Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 796 Uzo’s Cat Please vote for me (●`●)~

Okiya Subaru almost never goes out with others. There are not many seniors, brothers, and sisters. Even the professor who is most prone to problems comes and goes every day without a trace.

The remaining people all kept to themselves, as if they didn't even have a background for the camera.

Jiang Xia: "..."

How could things become like this...

The life of stalking in a stagnant pool of water is much more boring than imagined. Even the expectations for Akai Shuichi are hard to offset.

Jiang Xia put on her cat vest and yawned boredly, gradually making a decision in her heart.

When Subaru Okiya started typing on the keyboard again, he sneaked to the balcony without interest, pulled open the window bolt, slipped through the crack of the window, and jumped downstairs silently to leave.

……never mind.

Anyway, Akai Shuichi will be involved in the center of the incident sooner or later, and most likely it will be through the connection point of "Okiya Subaru".

In this case, fate will always meet. The blind box opened early and late, but in fact there was not much difference. In comparison, Jiang Xia thought that the time she wasted with Okiya Subaru might be enough to pick up a few more strange cases.

In addition, Jiang Xia actually has other things to be busy with these days.

——Now that the fake "Usa" has come to meet Subaru Okiya, of course the other new boys sent by the organization will also have to meet one by one and give them some instructions. Treat them equally and never treat suspicious persons differently.

In addition, when Uzo issued a mission, he gave one to each of his brothers.

A while ago, Jiangxia took Matsuda Jinpei to see Gin, and when he registered the puppet with the pseudonym "Nishito" as the fake "Usa" on the surface, Ginjiu also registered "Jiangxia" This "peripheral member" was assigned to Uzuo's command.

...In this case, as one of Wu Zuo's younger brothers, "Jiang Xia" certainly has a task to do as a "meeting gift".

"..." If you want to create a perfect substitute, you really need a lot of preparation work.

Since there is no progress on Subaru's side, let's spend his time on more meaningful things first.

...By the way, the newly added cat vest can also be shown to other boys.

Not to show off his cat, but after much thought, it was better to give this cat to "Wu Zuo" than to "Jiang Xia".

If the cat does anything in the future, the blame will naturally fall on Uzo.

On this basis, the more people the cat comes into contact with, the easier it will be for him to distance himself from Jiang Xia.

I hope that in the future, even if the cat and Jiang Xia appear carelessly at the same time, people who see this scene will not find it strange - because in the eyes of others, this will be a cat that likes to visit everywhere and is at home all over the world.

In the eyes of those who know "Uzuo", this is even more reasonable - it is normal for Uzuo's cat to visit his younger brothers and supervise their work.

Besides, the good thing about this cat is that you don’t have to worry about it.

——Jiang Xia’s home does not have any cat equipment. The fake cat does not need to eat or litter box. It can play with ghosts if it wants to play. It does not need cat toys, and it will not get sick. Even if the cat loses its fur, when the puppet disappears, the cat hair will also disappear with it... In this case, even if Jiang Xia insists that this is his cat, no one who is good at observing will believe it.

In short, if someone from the red side asks, why not just insist that this is a cat that came to visit Jiang Xia, and let it in because it is cute. As for who its owner is... I don’t know, I haven’t seen it, it doesn’t matter. .

The cat wanders back and forth between red and black, approaching everyone equally, which is not harmful. After all, you can't expect a free-range cat to stand firm like a human.

Jiang Xia trotted to the blind corner while thinking about what happened next.

Then he turned around while wearing the cat vest, glanced with disgust at Subaru Okiya's peaceful apartment without any murderous intent, dismissed the puppet without any regrets, and returned to his true form.

after a few days.

After Okiya Subaru got up, he immediately glanced around the bed.

Then he opened the sliding door again, walked to the balcony, and took a look outside.

The semi-open balcony has almost the same temperature as the outdoors. The cold wind howled past, causing him to sneeze.

Subaru Okiya braved the wind and looked carefully at the balcony, but couldn't find anything.

He sighed in defeat, had no choice but to wrap himself up in his pajamas, and regretfully returned to the house.

...I don’t know why, but that worry-free and close-to-human cat hasn’t come here for several days.

Okiya Subaru waited for a while through the floor-to-ceiling window.

Still no sign of the cat.

But something else came.

——The doorbell rang suddenly.

Okiya Subaru was startled, returned to the living room, walked to the door, and looked out through the peephole.

I found a tall courier standing outside.

As soon as Okiya Subaru saw the other person clearly, the courier raised his eyes keenly, withdrew his gaze to look at the surrounding situation, and his eyes fell precisely on the cat's eyes.

The two parties "looked at each other" through peepholes.

Okiya Subaru: "!"

Although the "courier" wore a mask and covered his face. But when the man raised his head, revealing his distinctive mixed-race eyes under the brim of his hat, combined with his unique eyeliner, his identity was already evident.

——Akai Shuichi.

"..." Subaru Okiya thought that Akai Shuichi would disappear for two months before he would come out to meet him before he evacuated.

I didn't expect the other party to come so quickly.

For a moment, Okiya Subaru felt a little relieved. The FBI is indeed very reliable, and this thigh seems to be in the right position... It's a pity that even if I follow them now, I can't bring the cat I met in my hometown...

Okiya Subaru sighed, opened the door, and welcomed Akai Shuichi in.

At the same time, he looked slightly warily at the corridor and then in the direction of the balcony.

There is actually a thin wall between the living room and the balcony window. The outside cannot look directly in here, so there is no need to worry about prying eyes from the other side.

But when Subaru Okiya thought about Uzo, he still couldn't feel relieved - he couldn't see through Uzo's way of pushing the case, and he had no idea about the logic of this new boss's behavior.

Just like now, Subaru Okiya wonders if the moment Shuichi Akai entered his house, Usa suddenly descended from the sky with a group of organization members and captured the traitor on the spot... No, Mr. Akai still has the value of "capture" , he would probably have to be shot dead on the spot...

Akai Shuichi took a look at the situation in the room, but he was not as worried as Okiya Subaru.

Before he appeared, he had of course observed the surroundings in advance. And although Shuichi Akai is wary of organizational cadres, he is not as afraid as Subaru Okiya.

"Time is limited, tell me the previous situation in detail." Shuichi Akai closed the door and put the long and narrow "express" in his hand, with no intention of handing it to the customer, "Especially about that 'Uzo'—— Your new boss."

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