Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 793 The Mystery of Shuichi Akai’s Hat

Although currently, Jiang Xia has not been able to sense any murderous aura in Subaru Okiya's academy venue.

But Shuichi Akai is a red man after all. Referring to Toru Amuro's words, it is actually very reasonable that he usually does not risk murder.

With this in mind, Jiang Xia put on her cat vest, approached the window, and looked expectantly into the venue.

After a while, he discovered to his disappointment that he might have thought too much.

——The window he was in had a very high sill.

A quick glance revealed a neat, shiny bald spot. Okiya Subaru, the heretic with hair, stood out among them.

Besides Okiya Subaru, there was another person with normal hair.

But it was a petite schoolgirl.

As we all know, in the scientific technology of "disguise", body shape has always been the most difficult factor to change, especially when changing from tall to short or from big to small.

Even Kidd, the direct son of Kuroba Toichi, can only rely on the primitive method of "leg bending" to change his height. It is even more impossible for a layman like Akai Shuichi to shrink his tall body of nearly 1.9 meters. A mini girl who is 1.6 meters tall.

As for disguising himself as a bald man...

I always feel that Shuichi Akai cannot make this type of sacrifice.

"……"Um? Wait, maybe.

Jiang Xia took a rough look at his memory bank. Suddenly, I realized that in my impression, Shuichi Akai would always wear a hat no matter when he was a student, FBI, or undercover.

Sometimes it’s a baseball cap, sometimes it’s a swimming cap. More often, it's the iconic knitted hat... This man's obsession with hats is comparable to vodka's pair of sunglasses and gin's long hair...

So, could it be that the truth behind this is that under Shuichi Akai’s knitted hat...

Jiang Xia imagined the scene in her mind, her ears twitched slightly, and she couldn't help but become curious.

After hesitating for a moment, he spent a little more murderous energy, followed the contract, contacted Miyano Akemi, who stayed on duty next to the main body, and raised questions.

Miyano Akemi was gathering around two ghosts to place bets on Akai Shuichi's murderous taste.

Sensing her master's doubts, she held her chin and thought for a moment, then regretfully gave the answer:

Shuichi Akai is not bald yet. You may wear a hat just to look good, or to protect your head.

Jiang Xia received the answer: "..."

He looked at the conspicuous Mediterranean lights in the venue with disappointment. In this case, Shuichi Akai is probably not in it...

Although the conclusion was drawn based on off-site factors.

But to be cautious, Jiang Xia re-examined the people in the venue and asked the ghosts to pass through the mold to see the situation.

A few minutes later, the conclusion that "Akai Shuichi was not among them" was verified.

Jiang Xia sighed, turned and left.

Jiang Xia drove the cat back to the car and looked at the car when it came. He began to think about whether to continue following Okiya Subaru or return to the detective agency to find a new client.

——Akai Shuichi is like an unknown and rare blind box, which is indeed very attractive.

But we can’t let go of those basic survival materials that we need every day...

Before he could think about it, the mermaid floating next to him suddenly moved.

She seemed to have noticed something, looking at the house across the street from a distance, wagging her tail and patting Jiang Xia as a reminder.

Jiang Xia stared at her translucent tail fin that kept shaking, and instinctively raised her hand.

Then he quickly put it down as if nothing had happened.

...Now is obviously not the time to fight with the fish.

Because the ghosts seemed to sense the smell of rations from that direction.


And it smells of good quality.

Jiang Xia immediately thought of Akai Shuichi who might be hiding nearby and observing Okiya Subaru's condition.

He decisively followed the news from the ghosts and went there.

However, as he continued to get closer to the source of murderous aura, Jiang Xia gradually felt that he was thinking too much.

...The murderous aura is indeed there, and it is indeed very high-end.

But it was obviously the murderous aura of a familiar person, filled with the familiar smell of alcohol.

Jiang Xia: "..." Ginjiu is actually nearby...

Could it be that after hanging out with Conan for a long time, I also developed the physique of "going out to drink gin"?

Although it was not as expected, but then I thought: It’s here. It's much better to go to Gin's place to search for extra murderous energy than to have a meeting with Okiya Subaru in a group of light bulbs.

With this thought in mind, he continued to drive the cat towards the source of the murderous aura.

After jumping up to the last section of the wall, in the shadow of the abandoned building ahead, there was indeed a familiar black Porsche parked.

Further away, Vodka had already gotten out of the car and was negotiating something in a low voice with a man in a black suit at the end of the building.

Gin sat in the car, looking over there, casually wiping his very durable Beretta, and occasionally glancing around.

Gin usually doesn't let in strangers, and maybe even cats.

Jiang Xia patted the ghosts floating nearby and asked them to go over and collect the excess murderous energy.

Then he hesitated for a moment, and suddenly realized that he might as well go for a walk - if Gin hated cats, wouldn't he be able to harvest an extra wave?

Although the idea of ​​killing animals is difficult to form murderous intent. But Gin's murderous aura generation mechanism seems to be different from that of ordinary people. The amount of his murderous aura is obviously related to his mood.

...Of course, Jiang Xia thought, fishing for murderous aura is all about fishing for murderous aura, and we should try our best to prevent the cat puppet from being shot.

This cat has a unique pattern and color. Although if he dies in front of others, he can still fool him by using the excuse "cats from the same litter with the same color" when he reappears. But if it happens too often, it will still arouse suspicion.

——After all, the number of cats per litter is limited. Moreover, only one of his Dark Clouds and Snow can appear at the same time.

With this in mind, Jiang Xia observed the environment and planned to approach in a roundabout way from a concealed place.

But suddenly, his eyes stopped and stopped on the wall next to him.

——A cat jumped up out of nowhere.

It's Jiang Xia's favorite orange cat. It's a little fat and a big furry ball.

Jiang Xia looked at it appreciatively. Seeing cats from a cat's perspective is not too scary, but makes it more lucid.

However, the cat across from him didn't seem to have the same idea as him.

——Looking at each other for a moment, the orange cat's ears turned toward him warily, the cat arched slightly, and its round but sharp eyes were fixed on Jiang Xia, and it actually looked like it was going to step forward and beat him.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Being a human and a cat is indeed not the same... It may be that the client's cat is used to being persecuted, so it usually has a good temper and can lie down and act casually, but this cat in front of you is different...

He took two steps back, trying to make peace with the beautiful cat.

However, the orange cat didn't seem to understand what he meant. As soon as Jiang Xia retreated, it suddenly pounced in and slapped him with a paw.

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