citizens? Although his enthusiastic approach is too cautious A little bit..."

"It makes sense..."

That's what Conan said, but I still feel that something is not right.

After thinking for a moment, he remembered that there was a reference book on solving crimes beside him, and couldn't help but raise his head and ask Jiang Xia: "What do you think?"

...This is not asking for an answer. He has also thought about it. Now he is just looking for his companions to confirm his conjecture...

"I don't know, there are two possibilities." After Jiang Xia finished speaking, he suddenly seemed to have remembered something, frowned and whispered, "'I hope the case will be solved' does not necessarily mean that he is a good person. After all, after the case is solved, he will benefit. In fact, it’s not just the police and the victims..."

Haiyuan Ai was startled and became nervous. Jiang Xia actually said that... Is there really something wrong with Subaru Okiya?

"Why do you think so?" Conan's eyes lit up, "Have you discovered anything suspicious about him?"

"...No, I have no contact with Okiya Subaru. I just thought of something else." Jiang Xia sighed softly, cut off the words skillfully, and acted as the Riddler.

And conveniently sold a wave of Uzo, resolutely drawing a clear line with this cunning and insidious organizational cadre - anyway, the current "Uzo" is just an elusive puppet. To take a step back, even if one day in the future, the "Jiang Xia = Wu Zuo" incident is exposed, Conan and the others will only suspect that Wu Zuo's conscience discovered it and wanted to reveal some information to the red side, instead of thinking about this sentence now. As for thinking it was Jiang Xia who drove the vest and overturned...

"What else?" Conan raised his ears and started to ask.

However, the essence of the Riddler is that after finishing a sentence, he cuts off the topic in various ways and resolutely refuses to give the following.

Jiang Xia was full of riddle spirit and did not answer.

He glanced at his phone, then raised his hand to hail a taxi passing by.

This time, even Hui Yuan Ai was startled.

In her impression, when Jiang Xia was not riding a motorcycle, she obviously preferred other spacious public transportation, such as subways, trains, and buses, over cars.

But this time...

Hui Yuan Ai asked cautiously in confusion: "You have something to do and you have to rush?"

...If the organization suddenly sends out a mission, then she can help Jiang Xia take away Conan's troublesome problem and give him time to act alone.

However, Jiang Xia just raised his hand and pressed his forehead, and then sighed: "Maybe the temperature difference has been big these days, I have a bit of a cold, I don't feel very well... Go back early."


The taxi stopped on the side of the road and three people got in.

Conan remembered the topic that had just stopped abruptly and wanted to ask further.

But in the front row, Jiang Xia had already leaned on the car seat and closed her eyes, looking like she was in do not disturb mode.

Conan hesitated for a moment, but finally retreated under the increasingly fierce look in Hui Yuan Ai's eyes. He silently closed his mouth to ask questions, looked at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, and thought to himself.

...The contact between Jiang Xia and Okiya Subaru was indeed not that much, and many suspicious points were not observed.

So compared to Okiya Subaru, it was probably the later topic that brought back some memories for him, and then he suddenly started to feel "uncomfortable" and refused to answer the questions - when he went to Koda Sanae Company before, Jiangxia was obviously very Normal look.

"..." So what is the "other thing" that Jiang Xia remembered?

Conan's mind began to flip through all the cases that Jiang Xia had solved, like flipping through a book, trying to find the parts that were similar to today's case.

Jiang Xia didn't directly answer Haiyuan Ai's question just now.

But the mini-scientist actually asked the right question—he was in a hurry.

...After the main body "returns home", he will secretly leave again and rush to follow Subaru Okiya to see if he can find Shuichi Akai. Although the Ganfanmao is now driving a puppet around Okiya Subaru, Jiang Xia still feels that this cat is not very reliable.

In short, in the past two days, Jiang Xia would occasionally drive around in a cat vest and walk around Okiya Subaru, and put transmitters and bugs on his paws.

Judging from the signal, Subaru Okiya has not left the scene too far at present - he seems to have returned to the coffee shop near Wan Guanyi's family, and he doesn't know what he is doing. This is obviously followed by Jiang Xia with a vest. He left a good opportunity.

Of course, relying solely on transmitters and bugs will not achieve good tracking results - Subaru Okiya has never lived an undercover life with bugs flying around, and he doesn't have much dealings with detectives, so he lacks vigilance in this aspect. .

But if he comes into contact with Akai Shuichi, Akai Shuichi is likely to find a problem.

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